
Level One. Animals.

Posted on: October 22, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Animal experience can be passed on from family, learning how to strive at thriving and ability. Parents can be guides at how to get on, as some skills are not easily won. Each task can be a …

Level Three. Grandparent Questions.

Posted on: October 15, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Everyone seemed to have them or know of them, New One knew that, and he had heard often stated that they could be incredibly positive people to have in life. Although this had been told to him, New One …

Level Two. In Need of Help.

Posted on: October 9, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Lana, the dog who had come to live with New One and his family, had been a stray. It had been difficult but she had found a loving home and experienced no more neglect. New One watched …

Level One. Now You.

Posted on: October 1, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd.   Now you have made me laugh, and you made me think of a great big giraffe, with his long, long legs and neck, giving me a peck, a peck, a peck. Now you have called me …

Level Three. A Learning Curve.

Posted on: September 24, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Scores did not only apply to sports, results or scores of exams at school were what mattered to New One. He never did have an expression that did not belie all to his mum and dad. Thinking about …

Level Two. Helping You.

Posted on: September 17, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Volunteers were people who could do something for someone else and often this would be a worthwhile objective. Some people donated their time or raised awareness about an issue because they knew they could be of assistance …

Level One. Adapting.

Posted on: September 10, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Tech? Technology was what they used to say, when tablets came out and on phones they would play. It was eyes down, screens out and off they would go, and technology time for the family would begin …

Level Three. No.

Posted on: September 3, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. There had been a response that Little Herbert had given a lot of late and it was a questionable word because others who knew him previously had not heard him use it that often. What was the …

Level Two. Missing Mayhem.

Posted on: August 27, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. When Lana went away, New One’s life took a turn for the worse. It had all started when Patch, the neighbour’s dog had gone missing. Patch was an adorable dog and a firm companion to Lana on …

Level One. Survival Stress.

Posted on: August 20, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Environments were important and this was why, animals needed to know upon what they could rely. Taking the stress out of survival could help animals to thrive, it was the best way to help enhance wildlife lives. …

Level Three. Excuses.

Posted on: August 12, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. All good plans, do not always end up with good outcomes and in this case New One found himself struggling and straining over the subject of not having done something. He felt like a failure and the …

Level Two. Grandparent Stress.

Posted on: August 6, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. New One loved his Grandma. She was, as had been told of multiple times, an incredibly positive person in life. He loved her. She loved him. The arrangement was a lovable one, on both sides. New One …

Level One. Overwhelm.

Posted on: July 30, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Parents were parents when babies were there, it was not always easy trying to be fair. Looking after needs and overseeing too, it could be slightly overwhelming trying to see it all through. Giving, taking, sharing and …

Level Three. Right, Wrong or Maybe.

Posted on: July 23, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Conflict was not something that New One felt easy about but on this occasion he felt he had to give a resolution a go. New One braced himself and went straight into the one on one disagreement. …

Level Two. Morality.

Posted on: July 16, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Being moral was not an actual thing that he could hold in his hand but New One knew it was there, inside him and with it he could tell right from wrong. His Mum and his Dad …

Level One. Growing.

Posted on: July 9, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. You might look at me and think Puppy, eat, sleep and play repeatedly. I do all those things but as I go I learn, to grow and for new experiences I simply yearn. I nip and yap, …

Level Three. Fights and Flights.

Posted on: July 2, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert found all animals interesting and this had been the case for quite some time. It took his breath away to contemplate how strangely beautiful differing animals were and how the lifestyles of the different species …

Level Two. Me and Mine.

Posted on: June 25, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert was a lover of family. It meant a lot to him. Family was a part of his understanding about many life lessons and those were built on being able to support those who mattered most. …

Level One. Full.

Posted on: June 18, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. I am full of ideas and full of play, but I do so much more in my kind of day. I know you say I run about too much, but there are many things with which I …

Level Three. Worthwhile.

Posted on: June 11, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. At school RV had been engrossed in what he was doing. That in itself was nothing new but the idea that he had become interested in was something innovative. Worthwhile had been the word and ideas for …

Level Two. Environment Enlightenment.

Posted on: June 4, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. The trio, RV, Little Herbert and New One were on a fact finding mission. They had visited an animal reserve so as to learn more about their natural habitat. In helping to protect the environment, each and …

Level One. Healthy You.

Posted on: May 28, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd.   What did it mean to be healthy? Was it about thinking of achievements carefully? Fitness and physical health were important too, but so was mental health and finding time for you. Helping to heal illness if …

Level Three. Professional.

Posted on: May 21, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. What was expertise? The term had certainly been used a lot but RV remembered when he had been unclear on what it truly meant. At school there had been a few show and tell classes from parents …

Level Two. Babies and Me.

Posted on: May 14, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert was thoughtful and nothing if not an information expert. An avid student of life’s lessons, he loved to pick up facts and where he did this could sometimes pose a bit of an awkward moment. …

Level One. A Q and A.

Posted on: May 7, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. What and how were questions that came frequently to call, but to the answers sometimes there would be a small stall. A moment or two would have to ensue, as the questions were asked and the answers …

Level Three. Purpose.

Posted on: April 30, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. New One’s grandma and Little Herbert’s grandpa had been married a while. It had not felt so long to them but to those around them, they had now become a well known married couple. The grandchildren loved …

Level Two. Feeling OTT.

Posted on: April 23, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. RV knew all about feeling OTT. Why? Well, RV had been an over-thinker, he believed since birth. It was very much about the little things with him and he felt he had to be on top of …

Level One. Technology.

Posted on: April 16, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Tech? Technology was what they used to say, when tablets came out and on phones they would play. It was eyes down, screens out and off they would go, and technology time for the family would begin …

Level Three. Awkward.

Posted on: April 9, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Questions of interest filled a certain mind. Little Herbert liked questions because usually they came with an explanation as for how… How was a question that Little Herbert used often, particularly when he was acquainting himself with …

Level Two. Aims and Claims.

Posted on: April 2, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Claims about aims were easy to make but persisting and succeeding at them could be another matter entirely. RV had thought carefully about this subject. It was something that influenced his sense of priority and passion. What …

Level One. Winning.

Posted on: March 27, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Winning could be fantastic but it was not always the same, found in building knowledge, experience or the fun of a game. Learning, genuine earning and displaying objectives too, efforts rewarded and notable was the aim to …

Level Three. Where, how and why.

Posted on: March 19, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. One afternoon it had been New One’s Gran who had a bit of an unanticipated experience. It had been arranged for her to collect New One from school but she had gotten herself a bit held up. …

Level Two. Speaking to You.

Posted on: March 12, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Enunciation was imperative for good pronunciation. It was all fair and well to say that but putting it into practice could be something else entirely. The subject of speech was one that had been focused on rather …

Level One. Parents.

Posted on: March 4, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Parents were parents when babies were there, it was about protecting, guiding and trying to be fair. Looking after and out for was important too, it helped to introduce offspring to what to do. Parents could be …

Level Three. Affectionate.

Posted on: February 28, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. At school and at home New One started to worry about the term affectionate. Was he affectionate enough and how did he show this trait? He started to listen out more and watch for signs of how …

Level Two. Health and Wellbeing.

Posted on: February 20, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. What did it mean to be well? New One heard the term mentioned an awful lot. He thought it could mean how healthy you were but then he got confused because those who looked quite health conscious …

Level One. Mindful Matters.

Posted on: February 13, 2024

Level One. Mindful Matters. By Michelle Lloyd. It was not always easy to know how best to act, when someone was poorly it was useful to have tact. Tact was being wise with the chosen word and use of when …

Level Three. Grandparents and Me.

Posted on: February 6, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Grandparents were very important to New One and Little Herbert. If you described the meeting that ensued between them as anything but shocking, then you would not be far off from correct. Neither New One or Little …

Level Two. Varied Approach.

Posted on: January 30, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Pollution? Everybody had heard of it and it was a significant subject, they tried to do their little bit but honestly how much did RV think about it? The answer he had learnt, was not enough. Environmental …

Level One. Feeling Healthy.

Posted on: January 23, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Healthy and happy were both related to how you could feel, like when you were enjoying play or tasting a hearty meal. As a puppy health came with nourishment, learning about life and play, it was not …

Level Three. New You and New Me.

Posted on: January 16, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. What did it mean to be well? New One heard the term mentioned at this time of year an awful lot. He had his listening ears on at school and home, and according to what interpretations received …

Level Two. Doggy Assist.

Posted on: January 9, 2024

By Michelle Lloyd. Lana, the dog who had come to New One and his family herself as a stray, now had a loving home and experienced no more neglect. New One watched her deeply for a while and remembered that …

Level One. Happy Festivities.

Posted on: December 19, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd.   It was time to think of others and show how you feel, to decorate, to celebrate and possibly gather for a meal. In helping and making others also smile, it is a special season that shows …

Level Three. Time for You.

Posted on: December 12, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. At school RV had been engrossed in a new important issue of an idea. Volunteers were people who could do something for someone else and often this would be in any spare time that they had available …

Level Two. Community Festivity.

Posted on: December 6, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. It was that season and RV could not help but think of his spotlight performance. At school an announcement had been made and everybody was talking about the fact that they would be holding a Christmas show. …

Level One. Animal Info.

Posted on: November 29, 2023

Level One. Animal Info. By Michelle Lloyd. Animals could be seen all about, there was such a lot about them to shout! They varied in different abilities or size, and about their lives there was much to realise. In living, …

Level Three. Thanks for Thanksgiving.

Posted on: November 21, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. A social experiment was an idea or theory that could be tested out on a specific section of the public and results could be understood from it. New One had heard about this concept before, but for …

Level Two. Not Ambitious Aims.

Posted on: November 14, 2023

Level Two. Animal Aims. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert found all animals interesting and this had been the case for quite some time. It took his breath away to contemplate how strangely beautiful differing animals were and how the lifestyles …

Level One. Fitness.

Posted on: November 7, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. A fitness fanatic he was not and low on the activity side, from all sorts of exercises did this parent hide. It was not until one day TJ came his way, and on this matter of health …

Level Three. Ways to say it.

Posted on: November 1, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. RV was academic but unconventionally, what did this mean? Well, at school RV was adept at the higher mathematics class problems but he found the harder, more complicated questions easier to solve than the ones everybody else …

Level Two. At Halloween.

Posted on: October 24, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. It was Halloween and a certain student had moved to their school from another and what came with him was a reputation. He was scary but not in the horrific sense, more because he carried with him …

Level One. Snooze Police.

Posted on: October 17, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd.   Watching grandpa hedgehog having a nap was when the idea struck, and little hoglet thought enthusiastically that he better follow this up. There was a difference in grandpa every time he took his nap to snooze …

Level Three. Checks.

Posted on: October 10, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. New One had long been a checker. What did that mean? He liked to check to know if everything and everyone around him was all right. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it. …

Level Two. Worrying Grandma.

Posted on: October 3, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Everyone seemed to have them or know of them, New One knew that, and he had heard often stated that they could be incredibly positive people to have in life. Although this had been told to him, New One …

Level One. Hoglets and Health.

Posted on: September 26, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Hoglets grow into hedgehogs but they do start out small, and they have to climb up a healthy targets wall. Hedgehogs usually stay awake at night and not during the day, and it is late at night …

Level Three. Family Roles.

Posted on: September 19, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert was a lover of family. It meant a lot to him. Family was a part of his understanding about many life lessons and those were built on being able to support those who mattered most. …

Level Two. Grown Up.

Posted on: September 12, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd Mistakes were opportunities to learn from and maybe Sammy felt that was why he needed to subscribe to the Adult Vs Child challenge. Sammy had been through a lot and he felt that he had made some …

Level One. Snooze Game.

Posted on: September 5, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. The situation was as some claimed quite strange, puppy always found his way to the same slipper out of all the shoes in the range. There was always the same consequence and the result was just the …

Level Three. Mature is Me.

Posted on: August 29, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. What did it mean to be an adult? It was a question that posed many perplexing thoughts.  Surely as an adult all those childhood fantasies could then be fulfilled…or could they? Sammy loved being able to do …

Level Two. Size says it all.

Posted on: August 22, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. At school size was an issue! Believe it or not, size mattered but not always in the way that many might think. Size was a means for competing but it was also used for achieving. Why it …

Level One. Figures and Me.

Posted on: August 15, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Numbers and figures were a part of ordinary life, but at the beginning they could sure cause some strife. Learning a numerical order could help to set you on your way, to adding up correctly and not …

Level Three. Technology High and Lows.

Posted on: August 8, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert took to most ideas at school without too much of a fuss. He tried and attempted most subjects with eagerness. It was the breaks and the lulls of the day that could cause the odd …

Level Two. Comparisons.

Posted on: August 2, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert, New One and RV were out there, living like they loved it. They knew what they thought about almost everything, a fact that was slightly to their parent’s annoyance.  If they had made a decision about …

Level One. Healthy or Happy.

Posted on: July 25, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Healthy and happy were starting to make sense as a mighty two, if you had one then about the other you were more likely to know what to do. This is a lesson that had been eagerly …

Level Three. Matters.

Posted on: July 19, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. What mattered and why was it vital? It was that to Little Herbert these questions signified quite a lot and it was how he prioritised those meanings that had taught him the most. When it had been …

Level Two. How to Relax.

Posted on: July 11, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Lately New One had been given a lot to get used to and think about. The last time this had happened his routine of school had shifted about and he had been doing practically everything at home. …

Level One. Maintaining Happy.

Posted on: July 4, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd.   Being a puppy was often about instinct and aim, trying to achieve what he wanted had felt like a game. If food was offered, then puppy would oblige and eat, there was not even any need …

Level Three. Expert.

Posted on: June 26, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. What was expertise? The term had certainly been used a lot but RV remembered when he had been unclear on what it truly meant. At school there had been a few show and tell classes from parents …

Level Two. Explanations.

Posted on: June 20, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Questions of interest filled a certain mind. Little Herbert liked questions because usually they came with an explanation as for how… for example if he needed to understand the finer workings of a train or any other …

Level One. Think it out.

Posted on: June 13, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Thinking was not always about facts or figures and it was not always the same, it could be about building knowledge, ideas or testing a claim. Information could come fast or sometimes more slowly could it be, …

Level Three. Animal Info.

Posted on: June 6, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. It was well known that Little Herbert found a wide array of international animals interesting. It took his breath away to contemplate how strange or beautiful differing animals lifestyles could be in the wild. There had been …

Level Two. Green and Clean.

Posted on: May 30, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Environmental concerns had been top of their agenda at home and school. RV had been engaged in doing his best to keep green and clean. Ideas had already been explored and a class clear up scheme had …

Level One. Swiming.

Posted on: May 23, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Swimming as a word was the opposite of being on dry land, it meant getting wet and maybe having to use the odd armband. In learning how to swim in the water new movements could unfold, and …

Level Three. Learn and Adapt.

Posted on: May 16, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Scores did not only apply to sports, results or scores of exams at school were what mattered to New One. He never did have an expression that did not belie all to his mum and dad. Thinking about …

Level Two. Important Issues.

Posted on: May 9, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. At school RV had been engrossed in a new important issue of an idea. Volunteers were people who could do something for someone else and often this would be in any spare time that they had available …

Level One. The Nifty Nap.

Posted on: May 3, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Each and every time the same, but for this poor hoglet it all seemed far too much of a shame. Napping, he had decided was not for him, he wanted to be out and about, making a …

Level Three. Aim and Achieve.

Posted on: April 25, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. It was a difficult subject to broach and RV was not up to lengthy talks about it. Swimming had become his ultimate aim and achieve task, the only problem being that he was too fearful to do …

Level Two. Too New.

Posted on: April 18, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. This is how it began… RV took one look at them and point blank refused. He would not wear them. He would not be pushed into it and that was that. What the refusal was for involved …

Level One. Cleaning Out.

Posted on: April 11, 2023

  By Michelle Lloyd.   Often as a dog on long walks would go, visions of the land and countryside were often what he would know. Walks had become increasingly scary and not too sure about what to do, this …

Level Three. Rightly so.

Posted on: April 5, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. What were his aims and ambitions? Aims, RV had separated out as his smaller and more achievable wants or desires, whereas ambitions were more longed-for would-love-to-happen scenarios. Both aims and ambitions were important to RV, but perhaps not …

Level Two. Parents.

Posted on: March 29, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert was a lover of family. It meant a lot to him. Family was a part of his understanding about many life lessons and those were built on being able to support those who mattered most. …

Level One. Too Tired.

Posted on: March 21, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd.   Watching grandpa hedgehog having a nap was when the idea struck, and little hoglet thought enthusiastically that he better follow this up. There was certainly a difference in grandpa every time he took his nap and …

Level Three. Eagerly Keen.

Posted on: March 14, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. The bike memories had filled Little Herbert with many mixed emotions before. Little Herbert loved his grandpa and that particular race had taught him a lot about how much that emotion meant. Sadness had threatened to overwhelm …

Level Two. Am I Right.

Posted on: March 8, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert remembered that not all that ago, he had learnt a lesson about looks. The TT Races were taking places at his school and Little Herbert had been super excited to have his granddad help him. …

Level One. Working Through it.

Posted on: March 1, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. If it was daunting or difficult then this puppy would simply refuse, he felt that there was no time to waste or lose. Learning could be hard and so on occasion he would have to say, no, …

Level Three. Unique Selling Point.

Posted on: February 21, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert recalled the time that he had entered the School’s own TT Races. What were they? Well, the TT Races stood for the Transport and Track Races. Each entrant had to come up with a practical …

Level Two. Learn from it.

Posted on: February 14, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert knew all about learning. There were different kinds of lessons in life though and sometimes those taken to heart best were the ones that left a lasting kind of impression. A rather overly excited dog, …

Level One. Would, Could or Should.

Posted on: February 7, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Would I, Could I or Should I were what held puppy back, it made him overthink things and then any decisiveness he would lack. Questions were certainly useful but only if they helped your knowledge to grow, …

Level Three. True to You.

Posted on: January 31, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. He tried to talk to her, talk her out of it but Lana was not a dog to be persuaded that she was wrong. Little Herbert tried to keep up but they passed something that caught both …

Level Two. Proactive.

Posted on: January 24, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Pollution? Everybody had heard of it and it was a significant subject, they tried to do their little bit but honestly how much did RV think about it? The answer he had learnt, was not enough. Environmental …

Level One. Ways.

Posted on: January 17, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd.   There were different ways to do things and that was for sure, Bunny Junior and his dad held on this subject their own kind of score. Who could do it faster, better or learn from their …

Level Three. Walks and Talks.

Posted on: January 10, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. One day the three friends were collating at their after school meet up session and New One let Lana, his beautiful dog, come in and play with them all for a while. New One started to tell …

Level Two. Advantageous.

Posted on: January 3, 2023

By Michelle Lloyd. Lana, the dog who had come to New One and his family herself as a stray, now had a loving home and experienced no more neglect. New One watched her deeply for a while and remembered that …

Level One. My Festive Finds.

Posted on: December 12, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. Little puppy grew familiar with the fact of a festive find, it was a beautiful feeling and in every act of being kind. The decorations were meant for everybody to enjoy and see, and he learnt that …

Level Three. Tried and Tested.

Posted on: December 6, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. Little yaps, barks and yelps greeted them as the door opened and the suddenness of the new smell and noise had Lana backing out the front yard before they could even get into the house. What was …

Level Two. Newness.

Posted on: November 29, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. New One was as at Lana’s side, as she was with him. Lana dog loved to do everything with New One and he was not too disappointed about this. Off they went to the park, garden, at …

Level One. Swim to Success.

Posted on: November 23, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. Swimming was a word that had not meant much to them before, but now about it there was so much more in store. At first they had felt the fear and held themselves back on dry land, …

Level Three. Seeing it Through.

Posted on: November 15, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. “Don’t leave things half finished. See it through.” This was a favourite saying of Little Herbert’s dad and he was known to have said it often. As sayings went, it was not a bad one and Little …

Level Two. My Animals.

Posted on: November 8, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. Neglect was not a thought that entered New One’s mind, not in a conventional sense. He usually felt content and fulfilled but if there was anything that was lacking in his life, New One usually felt that …

Level One. Puppies.

Posted on: November 1, 2022

Level One. Puppies. By Michelle Lloyd. Into the puppy blanket, the puppies were all tucked in, it was 1 – 0 in the game of playtime and it was sleep that had the win. It was puppy nap time for all …

Level Three. Your Halloween.

Posted on: October 24, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. It was oh so near Halloween and scarily apparent it did seem, the pumpkins were out and all around they did glow and gleam. Halloween was heard whispered and shouted almost everywhere, decorations put up so that …

Level Two. International Animals.

Posted on: October 18, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert found all the wide array of international animals interesting. It took his breath away to contemplate how strangely beautiful differing animals lifestyles could be and it made him question how varied these experiences of habitat …

Level One. Healthy Happiness.

Posted on: October 11, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. Healthy and happy were starting to make sense as a mighty two, if you had one then about the other you were more likely to know what to do. This is a lesson that had been eagerly …

Level Three. What to say?

Posted on: October 4, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. Enunciation was imperative for good pronunciation. It was all fair and well to say that, but putting the philosophy into practice was something else entirely. The subject of speech was one that had been focused on rather …

Level Two. Individual Circumstance.

Posted on: September 27, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert was a lover of family. It meant a lot to him. Family was a part of his understanding about many life lessons and those were built on being able to support those who mattered most. …

Level One. Your Numbers.

Posted on: September 20, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. Numbers and figures were a part of ordinary life, but at the beginning they could sure cause some strife. Learning a numerical order could help to set you on your way, to adding up correctly and not …

Level Three. Say What?

Posted on: September 12, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. RV was academic but unconventionally, so what did this mean? Well, at school RV was adept at the higher mathematics class problems because he found the harder, more complicated questions easier to solve than the ones everybody …

Level Two. Conservation Cast.

Posted on: September 6, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. Conservation was key in providing, and then maintaining as natural a habitat as possible, for wild animals. Even the idea of losing any species of animals made Little Herbert’s heart beat that little bit faster. He listened …

Level One. Hoglet Health.

Posted on: August 31, 2022

Level One. Hoglet Health. By Michelle Lloyd. Hoglets grow into hedgehogs but did you know, in growing healthy and ageing there was a long way to go? Hedgehogs or hoglets usually stay awake at night and not during the day, …

Level Three. Unsure.

Posted on: August 24, 2022

By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert, New One and RV were out there, living like they loved it, young adults.  They knew what they thought about almost everything, a fact that was slightly to their parents’annoyance. If they had made a decision …

Level Two. Saving Up.

Posted on: August 16, 2022

Level Two – Saving Up. By Michelle Lloyd. The fast, full on day started to soon catch up with New One and before he had noticed it the last class was being taught. Having looked at a slightly astonished Little …

Level One. Style.

Posted on: August 9, 2022

Level One. Style. By Michelle Lloyd. Is that me?  Often this question would Lana hear said, but it made no sense in her young puppy head. Yes that is you, would she think, for it has to be, you look …

Level Three. In Time.

Posted on: August 3, 2022

Level Three – In Time. By Michelle Lloyd. A timely event was something that could be appreciated because of how and when it occurred. It was strange as a concept to some, and to those who were logically and most …

Level Two. What and When.

Posted on: July 26, 2022

Level Two – What and When. By Michelle Lloyd. What did it mean to be well?  New One heard the term mentioned an awful lot. He thought it could mean how healthy you were but then he got confused because …

Level One. Slumber Slippers.

Posted on: July 19, 2022

Level One. Slumber Slippers. By Michelle Lloyd. It was awfully funny and some claimed it quite strange, puppy always found his way to the same slipper out of all the shoes in the range. There was always the same consequence …

Level Three. Right from Wrong.

Posted on: July 13, 2022

Level Three. Right from Wrong. By Michelle Lloyd. New One had a moral compass. What was a moral compass? It was not an actual thing that he could hold in his hand but he knew it was there, inside him …

Level Two. My Family Unit.

Posted on: July 6, 2022

Level Two. My Family Unit. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert had long appreciated that he had one parent, his Dad. Even at a young age he had learnt that he was not in the same situation as many of his …

Level One. Feeling Well.

Posted on: June 28, 2022

Level One. Feeling Well. By Michelle Lloyd. Feeling well was awesome but not always the way, sometimes you had to keep pangs of sickness away. Junior was learning that when someone was ill, it was not always enough to simply …

Level Three. Foster Me.

Posted on: June 21, 2022

Level Three. Foster Me. By Michelle Lloyd. Lana was New One’s dog. She was a firm part of their family unit and she knew each member individually through scent, licks, appearance and affectionate recognition. As a family pet, the family …

Level Two. Repair and Restore.

Posted on: June 14, 2022

Level Two. Repair and Restore. By Michelle Lloyd. In life if things could be dependable, that was how New One liked them. He was extremely unsure about something that he had heard had been repaired, fixed or mended. According to …

Level One. Movement.

Posted on: June 7, 2022

Level One. Movement. By Michelle Lloyd.   Being a puppy had been about give and take, it somewhat did for an ideal situation make. If food was offered, then puppy would oblige and eat, there was not even any need …

Level Three. An Adult and Child.

Posted on: June 1, 2022

Level Three. An Adult and Child. By Michelle Lloyd. What did it mean to be an adult? It was a question that posed many thoughts in response. Surely thought RV, that as an adult all those childhood fantasies could then …

Level Two. Meaningful Recovery.

Posted on: May 24, 2022

Level Two. Meaningful Recovery. By Michelle Lloyd. New One and Lana were out for one of their walks and it reminded them, well at least one of them, about one walk in particular. It had been a lovely trip that …

Level One. Bit by Bit.

Posted on: May 17, 2022

Level One. Bit by Bit. By Michelle Lloyd. Learning was not always facts or figures and it was not always the same, it could be about building knowledge through a practical game. The acceptance of information could come easier bit …

Level Three. Helping.

Posted on: May 10, 2022

Level Three. Helping. By Michelle Lloyd. At school RV had been engrossed in a new idea that had been introduced to them.  Volunteers were people who could do something for someone else and often this would be in any spare …

Level Two. Feeling Well.

Posted on: May 3, 2022

Level Two. Feeling Well. By Michelle Lloyd. What did it mean to be well? New One had heard the term Wellbeing and Wellness mentioned an awful lot. It was in the media, at school and even loudly referred to by …

Level One. Napping Basket.

Posted on: April 27, 2022

Level One. Napping Basket. By Michelle Lloyd. It was the basket where all the puppies went, be you playful or towards sleep time sent. Get over that side and softness became your bed, and all too soon you were to …

Level Three. Asking a Question.

Posted on: April 19, 2022

Level Three – Asking a Question. By Michelle Lloyd. When he thought about it, how was an interesting question. Little Herbert liked it though because it usually came with an explanation behind it… for example if he needed to understand …

Level Two. Lana Thoughts.

Posted on: April 12, 2022

Level Two. Lana Thoughts. By Michelle Lloyd. When Lana went away, New One’s life took a turn for the worse. It had all started when Patch, the neighbour’s dog had gone missing. Patch was an adorable dog and a firm …

Level One. Facts.

Posted on: April 5, 2022

Level One. Facts. By Michelle Lloyd.   Finding the facts was a bit of a game, but it did not always turn out the same. A lot of it was read about in the large, black and white paper sheet, …

Level Three. Questionable.

Posted on: March 29, 2022

Level Three. Questionable. By Michelle Lloyd. There were in fact times when questionable could be the term most applicable to a situation and both New One and RV knew this quite well. In their case, a friend’s behaviour had been …

Level Two. Hidden Problems.

Posted on: March 22, 2022

Level Two. Hidden Problems. By Michelle Lloyd. RV had been working hard at showing his two friends how much he cared about them, he had been using his spare time at home to make Dillon feel as comfortable as he …

Level One. Wilderness.

Posted on: March 16, 2022

Level One. Wilderness. By Michelle Lloyd. A little fox cub was living like he had not done before, the wilderness was a place with not all that many options in store. It was hard to live with extremes and trails …

Level Three. Ageing.

Posted on: March 9, 2022

Level Three. Ageing. By Michelle Lloyd. When age was mentioned to him, it would more often than not bring up one of his quite long stories about his childhood experiences. Age to Dad would mean that he would be reminded …

Level Two. Best Approach.

Posted on: March 2, 2022

Level Two. Best Approach. By Michelle Lloyd. Handling differing situations was not always easy and New One had first hand experience of this kind of difficult task. His home life and school life, were to him, very different matters. New …

Level One. Green, Clean, Machine.

Posted on: February 23, 2022

Level One. Green, Clean, Machine. By Michelle Lloyd.   Often as a bird swiftly did he fly, visions of the land and countryside would pass him by… This bird had become used to the colours and beauty of home, it …

Level Three. My Politics.

Posted on: February 15, 2022

Level Three. My Politics. By Michelle Lloyd. New One knew exactly what the dynamic of class and school could mean.  You had to be on the pulse of the social scene, in the fray of the frenetic pace of who …

Level Two. Feeling Fulfilled.

Posted on: February 9, 2022

Level Two. Feeling Fulfilled. By Michelle Lloyd. RV had been in all sorts of situations, but none had got him into such a frenzy of anxiety as what he learnt in trying to find his fulfilling vocation. Briefly, it had …

Level One. Impression.

Posted on: February 1, 2022

Level One. Impression. By Michelle Lloyd. Making an impression, a mark, an aim, it was all about vision and interpretation in this game. What did I see? Do you see the same? Colours, shapes and patterns on display, how do …

Level Three. Lovely Looking Lana.

Posted on: January 26, 2022

Level Three. Lovely Looking Lana. By Michelle Lloyd. Lana was a dog who had known hardship.  She had not always had a loving family to call her own.  Looking lovingly at the pals she had now in life, she hardly …

Level Two. Personalisation.

Posted on: January 19, 2022

Level Two. Personalisation. By Michelle Lloyd. RV was academic but NOT in a conventional way. What did this mean? At school RV was adept at the higher tier based classes and his smartness had raised a few eyebrows. It was …

Level One. Timely Tasks.

Posted on: January 12, 2022

Level One. Timely Tasks. By Michelle Lloyd. Time gave structure and for many peace of mind, it was a useful objective for which appreciation one could find. If used correctly, then time could help to produce a skill, at dividing …

Level Three. Working it Out.

Posted on: January 5, 2022

Level Three. Working it Out. By Michelle Lloyd. RV had been a good student and an even better brother of late, having ensured that he was there to help and even teach his little bro the way forward in walking …

Level Two. I Think I Can.

Posted on: December 15, 2021

Level Two. I Think I Can. By Michelle Lloyd. Reindeers could be extremely exotic and not in an environmental way. Reindeers, of the variety that focus on seasonal objectives, like the logistic of getting carefully prepared presents to the right …

Level One. Sentiments.

Posted on: December 8, 2021

Level One. Sentiments. By Michelle Lloyd. The reindeers and the bunnies gathered together to prepare, it was with the decorations that they all took a lot of care. In all the excitement one bunny felt that all the decorations were …

Level Three. Reindeers and Replays.

Posted on: December 1, 2021

Level Three. Reindeers and Replays. By Michelle Lloyd. Do you know how to tell when a reindeer is stressed? Well, the telling signs of anxiousness in a certain reindeer came with many public warning signs. One of these clear and …

Level Two. Doing it right.

Posted on: November 24, 2021

Level Two. Doing it right. By Michelle Lloyd. Doing it right or rather getting it right could be tough. Mistakes were a part of many people’s lives. This was a fact that had been heard, noted but not concurred with by …

Level One. Hoglet and Hedgehog.

Posted on: November 17, 2021

Level One. Hoglet and Hedgehog. By Michelle Lloyd. Hoglets grow into hedgehogs, but did you know, in growing and aging there was a long way to go? A hedgehog or hoglet can work, rest and play, but they usually do …

Level Three. Volunteers.

Posted on: November 11, 2021

Level Three – Volunteers. By Michelle Lloyd. New One and Lana were out and about, happily taking in the sights of a very well organised doggy help donation day. It was a charitable event that had a focus on dogs …

Level Two. Do what you Can.

Posted on: November 3, 2021

Level Two. Do what you Can. By Michelle Lloyd. New One was astounded at how his mum could keep up with so many different objectives and aims in a day. He knew that she would keep up with every need and …

Level One. At Halloween.

Posted on: October 27, 2021

Level One. At Halloween. By Michelle Lloyd. Halloween, whispered and shouted almost everywhere, but was all the fuss about giving someone a scare? Costumes and disguises had been chosen by almost everyone, in readiness for this fantastical opportunity there was …

Level Three. Routinely.

Posted on: October 20, 2021

Level Three. Routinely. By Michelle Lloyd. Dillon was fun, fast and frantic. He was lovely, lively and loud for much of the time. Having had a little brother had been an adjustment for RV and he had to admit that …

Level Two. Getting Involved.

Posted on: October 14, 2021

Level Two. Getting Involved. By Michelle Lloyd. New One had long learnt that getting involved was a useful thing to do, because often it was when you engaged in a situation could then come life lessons and realisations. Even Lana, …

Level One. Wild Ways.

Posted on: October 5, 2021

Level One. Wild Ways. By Michelle Lloyd. Living and loving his wild life was what he could do, and about his objective and task, he did see it vividly through. It was not only in his mind that he could …

Level Three. Grandpa saves the day.

Posted on: September 28, 2021

Level Three. Grandpa saves the day. By Michelle Lloyd. At school discussion had been invested in occupations and what future objectives on the subject entailed. What did the idea of work mean to the class? Responses to the idea of …

Level Two. Future.

Posted on: September 22, 2021

Level Two. Future. By Michelle Lloyd. Recently life had been full of problems and significant thoughts about what should be done about those difficulties. Even school life had been influenced by the large scale issues and Little Herbert had become …

Level One. Health.

Posted on: September 14, 2021

Level One. Health. By Michelle Lloyd. It wasn’t that he had been playing or neglected to do school work of late, it wasn’t that the Xbox scoreboard had worked him up into a nervous state. It was not that he had put his …

Level Three. Impressive.

Posted on: September 7, 2021

Level Three. Impressive. By Michelle Lloyd. Scores did not only apply to sports, results or scores of exams at school were what mattered to New One. He never did have an expression that did not belie all to his mum and …

Level Two. Responsibility.

Posted on: September 1, 2021

Level Two. Responsibility. By Michelle Lloyd. RV’s mum had explained to him that they had known for a little while, but that they had been trying to prepare him before they told him about it. What had the preparations been …

Level One. Exercises.

Posted on: August 25, 2021

Level One. Exercises. By Michelle Lloyd. A fitness fanatic he was not and low on the activity side, from all sorts of exercises did this parent hide. It was not until one day TJ came his way, and on this …

Level Three. Illness.

Posted on: August 18, 2021

Level Three. Illness. By Michelle Lloyd. When Lana, New One’s dog had arrived to live with them, there had been an awful lot of the private chats between his M and D. In fact as New One expressed it, at …

Level Two. Wellbeing.

Posted on: August 11, 2021

Level Two. Wellbeing. By Michelle Lloyd. Lately New One had been given a lot to think about. His routine of school had shifted about, he had gone from doing practically everything at home to back to school again. Any kind …

Level One. Grandparent Directive.

Posted on: August 4, 2021

Level One. Grandparent Directive. By Michelle Lloyd.  Grandparents, complex or simple in their expressions show, that to and for their grandchildren they have a lot of knowledge to bestow. Generationally they have lived and strived, experience often taught, and in …

Level Three. Collective.

Posted on: July 28, 2021

Level Three. Collective. By Michelle Lloyd. New One carefully set foot on the what to him, was a wobbly but the only method, of crossing this strange but enticing environment. His heart did beat cautiously, almost was it afraid of …

Level Two. Animal Aims.

Posted on: July 21, 2021

Level Two. Animal Aims. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert found all animals interesting and this had been the case for quite some time. It took his breath away to contemplate how strangely beautiful differing animals were and how the lifestyles …

Level One. Wildlife.

Posted on: July 14, 2021

Level One. Wildlife. By Michelle Lloyd. A little fox cub was running like he had not done before, there was all sorts of excitement for him in store. All the fuss had come about because there was a new addition …

Level Three. Am I Different?

Posted on: July 7, 2021

Level Two. Am I Different? By Michelle Lloyd. Full of ideas to think about, issues to include in life and decisions about where one should be and what they should be doing, New One was often first in line to …

Level Two. Out of Hand.

Posted on: June 30, 2021

Level Two. Out of Hand. By Michelle Lloyd. Problems had been causing obstacles in what had otherwise been a magnificent and lengthy friendship trio. New One and RV finally got to talk with their friend and ask him what was …

Level One. Elephants.

Posted on: June 23, 2021

Level One. Elephants. By Michelle Lloyd. Mum elephant and her little calf went to the water for a play, it was somewhat needed as it had been a dry and humid day. Elephant calf was eager to learn about what …

Level Three. Avoidance.

Posted on: June 16, 2021

Level Three. Avoidance. By Michelle Lloyd. Avoidance. That was what New One’s mum and dad called it, when he asked them about the problem. They advised that he should find out why Little Herbert was avoiding them and if they …

Level Two. Tough Tech.

Posted on: June 9, 2021

Level Two. Tough Tech. By Michelle Lloyd. Pleading and refusals soon became the new norm at home, as none of the three friends’ households would contemplate buying a new game so quickly. RV, New One and Little Herbert had been …

Level One. Slumber.

Posted on: June 2, 2021

Level One. Slumber. By Michelle Lloyd. Sleep, slumber and soothing thoughts, were not concepts that Hoglet easily caught. Instead of drift and glide off to gentle sleep, wide awake and active he would himself keep. Hoglet simply did not want …

Animal Thoughts.

Posted on: May 26, 2021

By Michelle Lloyd.   Now don’t you make me laugh, cos you’ll only make me think of a great big giraffe, with his long, long legs and neck, giving me a peck, a peck, a peck. Now don’t you call …

Level Three. Heightened Happiness.

Posted on: May 19, 2021

Level Three. Heightened Happiness. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert, New One and RV were out there, living like they loved it. They knew what they thought about almost everything, a fact that was slightly to their parent’s annoyance.  If they …

Level Two. Settling In.

Posted on: May 12, 2021

Level Two. Settling In. By Michelle Lloyd. At school New One had noticed that there had been a bit of a split in their class. Why, was this? It was thanks to a bit of a lead that had developed …

Level One. Hedgehogs.

Posted on: May 5, 2021

Level One. Hedgehogs. By Michelle Lloyd. Have you heard about hedgehogs and the lives they lead? They can preform hibernation, communication and diligently feed. A hedgehog or hoglet can work, rest and play, but they usually do all this at …

Level Three. Enough.

Posted on: April 28, 2021

Level Three. Enough. By Michelle Lloyd. Neglect was not a thought that entered New One’s mind, not in a conventional sense. He usually felt content and fulfilled but if there was anything that was lacking in his life, New One …

Level Two. Our Normal.

Posted on: April 21, 2021

Level Two. Our Normal. By Michelle Lloyd. RV, New One and Little Herbert were firm in their friendship, as they had been for quite some years. Knowledgeable on each other’s likes and dislikes, it was good to be in a …

Level One. Learning and Earning.

Posted on: April 14, 2021

Level One. Learning and Earning. By Michelle Lloyd. It was hard to do anything by default or because one felt that they simply had to, feelings of objection, dejection and rejection could quickly ensue. Far better was it to take …

Level Three. Do as I do, Not as I say.

Posted on: April 7, 2021

Level Three. Do as I do, Not as I say. By Michelle Lloyd. New One had often thought that so many influences in his life led by example. It was not always the case in life, that those who were …

Level Two. Seemingly Not.

Posted on: March 31, 2021

Level Two. Seemingly Not. By Michelle Lloyd. At school size was an issue! Believe it or not, size mattered but not always in the way that many might think. When RV had been approached with a replacement satchel for school, …

Level One. Loving Care.

Posted on: March 24, 2021

Level One. Loving Care. By Michelle Lloyd.  Objectives mattered and everything could be held in an aim, if you set about it positively, the result could be far from the same. Aim for what mattered and judge by if it …

Level Three. Explain.

Posted on: March 17, 2021

Level Three. Explain. By Michelle Lloyd. How was a question that Little Herbert used often, loud and proud, was he in acquainting himself with explanations about this or that. Remembering the humour of his very early childhood fascination with explanations …

Level Two. What do you think?

Posted on: March 10, 2021

Level Two. What do you think? By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert’s grandpa had been the centre of speculation at school and it meant that a lot of discussion had been had about him. Ideas and even statements had been made …

Level One. Skills.

Posted on: March 3, 2021

Level One. Skills. By Michelle Lloyd. Puppy had a need to play, play, play, he would do it almost all of each and every day. At meal, walk and nap times too, everybody need not guess at what he would …

Level Three. Environment Aware.

Posted on: February 25, 2021

Level Three. Environment Aware. by Michelle Lloyd. New One didn’t like the sound of it at all and he told his mum he didn’t think he could see any point to bees, all they did was go around buzzing and …

Level Two. Brave.

Posted on: February 17, 2021

Level Two. Brave. By Michelle Lloyd. New One was happy that it was the weekend, finally he had a whole two days off school. As he walked down the hall from his brightly painted bedroom, thoughts of breakfast, games, and objectives …

Level One. Conservation.

Posted on: February 10, 2021

Level One. Conservation. By Michelle Lloyd. Animals, varied in different abilities or size, and about their lives there was much to realise. In living, learning and in their skills of striving too, lessons taken from the older animals who already …

Level Three. What can I do?

Posted on: February 3, 2021

Level Three. What can I do? By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert found all animals interesting. It took his breath away to contemplate how strangely beautiful differing animals lifestyles could be and it made him question how varied these experiences of …

Level Two. My kind of love.

Posted on: January 28, 2021

Level Two. My kind of love. By Michelle Lloyd. Having a new addition to the family had been…err well it had been a new kind of experience for RV. A lot had happened since those first tentative days of his …

Level One. You Can.

Posted on: January 20, 2021

Level One. You Can. By Michelle Lloyd. Instead of four feet he had three, but with his extra addition he did get about speedily. There were things that of late he found hard to do, but when he had a …

Level Three. Responsible Me?

Posted on: January 14, 2021

Level Three. Responsible Me? By Michelle Lloyd. When Lana, New One’s dog had arrived to live with them there had been an awful lot of the private chats between his M and D. In fact as New One expressed it, …

Level Two. Rest and Realisation.

Posted on: January 7, 2021

Level Two. Rest and Realisation. By Michelle Lloyd. Life was all about the variation, and this was a lesson that had been well brought home to RV. Having a baby brother was awesome in many ways but then… in certain …

Level One. Seasonal Love.

Posted on: December 22, 2020

Level One. Seasonal Love. By Michelle Lloyd. Seasonal Love, by that statement what could be meant, were there specific seasons only when love should be sent? New One perplexed by this notion felt sure, that about it he needed to …

Level Three. Rebellious Reindeer.

Posted on: December 9, 2020

Level Three. Rebellious Reindeer. By Michelle Lloyd. Hectic rushing about, clashing, crashing and mad feeling moments, the telling signs of anxiousness would often take over when a certain rebellious reindeer was about to do something new and then before you …

Level Two. Gogglebox Reindeer.

Posted on: December 2, 2020

Level Two. Gogglebox Reindeer. By Michelle Lloyd. Family was a part of the Reindeer’s way of life and understanding about the many lessons that the subject could bring with it, was an integral requirement for all of the new trainees. …

Level One. Treatment.

Posted on: November 26, 2020

Level One. Treatment. By Michelle Lloyd. Al had decided that in his job themed play, he was a doctor and he was going to have his own medical say. First he treated his mother to bandages galore, second came the plasters, …

Level Three. Stress.

Posted on: November 19, 2020

Level Three. Stress. By Michelle Lloyd. Lately New One had been given a lot to think about. His routine of school had shifted about and he was doing practically everything at home. Any kind of change could bring about disruption …

Level Two. My History?

Posted on: November 11, 2020

Level Two. My History? By Michelle Lloyd. The teacher stood up at the front of their class and spoke about individual achievement and applying ambition to aims. Not everybody had to achieve in the same field or by using the …

Level One. Communication.

Posted on: November 4, 2020

Level One. Communication. By Michelle Lloyd. Rabbit was keen to use his readings skills and the paper he did read, but little Junior had not taken up his studious and educational lead. Junior was not one for this way of …

Level Three. Pumpkins.

Posted on: October 28, 2020

Level Three. Pumpkins. By Michelle Lloyd. Pumpkins won prizes for being the best, those roundest, largest and most impressive out of all of the rest. These pumpkins they sure could grow big and quite round, poor Sammy in anticipation of …

Level Two. Feeling Unique.

Posted on: October 21, 2020

Level Two. Feeling Unique. By Michelle Lloyd. Nigel had learnt about definitions, he had experienced many variations of a theme because actually when it came to it, he could not be defined by ordinary means. When he thought about it …

Level One. Letters.

Posted on: October 14, 2020

Level One. Letters. By Michelle Lloyd. It was in learning how to write and read, that the opening of any text had become an exciting deed. At school they had shown Henry Hoglet there were letters in life that he …

Level Three. Little Reminders.

Posted on: October 7, 2020

Level Three. Little Reminders. By Michelle Lloyd. Things had not been at all smooth for RV of late. There was his difficulty in fitting in at school and then his short trial at taking on a big brother role. All in all R V …

Level Two. Positive Outcome.

Posted on: September 30, 2020

Level Two. Positive Outcome. By Michelle Lloyd. Scores did not only apply to sports, results or scores of exams at school were what mattered to New One. He never did have an expression that did not belie all to his mum …

Level One. Snooze.

Posted on: September 23, 2020

Level One. Snooze. By Michelle Lloyd. Each and every time the same, but for poor Henry hoglet it all seemed far too tame. Sleeping, he had decided was not for him, he wanted to be out and about, making a …

Level Three. Taking Action.

Posted on: September 16, 2020

Level Three. Taking Action. By Michelle Lloyd. Pollution? Everybody had heard of it and it was a significant subject, they tried to do their little bit but honestly how much did RV think about it? The answer he had learnt, …

Level Two. Showing Lana.

Posted on: September 9, 2020

Level Two. Showing Lana. By Michelle Lloyd. Lana, was a lovely dog and she had been claimed to be the loveliest dog EVER. It was accepted but not believed, that everybody entering the best pet competition, thought that their animal …

Level One. Me Time.

Posted on: September 2, 2020

Level One. Me Time. By Michelle Lloyd. When all the lessons had been learnt and toys tidied away, it was then that Bunny Junior had a moment to have his say. He would tuck himself up cosily and think of …

Level Three. Sorting it Out.

Posted on: August 26, 2020

Level Three. Sorting it Out. By Michelle Lloyd. At school the speculation had started. What was speculation? New One had only just found out about this term from his mum recently and he had to admit that he was not …

Level Two. Babies.

Posted on: August 19, 2020

Level Two. Babies. By Michelle Lloyd. Lately RV loved life but he had learnt a lot about fully experiencing experiences too. At one time RV would not have thought himself as astute. He thought back to a time when there …

Level One. Loved Ones.

Posted on: August 12, 2020

Level One. Loved Ones. By Michelle Lloyd. Loved ones, they could be many, or a single few, what matters in life, is what they mean to you. Throughout the years in history and even to the day, loved ones are …

Level Three. Pampered Pets.

Posted on: August 5, 2020

Level Three – Pampered Pets. By Michelle Lloyd. Lana was a dog who had known hardship.  She had not always had a loving family to call her own.  Looking lovingly at the pals she had now in life, she hardly …

Level Two. Timely Tastes.

Posted on: July 29, 2020

Level Two. Timely Tastes. By Michelle Lloyd. A social experiment was an idea or theory that could be tested out on a specific section of the public. New One had heard about this concept before, but he had not ever …

Level One. Nigel’s Idea.

Posted on: July 22, 2020

Level One. Nigel’s Idea. By Michelle Lloyd. Nigel was not the fastest at getting about here or there, but about this simple fact in life he did not really care. It was not the way that many chose to move …

Level Three. Our Lives Matter.

Posted on: July 15, 2020

Level Three. Our Lives Matter. By Michelle Lloyd. History could be a very insightful and somewhat inspirational teacher. Little Herbert was not what you would call a history buff but he found it a skill to use his historical lessons …

Level Two. My Kind of Mess.

Posted on: July 8, 2020

Level Two. My Kind of Mess. By Michelle Lloyd. Lana and her walks were legendary.  It did not matter if she would get muddy because it was what Lana did out on her walks that would become later focuses of …

Level One. Art Class.

Posted on: July 1, 2020

Level One – Art Class. By Michelle Lloyd. Art was a class that Sammy had to do at school, but he had trouble with the demonstrated tools. Not a brush or stencil could he keep in hand, Sammy simply did …

Level Three. FOMO.

Posted on: June 24, 2020

Level Three. FOMO. By Michelle Lloyd. School was full of ideas to think about, issues to include in life and decisions about where one should be and what they should be doing. New One knew this and knew it well. …

Level Two. Misunderstandings.

Posted on: June 17, 2020

Level Two. Misunderstandings. By Michelle Lloyd. R V was academic but unconventionally, what did this mean?  Well, at school R V was adept at the higher mathematics class problems but he found the harder, more complicated questions easier to solve …

Level One. School Work.

Posted on: June 10, 2020

Level One. School Work. By Michelle Lloyd. Nigel was not super slow nor was he really fast, but what marks he made, he ensured that they would last. His school work was an example of much he did in life, …

Level Three. Art.

Posted on: June 3, 2020

Level Three. Art. By Michelle Lloyd. A whiz at certain subjects, RV was not so adept at others, or at least he didn’t believe himself to be all that great at them. When he asked his mum, why he had …

Level Two. Quality Time.

Posted on: May 27, 2020

Level Two. Quality Time. By Michelle Lloyd. What did those two words actually mean? It was that to Little Herbert they signified quite a lot and it was how he prioritised those meanings that had taught him the most. At …

Level One. Picking it up.

Posted on: May 20, 2020

Level One. Picking it up. By Michelle Lloyd. Life was full of learning and that was for sure, every time Henry thought he had mastered it, there would be more. Little Henry Hoglet was not one to let time slide, …

Level Three. Grandparent Plight.

Posted on: May 13, 2020

Level Three. Grandparent Plight. By Michelle Lloyd. Grandpa was a bit of an inventor. Well, a lot of an inventor was he and amongst many of his inventions was the gadgets, games and gismos that Little Herbert had loved. The …

Level Two. Stress and Strains.

Posted on: May 6, 2020

Level Two. Stress and Strains. By Michelle Lloyd. Lately New One had been given a lot to think about. His routine of school had shifted about and he was doing practically everything at home. Any kind of change could bring …

Level One. A Treat.

Posted on: April 29, 2020

Level One. A Treat. By Michelle Lloyd. A treat for you or a treat for me, a treat in time for a tasty tea, terrific thoughts raced through everybody’s minds hurridly. It was a moment of motivation, a make a …

Level Three. Countryside Counts.

Posted on: April 22, 2020

Level Three. Countryside Counts. By Michelle Lloyd. At school, New One had taken to heart, the words which had been put in front of the class. Fences were not made to be broken, of this the wildlife was sure, there …

Level Two. A New View.

Posted on: April 15, 2020

Level Two. A New View. By Michelle Lloyd. Sammy had trouble with authority. Although Sammy had an issue with it, he was a bit of an authority on the subject of authority. He had been through the trials and traumas …

Level One. Home Work.

Posted on: April 8, 2020

Level One. Home Work. By Michelle Lloyd. School had turned up at home for monkey Millie May, it was going to be for her, a totally different type of day. Never having seriously home schooled before, she was shocked to …

Level Three. Technology Highs and Lows.

Posted on: April 1, 2020

Level Three. Technology High and Lows. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert took to most ideas at school without too much of a fuss. He tried and attempted most subjects with eagerness. It was the breaks and the lulls of the …

Level Two. How big are you?

Posted on: March 25, 2020

Level Two. How big are you? By Michelle Lloyd. At school size was an issue! Believe it or not, size mattered but not always in the way that many might think. Size was a means for competing but it was …

Level One. Bad Weather Day.

Posted on: March 19, 2020

Level One. Bad Weather Day. By Michelle Lloyd. What a day it had been for BJ, running, hopping and jumping all the way. Outside the weather had become windy and wet, and all of BJ’s plans for games had been …

Level Three. Lana’s Yesterday.

Posted on: March 11, 2020

Level Three. Lana’s Yesterday. By Michelle Lloyd. It was strange the way moments in life slowed down when something extra important was going on. New One almost held his breath as he approached the doors at the back of their …

Level Two. Variation.

Posted on: March 4, 2020

Level Three – Variation. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert, New One and RV were out there, living like they loved it. They knew what they thought about almost everything, a fact that was slightly to their parent’s annoyance.  If they …

Level One. Mobility.

Posted on: February 26, 2020

Level One. Mobility. by Michelle Lloyd. Mobility was what mattered most at school and at home, for Nigel the word meant having the freedom to roam, Roam about here or there, anywhere, moving about was a priority and his NO.1 …

Level Three. Priorities.

Posted on: February 19, 2020

Level Three. First things First. By Michelle Lloyd. Sammy had heard it talked about but to be honest he understood the meaning of it less and less. What was the difficulty he had been experiencing? Comprehension of a certain topic …

Level Three. Passing it on.

Posted on: February 12, 2020

Level Three. Passing it on. By Michelle Lloyd. Pollution? Everybody had heard of it, they tried to do their little bit but honestly how much did R V think about it? The answer he had learnt, was not enough. Environmental …

Level Two. Not all Answers are made Equally.

Posted on: February 5, 2020

Level Two. Not all Answers are Made Equally. By Michelle Lloyd. Chaotic but Fun, it was certainly good to be a part of the mayhem and mad as it felt, New One thrived on all the frantic frolics that often …

Level One. Nap or not?

Posted on: January 29, 2020

Level One. Nap or not? By Michelle Lloyd. To nap or not was the question of the day, though it filled Millie Monkey with utter dismay. There were just too many tasks at hand, much fun to fill her time, …

Level Three. The Power of Opinions.

Posted on: January 22, 2020

Level Three. The Power of Opinions. By Michelle Lloyd. Why had the newspaper made an appearance at school? It was part of the proposed project for each class member to appreciate and remark upon. The history and importance of the …

Level Two. Yes.

Posted on: January 15, 2020

Level Two. Yes. By Michelle Lloyd. R V didn’t like to say no. Why? Well, he made it a rule to try to make the lives of all his friends, family and people he encountered, easier. This state of play, one would …

Level One. Is it for you or me?

Posted on: January 8, 2020

Level One. Is it for you or me? By Michelle Lloyd. Is it for you or me, oh where was he? The cries could be heard loudly and then ever so faintly… In wrapping and gathering presents, everybody was sure, …

Level Three. My Christmas Love.

Posted on: December 18, 2019

Level Three – My Christmas Love. By Michelle Lloyd. At school an announcement had been made and everybody was talking about the fact that they would be holding a Christmas show. It would be an evening for parents to see …

Level Two. TLC.

Posted on: December 11, 2019

Level Two. TLC. By Michelle Lloyd. Neglect was not a thought that often entered New One’s mind. He usually felt content and fulfilled but if there was anything that was lacking in his life, New One usually felt that he …

Level One. Decoration.

Posted on: December 4, 2019

Level One. Decoration. By Michelle Lloyd. Decorations, here and there, decorations almost everywhere! At all the colours, lights and toys, puppy could not help but stare. Nothing looked the same as it had once done before, everything was covered in …

Level Three. Stress it Out.

Posted on: November 27, 2019

Level Three. Stress it Out. By Michelle Lloyd. They dreaded it. They feared it. It was not discussed by his family for fear of stressing him out. Exams were the thing of hushed whispers, muted tones and defiant but desperate …

Level Two. Appeal.

Posted on: November 20, 2019

Level Two. Appeal. By Michelle Lloyd. Mustering the appeal to do anything had a lot to do with engagement and enthusiasm. If he felt passion for a subject then off he would go and run with it. However if he …

Level One. Country Wise.

Posted on: November 13, 2019

Level One. Country Wise. By Michelle Lloyd. Fences were not made to be broken, of this the wildlife was sure, there were meant to be temporary gateways, natural but preserved doors. If you chose to go through that entryway then …

Level Three. Mobility Madness.

Posted on: November 6, 2019

Level Three. Mobility Madness. By Michelle Lloyd. Nigel had learnt about definitions, he had experienced many variations of a theme because actually when it came to it, he could not be defined by any ordinary means. When he thought about …

Level Two. Could You?

Posted on: October 30, 2019

Level Two. Could You? By Michelle Lloyd. History could be a very useful teacher. Historical lessons were the ones filled with proper examples of what happened to who and when… Little Herbert was not what you would call a history …

Level One. What did it Mean?

Posted on: October 23, 2019

Level One. What did it Mean? By Michelle Lloyd. It was oh so near Halloween and scarily apparent it did seem, the pumpkins were out and all around they did glow and gleam. Halloween, whispered and shouted almost everywhere, but …

Level Three. Emulating No One.

Posted on: October 16, 2019

Level Three. Emulating No One. By Michelle Lloyd. Being a one-off and unique, that was not a trait that everybody coveted nor did they always understand. Beginning to get acquainted with others his own age was fun but it was …

Level Two. Parenting Plight.

Posted on: October 9, 2019

Level Two. Parenting Plight. By Michelle Lloyd. Family was a part of his understanding about many life lessons and those were built on being able to support those who mattered most. Little Herbert felt that he appreciated every aspect of …

Level One. Fox.

Posted on: October 2, 2019

Level One. Fox. By Michelle Lloyd. Foxes could be concealed creatures and they often hid their presence well, they did not like to be boastful or their best qualities did they loudly sell. Beautiful bushy tails, pointed but perky ears …

Level Three. When the grandparents Met.

Posted on: September 25, 2019

Level Three. When the grandparents Met. By Michelle Lloyd. Two – When Gran met Grandpa. By Michelle Lloyd. New One and Little Herbert thought that their Gran and Grandpa respectively would not see each other again and it had been …

Level Two. Best in Show.

Posted on: September 18, 2019

Level Two. Best in Show. By Michelle Lloyd. Lana, was a lovely dog and she had been claimed to be the loveliest dog EVER. It was accepted but not believed, that everybody entering the best pet competition, thought that their …

Level One. Snail Slow.

Posted on: September 11, 2019

Level One. Snail Slow. By Michelle Lloyd. It could be viewed as negative, it could be thought of as sad, but to Simon the Snail the concept of speed was not all that bad. He was keen to get about …

Level Three. You, Them or Me?

Posted on: September 4, 2019

Level Three. You, Them or Me? By Michelle Lloyd. A social experiment was an idea or theory that could be tested out on a specific section of the public. New One had heard about this concept before, but he had …

Level Two. Waste Not, Want Not.

Posted on: August 28, 2019

Level Two. Waste Not, Want Not. By Michelle Lloyd. New One aimed to achieve everything he could out of his choices in life. What did this mean? Well, he was keen to be explicit in what he liked and did …

Level One. Do as I Do.

Posted on: August 21, 2019

Level One. Do as I do. By Michelle Lloyd. Being a parent was not at all easy and in fact it could be quite tough, teaching life lessons to offspring who at times believed they were grown up enough. Sometimes …

Level Three. Walk in their Footsteps.

Posted on: August 14, 2019

Level Three. Walk in their Footsteps. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert found all animals interesting. It took his breath away to contemplate how strangely beautiful differing animals lifestyles could be and it made him question how varied these experiences of …

Level Two. Experience the Experience.

Posted on: August 7, 2019

Level Two. Experience the Experience. By Michelle Lloyd. Hectic and mad he would feel as anxiousness would often take over when Sammy was about to do something new and then all too soon slapdash would be the result. It was …

Level One. Objectives?

Posted on: July 31, 2019

Level One. Objectives? By Michelle Lloyd. Being busy could be tricky, it was a talent in itself to achieve, juggling many activities and aiming success in each to receive. Nightmarish notions had filled Teddy’s normally peaceful mind, as in the …

Level Three. Shapes and Sounds.

Posted on: July 24, 2019

Level Three. Shapes and Sounds. By Michelle Lloyd. It was easy to decipher what was what and how it connected to something else. R V felt that no more needed to be learnt when it came to this particular area …

Level Two. Possible?

Posted on: July 17, 2019

Level Two. Possible? By Michelle Lloyd. History could be a very useful teacher. Historical lessons were the ones filled with proper examples of what happened to who and when… Little Herbert was not what you call a history buff but …

Level One. Eager.

Posted on: July 10, 2019

Level One. Eager. By Michelle Lloyd. Eager, happy, enthusiastic and waiting by the front door, puppy was the first one to show what he had in store. Everything was appealing, excitement surrounded him as he went, puppy was there waiting …

Level Three. Decisions.

Posted on: July 3, 2019

Level Three. Decisions. By Michelle Lloyd. Asking anything for Little Herbert was not a problem, he was adept at it and could ask along with the best of the best. However when it came to deciding what to do about …

Level Two. Behaving Badly.

Posted on: June 26, 2019

Level Two. Behaving Badly. By Michelle Lloyd. Politeness had been a rule of thumb for New One at home and then at school. He had learnt that being polite was an invitation for responsive politeness and everything good that went …

Level One. Take it Up.

Posted on: June 19, 2019

Level One. Take it Up. By Michelle Lloyd. Bobby was abound with energy and things he wanted to do, everything was a task to him that he simply wanted to see through. Bobby had always been a good dog but …

Level Three. Little or Large.

Posted on: June 12, 2019

Level Three. Little or Large. By Michelle Lloyd. At school size was an issue! Believe it or not, size mattered but not in the way that many might think. Size was a means for achieving but it could also help …

Level Two. Awkward.

Posted on: June 5, 2019

Level Two. Awkward. By Michelle Lloyd. Life was all about the variation, and this was a lesson that had been well brought home to R V. Having a baby brother was awesome in many ways but then… in certain ways …

Level One. Storing it Up.

Posted on: May 29, 2019

Level One. Storing it Up. By Michelle Lloyd. Sammy was sure that he was in the know, he knew about this saving idea exactly how to go. Keep it, build it and store it as you do, that way at …

Level Three. What do you Mean?

Posted on: May 22, 2019

Level Three. What do you Mean? By Michelle Lloyd. It could be strange. Listening to derivations of sayings and people’s own interpretations of what expressions meant. There were many times when New One felt as if he had been rather …

Level Two. Bikes and Bygone Times.

Posted on: May 15, 2019

Level Two. Bikes and Bygone Times. By Michelle Lloyd. Bikes and Bygone Times. Little Herbert had entered the TT Races at school. What were they? Well, the TT Races stood for the Transport and Track Races. Each entrant had to …

Level One. Books.

Posted on: May 8, 2019

Level One. Books. By Michelle Lloyd. Physical volumes and books, they were there to be seen, but puppy wondered if they were a bit of a has-been? People he had seen them holding tablets and phones everywhere, regularly what they …

Level Three. Doggy Day Out.

Posted on: May 1, 2019

Level Three. Doggy Day Out. By Michelle Lloyd. Lana, was a lovely dog and in New One’s eyes, she was the loveliest dog EVER. It was accepted but not believed, that everybody entering the best pet competition, thought that their …

Level Two. Bravery.

Posted on: April 24, 2019

Level Two. Bravery. By Michelle Lloyd. How could you define it? Explanations for it, there were many… and none of them felt to Little Herbert adequate enough. At school, history had been an increasingly interesting subject for Little Herbert. He …

Level One. Old to New.

Posted on: April 17, 2019

Level One. Old to New. By Michelle Lloyd. There were slow, fast, short or made to last, methods of action from today or of the past. Either or both, a combination could be made, and to this sentiment the foundations …

Level Three. Year in Review.

Posted on: April 10, 2019

Level Three. Year in Review. By Michelle Lloyd. New One was a real stickler for applying what he had most recently learnt to life. He did it because he felt passionately about it. What was the point of learning and …

Level Two. Wipe it Up.

Posted on: April 3, 2019

Level Two. Wipe it Up. By Michelle Lloyd. Pollution? Everybody had heard of it, they tried to do their little bit but honestly how much did R V think about it? The answer he had learnt, was not enough. At …

Level One. Pollution.

Posted on: March 27, 2019

Level One. Pollution. By Michelle Lloyd. It came from discarded, thrown away rubbish of all sorts, almost all of the landscape was filled with the waste that had been brought. Plastic and items that should have found a way to …

Level Three. Similar is not the Same.

Posted on: March 20, 2019

Level Three. Similar is not the Same. By Michelle Lloyd. Sammy had trouble with authority. This was in no doubt and not in question. Although Sammy had an issue with it, he was a bit of an authority on the …

Level Two. Here or There?

Posted on: March 13, 2019

Level Two. Here or There? By Michelle Lloyd. Dad was an absolutely important member of the household and as such he was a needed to be seen and heard. Usually, this was no problem but New One’s dad had recently had …

Level One. Hibernation.

Posted on: March 6, 2019

Level One. Hibernation. By Michelle Lloyd. A big sleep or a rest of sorts, was how the idea of hibernation was taught. It was all about retreating, relaxing and restoring, gaining energy, sleeping and perhaps some snoring! Certain animals had …

Level Three. Art, but not as you know it.

Posted on: February 27, 2019

Level Three. Art, but not as you know it. By Michelle Lloyd. It was a bit of a muddle in R V’s mind. Which way to do things and how to apply himself, were both contentious issues. At school the …

Level Two. Speculation.

Posted on: February 20, 2019

Level Two. Speculation. By Michelle Lloyd. What should you do when you perpetuated an idea that you knew was not true? This was a question that New One had been forced to ask himself. At school the speculation had started. …

Level One. Dressing up or Dessing down.

Posted on: February 13, 2019

Level One. Dressing up or Dressing down. By Michelle Lloyd. Owl had received an invite to a masked ball, it had captured his heart and his imagination it did enthral. How far would he go in the dressing up stakes? …

Level Three. Grandpa and Me.

Posted on: February 6, 2019

Level Three. Grandpa and Me. By Michelle Lloyd. Grandpa as he had most recently become known and referred to by Little Herbert, the grandchild extraordinaire, was moving in. It was not surprising news. At least not to Little Herbert because …

Level Two. Individuality.

Posted on: January 30, 2019

Level Two. Individuality. By Michelle Lloyd. Sammy was an individual. He felt he expressed himself as an individual and he liked that ability of being a one-off and unique. When Sammy started school it was a tough experience and this …

Level One. Garden Glamour.

Posted on: January 23, 2019

Level One. Garden Glamour. By Michelle Lloyd. Mr Gully had often heard the term bandied about, it could bring about laughter, cries and shouts! Upon gardens was where he spent a lot of time gazing down, dressed were they in …

Level Three. Assessment.

Posted on: January 16, 2019

Level Three. Assessment. By Michelle Lloyd. They dreaded it. They feared it. It was not discussed. Dad’s assessment at work was not a subject for casual or idle chit chat. New One knew this and consequently everybody avoided the severely …

Level Two. Leaving Lana.

Posted on: January 9, 2019

Level Two. Leaving Lana. By Michelle Lloyd. No. He would not do it. New One had made himself clear and he expected to be listed to on the matter. Having been sat in the car and surrounded by cases New …

Level One. Fitness Fanatic.

Posted on: January 2, 2019

Level One. Fitness Fanatic. By Michelle Lloyd. A fitness fanatic was not at all Ted, he loved lounging about and staying in bed. Ted was not the sort to get out and go for a walk, at the very idea …

Level Three. Beliefs.

Posted on: December 12, 2018

Level Three. Beliefs. By Michelle Lloyd. The new neighbours were totally just that…new. Dressing differently, looking and seeming like nothing Little Herbert had encountered before, the neighbours were enticing and exciting to him. Several questions he had asked of his …

Level Two. Define it.

Posted on: December 5, 2018

Level Two. Define it. Nigel had learnt about definitions, he had experienced many variations of a theme because actually when it came to it, he could not be defined by ordinary means. When he thought about it definitions had a …

Level One. Organise.

Posted on: November 28, 2018

Level One. Organise. By Michelle Lloyd. Sammy had heard the word but he did not know what it did mean, about the meaning though his mum seemed quite keen. Organise this or that and often would she extremely busy be, …

Level Three. First things First.

Posted on: November 21, 2018

Level Three. First things First. By Michelle Lloyd. Sammy had heard it talked about often but to be honest he understood the meaning of it less and less. When priorities were established Sammy walked right out the door because he …

Level Two. Neglect.

Posted on: November 14, 2018

Level Two. Neglect. By Michelle Lloyd. Neglect was not a thought that entered New One’s mind, not in a conventional sense. He usually felt content and fulfilled but if there was anything that was lacking in his life, New One …

Level One. Learn and Play.

Posted on: November 7, 2018

Level One. Learn and Play. By Michelle Lloyd. Puppy loved to play, play, play, he would do it almost all of every day. At meal, walk and nap time too, everybody knew what he would do! Play and play some …

Level Three. Conviction.

Posted on: October 31, 2018

Level Three. Conviction. By Michelle Lloyd. There were several life lessons that were hard but crucial to take to heart. One of these R V felt featured his aims and ambitions. What were his aims and ambitions? Aims, R V …

Level Two. Pronounce.

Posted on: October 24, 2018

Level Two. Pronounce. By Michelle Lloyd. Enunciation was imperative for good pronunciation. It was all  fair and well to say that but putting the philosophy into practice was something else entirely. The subject of speech was one that had been …

Level One. Halloween.

Posted on: October 17, 2018

Level One. Halloween. By Michelle Lloyd. It was oh so near Halloween and to Sammy scarily apparent it did seem, the pumpkins were out and all around they did glow and gleam. Halloween, he heard whispered and shouted almost everywhere, …

Level Three. Work and Play.

Posted on: October 10, 2018

Level Three. Work and Play. By Michelle Lloyd. Work and Play or variations of it, were all well known and repeated phrases spoken of by New One. He had heard all about the pitfalls of an all work and no …

Level Two. Conventional.

Posted on: October 3, 2018

Level Two. Conventional. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert had tried hard to learn what had been at the heart of the problems he had endured at school.  It had been a difficult time that had once seen Little Herbert bullied …

Level One. Animals.

Posted on: September 26, 2018

Level One. Animals. By Michelle Lloyd. Animals could be seen all about, there was such a lot about them to shout! They varied in different abilities or size, and about their lives there was much to realise. In living, learning …

Level Three. Good for a Laugh.

Posted on: September 19, 2018

Level Three. Good for a Laugh. By Michelle Lloyd. Laughter was an important part of R V’s life. He had first experienced what laughter could truly do a little while ago. It was impressive really, how laughter could break the …

Level Two. Manoeuvers.

Posted on: September 12, 2018

Level Two – Manoeuvres. By Michelle Lloyd. It was strange to think that reading could widen his horizons. That was what his parents had told him. New One was sure that the advice was correct and he knew this because …

Level One. Build it.

Posted on: September 5, 2018

Level One. Build it. By Michelle Lloyd. The term, the word, what did it mean? What could one from the reference of Build glean? A tiny bird seemed after the answer sought, for in his beak the beginnings of it …

Level Three. A Principle.

Posted on: August 29, 2018

Level Three – A Principle. By Michelle Lloyd. What was a principle?  Well, in the case of New One, as he had most recently found out, a principle was a highly-held value of action or thought.  It basically meant what …

Level Two. Mum or Dad.

Posted on: August 22, 2018

Level Two. Mum or Dad. By Michelle Lloyd. Nigel would often think about what made fitting in so important.  At school, outside and even at home he certainly felt the need to do it, but why? Fitting in for Nigel …

Level One. Parenthood.

Posted on: August 15, 2018

Level One. Parenthood. By Michelle Lloyd. Relationships of which there were many to see, they seemed to be based on trust, love and making each other happy. Family members all for each other could show, how their love for them …

Level Three. Lana Loves.

Posted on: August 8, 2018

Level Three. Lana Loves. By Michelle Lloyd. Lana was the dog that everybody LOVED.  New One and his family had adopted her and she had quite literally arrived at their doorstep as a totally unexpected surprise.  Ever since Lana had …

Level Two. Sammy Said.

Posted on: August 1, 2018

Level Two. Sammy Said. By Michelle Lloyd. When Sammy looked at his parents, he longed for what they could do.  That ability to tell him when and how things should be done… it was a really appealing thought. Sammy felt …

Level One. Measure.

Posted on: July 25, 2018

Level One. Measure. By Michelle Lloyd. Sizes, lengths and shapes all seemed fine enough, but accuracy in the ratios of them was slightly tough. A pup who looked at life in easy get-to-know-you ways, he had a bit of difficulty …

Level Three. Singular or Plural.

Posted on: July 18, 2018

Level Three. Singular or Plural. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert was a lover of family.  It meant a lot to him.  Family was a part of his understanding about many life lessons and those were built on being able to …

Level Two. Was that me or you?

Posted on: July 11, 2018

Level Two. Was that me or you? By Michelle Lloyd. New One knew exactly what the dynamic of class and school could mean.  You had to be on the pulse of the social scene, in the fray of the frenetic …

Level One. Nurture.

Posted on: July 4, 2018

Level One. Nurture. By Michelle Lloyd. What was nurture?  What did it mean? This was a subject about which many were keen. Natural and vital, from the ground all the way up to the sky, everything could do with nurture, …

Level Three. Accents.

Posted on: June 26, 2018

Level Three. Accents. By Michelle Lloyd. R V was academic but conventionally, what did this mean?  Well, at school R V was adept at the higher mathematics class problems but he found the harder, more complicated questions easier to solve …

Level Two. Ta Da!

Posted on: June 20, 2018

Level Two. Ta Da! By Michelle Lloyd. Special days were lovely, such important occasions as birthdays and anniversaries could mean lots of memory making moments.  Sammy decided that on this occasion he would keep his gift idea for his grandma …

Level One. What, Where and When?

Posted on: June 13, 2018

Level One. What, Where and When? By Michelle Lloyd. What was it?  Where to do it?  Where to get it done? The questions usually asked while Flip Flop was on a run. Run, hop, skip and jump would Flip Flop …

Level Three. Bad or Not?

Posted on: June 6, 2018

Level Three. Bad or Not? By Michelle Lloyd. The toy shop that Little Herbert’s dad owned had recently been asked to send back some defected toys.  It had been a matter of fact event for dad but for Little Herbert …

Level Two. Dillon.

Posted on: May 30, 2018

Level Two. Dillon. By Michelle Lloyd. Dillon meant many thing to many… he could be a bit of an annoyance, noisy, smelly, he was difficult to talk to because he did not give away all that much and it has …

Level One. Live and Learn.

Posted on: May 23, 2018

Level One. Live and Learn. By Michelle Lloyd. Live and learn at life did little Laddie, struggle he did at not always being allowed to be free. Free he was not to jump up on the couch, he had to …

Level Three. Opinion.

Posted on: May 16, 2018

Level Three. Opinion. By Michelle Lloyd. A newspaper had been brought into school and small as it seemed, quite a stir had been caused because of it. Why had the newspaper made an appearance?  It was part of the proposed …

Level Two. You, Me and Him.

Posted on: May 9, 2018

Level Two. You, Me and Him. By Michelle Lloyd. R V, New One and Little Herbert were firm in their friendship.  They were quite knowledgeable on each other’s likes and dislikes.  It was good to be in a trio and …

Level One. Yes.

Posted on: May 2, 2018

Level One. Yes. By Michelle Lloyd. Yes was the answer when they went to the shop, too much was not a concept too hard to top. When it came to the options more was how it had to be, because …

Level Three. That Is Not the Answer.

Posted on: April 25, 2018

Level Three. That Is Not the Answer. By Michelle Lloyd. Busy family life was chaotic but Fun.  It was good to be a part of the mayhem and mad as it felt New One thrived on all the frantic frolics …

Level Two. Home or Away.

Posted on: April 18, 2018

Level Two. Home or Away. By Michelle Lloyd. New One was a home buddy.  He loved everything about his home.  It was comfortable, familiar and where he felt most at ease.  All in all it could be said that New …

Level One. Talking Tech.

Posted on: April 11, 2018

Level One. Talking Tech. By Michelle Lloyd. Talking Tech almost everybody did and all through the day, tablets, laptops and phones was the focus of what they would say. Means of conversation, gaming, information and more, there seemed a lot …

Level Three. Lend the Trend.

Posted on: April 4, 2018

Level Three. Lend the Trend. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert took to most ideas at school without too much of a fuss.  He tried and attempted most subjects with eagerness.  It was the breaks and the lulls of the day …

Level Two. What Does it Mean?

Posted on: March 28, 2018

Level Two. What Does it Mean? By Michelle Lloyd. Questions, they came in all shapes and sizes.  Big queries and little ponderings, they could all lead to intriguing answers and sometimes a few dilemmas… New One had long learnt that …

Level One. Odd One Out.

Posted on: March 21, 2018

Level One. Odd One Out. By Michelle Lloyd. Not everyone was similar or the same, it was a fact of life and a gift in the game. Realising not what set us apart but what we could share, it meant …

Level Three. History.

Posted on: March 14, 2018

Level Three. History. By Michelle Lloyd. History was one of the subjects that Little Herbert had loved since early on in life.  It was avidly that he would hear about the predicaments and epic civilisations of the past.  History was, …

Level Two. Up and Down.

Posted on: March 7, 2018

Level Two. Up and Down. By Michelle Lloyd. Happy R V felt most of the time, but he had endured a few experiences in life that had left him unsure.  When he had been told that the family was to …

Level One. Manners.

Posted on: February 28, 2018

Level One. Manners. By Michelle Lloyd. Manners they were talked a lot about and that was for sure, there was lots to be learnt and then even more… A young puppy was taking to this task bit by bit, it …

Level Three. Old and New.

Posted on: February 21, 2018

Level Three. Old and New. By Michelle Lloyd. New One was as at Lana’s side, as she was with him.  Lana dog loved to do everything with New One and he was not too disappointed about this.  Off they went …

Level Two. Score.

Posted on: February 14, 2018

Level Two. Score. By Michelle Lloyd. What was the score?  It was an important question in New One’s household.  Sports and scores were what mattered most to Dad and it was honestly why Mum thought he watched television or listened …

Level One. What to do.

Posted on: February 7, 2018

Level One. What to do. By Michelle Lloyd. What to do and what not to do, rules that Tiggy felt he already knew. How to keep warm, safe, watered and fed, Tiggy even knew how to tuck himself up in …

Level Three. Do or Do Not.

Posted on: January 31, 2018

Level Three – Do or Do Not. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert thought that the question of what to do in life was a simple one.  Either one liked to do it, had to do it or would not even …

Level Two. Too Much?

Posted on: January 24, 2018

Level Two. Too Much? By Michelle Lloyd. How much was too much?  R V was someone who was well aware or usually well aware of what was being indulged in and how he was involved in any given activity.  This …

Level One. Hidden.

Posted on: January 17, 2018

Level One. Hidden. By Michelle Lloyd. Hidden was he in almost every game, never was any hiding place the same. Hiding gave him excitement and it was a thrill, stay quiet, silent, patient and still…. Awesome was hiding and no …

Level Three. Age.

Posted on: January 10, 2018

Level Three – Age. By Michelle Lloyd. Dillon was little, much more little in size and younger than R V, his brother.  R V felt this was about as much that needed to be thought about the subject of age.  …

Level Two. Experience.

Posted on: January 3, 2018

Level Two. Experience. By Michelle Lloyd. New One and Lana were out for one of their walks.  It had been a lovely trip that had taken them to the nearby park and Lana in all her puppy passion had gotten …

Level One. I to You.

Posted on: December 13, 2017

Level One. I to You. By Michelle Lloyd. I to you was often not how it was in their lives, as each to their own would in their own tasks thrive. Thoughts about I turned quickly to the idea of …

Level Three. Me?

Posted on: December 6, 2017

Level Three. Me? By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert was a good sort.  What was meant by this?  Well, Little Herbert attempted to always help others and he did this in any way that he could.  There was not much that …

Level Two. Expertise.

Posted on: November 29, 2017

Level Two. Expertise. By Michelle Lloyd. What was expertise?  The term had certainly been used a lot of late but R V was unclear on what it truly meant. At school there had been a few show and tell classes …

Level One. Fight the Fear.

Posted on: November 22, 2017

Level One. Fight the Fear. By Michelle Lloyd. Fear was not something that he liked to have or think about, the very thought in fact made him nervous and want to shout. Instead he tried from anything fearful to stay …

Level Three. How?

Posted on: November 15, 2017

Level Three – How? By Michelle Lloyd. How was an interesting question.  Little Herbert liked it though because it usually came with an explanation as for how… for example if he needed to understand the finer workings of a train …

Level Two. Adult Vs Child.

Posted on: November 8, 2017

Level Two – Adult Vs Child. By Michelle Lloyd. What did it mean to be an adult?  It was a question that posed many thoughts.  Surely as an adult all those childhood fantasies could then be fulfilled…or could they? Sammy …

Level One. Parent.

Posted on: November 1, 2017

Level One. Parent. By Michelle Lloyd. Being a parent could be tough for sure, there were worries, responsibilities and so much more. When you thought all the tasks of the day had been done, that was when the shocks could …

Level Three. Animal Day.

Posted on: October 25, 2017

Level Three – Animal Day. By Michelle Lloyd. Animals were much loved by New One.  What was not to like about them?  He loved the furry, scaled, claw clad and the feathered varieties…there was not an animal that he did …

Level Two. Brotherly Why?

Posted on: October 18, 2017

Level Two – Brotherly Why? By Michelle Lloyd. Babies were … there were many adjectives to describe what babies were like and R V knew most of them.  He had learnt by first-hand experience and as a big brother he …

Level One. Can I?

Posted on: October 11, 2017

Level One – Can I? By Michelle Lloyd. The task seemed hard and beyond what he could do, but Ted tried to improve on what he already knew. Set about it, he was told, go ahead and do your bit, …

Level Three. Wellness.

Posted on: October 4, 2017

Level Three – Wellness. By Michelle Lloyd. What did it mean to be well?  New One heard the term mentioned an awful lot.  He thought it could mean how healthy you were but then he got confused because those who …

Level Two. Do you mean it?

Posted on: September 27, 2017

Level Two – Do you mean it? By Michelle Lloyd. New One felt like he understood most of what his parents told him.  He was not a complex person and did not want anyone to think that he did not …

Level One. Is that me?

Posted on: September 20, 2017

Level One – Is that me? By Michelle Lloyd. Is that me?  Often this question would Lana hear said, but it made no sense in her young puppy head. Yes that is you, would she think, for it has to …

Level Three. Happiness.

Posted on: September 13, 2017

Level Three – Happiness. By Michelle Lloyd. Happiness was a lovely feeling.  It could be one who experienced it or many but however it was felt, it was definitely a positive attribute to how one could feel.  If you were …

Level Two. When Gran met Grandpa.

Posted on: September 6, 2017

Level Two – When Gran met Grandpa. By Michelle Lloyd. New One’s Gran was aspirational.  She was a lovely sort and according to Little Herbert’s Grandpa a bit of a diamond. How was this known?  Well it all started with …

Level One. Glasses.

Posted on: August 30, 2017

Level One – Glasses. By Michelle Lloyd. He struggled, he fought and negatively thought, the glasses were not in his life to be brought. They had promised him glasses were what he should wear, putting on glasses would not make …

Level Three. Missing Lana.

Posted on: August 23, 2017

Level Three – Missing Lana. By Michelle Lloyd. When Lana went away, New One’s life took a turn for the worse.  It had all started when Patch, the neighbour’s dog had gone missing. Patch was an adorable dog and a …

Level Two. Swimming.

Posted on: August 16, 2017

Level Two – Swimming. By Michelle Lloyd. This is how it began…  R V took one look at them and point blank refused.  He would not wear them.  He would not be pushed into it and that was that.  What …

Level One. I got it.

Posted on: August 9, 2017

Level One – I got it. By Michelle Lloyd. Pup was eager and he was awfully keen, but some of the games played with him seemed terribly mean. Give it, got it then let it go, that all seemed too …

Level Three. Mend.

Posted on: August 2, 2017

Level Three – Mend. By Michelle Lloyd. Things could be dependable and that was how New One liked them.  He was extremely unsure about something that he had been told had been repaired, fixed or mended.  According to New One …

Level Two. Is it Me or Him?

Posted on: July 26, 2017

Level Two – Is it Me or Him? By Michelle Lloyd. Dillon.  He was fun, fast and frantic.  He was lovely, lively and loud for much of the time and he was most importantly to R V, his little brother. …

Level One. Puppy basket.

Posted on: July 19, 2017

Level One – Puppy basket. By Michelle Lloyd. Into the puppy blanket the puppies they were all tucked in, it was 1 – 0 in the game of playtime and it was sleep that had the win. It was puppy nap …

Level Three. Volunteer.

Posted on: July 12, 2017

Level Three – Volunteer. By Michelle Lloyd. At school R V had been engrossed in a new idea that had been introduced to them.  Volunteers were people who could do something for someone else and often this would be in …

Level Two. No.

Posted on: July 5, 2017

Level Two – No. By Michelle Lloyd. It was a response that Little Herbert had given a lot of late and it was a word that others who knew him had heard used extremely often.  What was the word?  No. …

Level One. You and Me.

Posted on: June 28, 2017

Level One – You and Me. By Michelle Lloyd. The task was set and the project did appeal, but all too soon daunting did the prospect feel. A school play was the objective and that was the aim, but working …

Level Three. A Visit.

Posted on: June 21, 2017

Level Three – A Visit. By Michelle Lloyd. New One loved being able to have time with R V and Little Herbert.  They could bounce ideas off each other because they knew what each liked individually and the three were …

Level Two. Right and Wrong.

Posted on: June 14, 2017

Level Two – Right and Wrong. By Michelle Lloyd. New One had a moral compass.  It was not an actual thing that he could hold in his hand but he knew it was there, inside him and with it he …

Level One. Rest.

Posted on: June 7, 2017

Level One – Rest. By Michelle Lloyd. It was hard to be ill and that was for sure, you had to sit still and not do any of those things adored. Rest was what one had to do to lessen them being so …

Level Three. Who to be?

Posted on: May 31, 2017

Level Three – Who to be? By Michelle Lloyd. At school Little Herbert had been involved in a class project.  It was all about what and who he admired most in life.  At first he had thought this an easy …

Level Two. A Bit OTT.

Posted on: May 24, 2017

Level Two – A Bit OTT. By Michelle Lloyd. It was early on in class one morning when R V noticed that New One had been excused from lessons.  New One, Little Herbert and R V were known for being in their …

Level One. Thought.

Posted on: May 17, 2017

Level One – Thought. By Michelle Lloyd. Sammy was sure of what he had to do, daily of his needs and how to meet them he knew. Out he would go and in he would be, to a world of …

Level Three. House Sitting Lana.

Posted on: May 10, 2017

Level Three – House Sitting Lana. By Michelle Lloyd. What was house sitting?  This was New One’s question and as he had not known about anything like it before, it was a good one. New One was sat down and …

Level Two. Lana the Pampered Pooch.

Posted on: May 3, 2017

Level Two – Lana the Pampered Pooch. By Michelle Lloyd. Lana was a dog who had known hardship.  She had not always had a loving family to call her own.  Looking lovingly at the pals she had now in life, …

Level One. Hide.

Posted on: April 26, 2017

Level One – Hide. By Michelle Lloyd. Hide did Pooch the puppy do for sure, into soft, cushioned places he would go and this he did adore. If it was soft, silky or smooth in it he would be, but then hard …

Level Three. Factually.

Posted on: April 19, 2017

Level Three – Factually. By Michelle Lloyd. R V was used to being able to answer questions at school.  He could and would often be first to put up his hand in class, he even helped explain some of the …

Level Two. That is not the same.

Posted on: April 12, 2017

Level Two – That is not the same. By Michelle Lloyd. It was reassuring, it was simple and it was how it was supposed to be.  When New One could do what he was used to, then everything seemed fine …

Level One. Learning.

Posted on: April 5, 2017

Level One – Learning. By Michelle Lloyd. Learning was often thought of as associated with school, it was there that one could learn with interesting, educational tools. Life was about learning or so Sydney had heard his Mum so often tell, it was how …

Level Three. On Trend.

Posted on: March 29, 2017

Level Three – On Trend. By Michelle Lloyd. School was full of ideas to think about, issues to include in life and decisions about where one should be and what they should have with them.  New One knew this and …

Level Two. No Not Me.

Posted on: March 22, 2017

Level Two – No Not Me. By Michelle Lloyd. R V was not sure about many aspects of life.  There were the times when his Mum and Dad would advise him on certain desires of his and he would totally …

Level One. Speech.

Posted on: March 15, 2017

Level One – Speech. By Michelle Lloyd. Speaking was a subject that for Little Herbert caused alarm, he knew that despite his efforts the attempt caused him harm. Difficult he found to talk as others did in class, nervousness meant …

Level Three. News.

Posted on: March 8, 2017

Level Three – News. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert had a bed time.  It was a routine that he had to adhere to, without fail.  Always before the night time news would start Little Herbert would be sent off to …

Level Two. Grandparents.

Posted on: March 1, 2017

Level Two – Grandparents. By Michelle Lloyd. Everyone seemed to have them or know of them, New One knew that, and he had heard often stated that they could be incredibly positive people to have in life.  Although this had been told …

Level One. Nap.

Posted on: February 22, 2017

Level One – Nap. By Michelle Lloyd. A nap in the afternoon was what Tiggy had been told to do, but about what it truly meant he never knew. He had been told to nap gave you time to energise …

Level Three. Mistakes.

Posted on: February 15, 2017

Level Three – Mistakes. By Michelle Lloyd. Mistakes were a part of many people’s lives.  This was a fact that had been heard, noted but not concurred with by a certain Little Herbert. Little Herbert lived with a lot to look …

Level Two. What to do?

Posted on: February 8, 2017

Level Two – What to do? By Michelle Lloyd. New One loved knowing what he had to do, when he had to do it and why it had to be done.  His mum was very capable at doing this and …

Level One. Art.

Posted on: February 1, 2017

Level One – Art. By Michelle Lloyd. Art was a class that Sammy had to pass at school, but he had trouble holding the given out tools. Not a brush or pencil could he keep in hand, it was why …

Level Three – Depends.

Posted on: January 25, 2017

Level Three – Depends. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert, New One and R V were out there, living like they loved it, young adults.  They knew what they thought about almost everything, a fact that was slightly to their parent’s …

Level Two. Keep up.

Posted on: January 18, 2017

Level Two – Keep up. By Michelle Lloyd. New One was astounded at how his mum could keep up with so many different things in a day.  Off she went to the plant and pot where she would be found …

Level One. Brush.

Posted on: January 11, 2017

Level One – Brush. By Michelle Lloyd. What was it that lay there like an inviting tool? An introduction to it for him had been made at school. In Art class they had been given a brush in hand, what …

Level Three. Timely.

Posted on: January 4, 2017

Level Three – Timely. By Michelle Lloyd. A timely event was something that could be appreciated because of how and when it occurred.  It was strange as a concept to some and to those who were logically and most pragmatically …

Level Two. For you.

Posted on: December 14, 2016

Level Two – For you. By Michelle Lloyd. It was the time when people for each other did an awful lot, and for Bunny Junior this was complicated by him not knowing for who to do what. Everybody had everything they …

Level One. Wrapping it up.

Posted on: December 7, 2016

Level One – Wrapping it up. By Michelle Lloyd.   A very special event was getting ever so close to be, and everybody was busying themselves so happily. Tasks to do there were so many and Ted knew this well, …

Level Three – Achievement.

Posted on: November 30, 2016

Level Three.  Achievement. By Michelle Lloyd.   What to do for many was an important task to know, if you had your objectives set then about them you could go. It was all that New One had seen of many …

Level Two. Consider.

Posted on: November 23, 2016

Level Two – Consider. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert had long seen a trait in many of his friends, all too quickly decisions were made and sometimes this was just to make amends. If they had a choice then hardly any …

Level One – DIY.

Posted on: November 16, 2016

Level One – DIY. By Michelle Lloyd.   DIY was a word that Robbie had heard said, he had seen it spelled out and about it he had read. It was not something that he knew how to do or …

Level Three – Little Herbert.

Posted on: November 9, 2016

Level Three – Little Herbert. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert had been known as so as far back as he did know, Herbert of course had been his actual name, and because of his size the prefix had came. Little …

Level Two. Why not?

Posted on: November 2, 2016

Level Two – Why not? By Michelle Lloyd. Sammy had been told to give things a try, go on and experience without questioning why. Sammy found it hard to give this attitude a go, he did not like to venture …

Level One. Small.

Posted on: October 26, 2016

Level One – Small. By Michelle Lloyd.   Sammy thought he was so small, his friends all seemed to him incredibly tall. It was true he was slight and shorter in height, but he did not let this rule his might. If …

Level Three. Can I?

Posted on: October 19, 2016

Level Three – Can I? By Michelle Lloyd.   Can I, was the start of a question so profound, as a query it was curiosity noted as a sound. Can I do this and can I do that? Answers to these …

Level Two. Similar but not the same.

Posted on: October 12, 2016

Level Two – Similar but not the same. By Michelle Lloyd.   Fitting in was fine for some to do, you could learn all about who knew who. When you got down to the when to do what, you found …

Level One. Fear.

Posted on: October 5, 2016

Level One – Fear. By Michelle Lloyd.   Trying something for the first time was hard to do, this was a lesson that Curtis had learned to be true. Going up was a trait that came easily to him, he would …

Level Three. That is SO me.

Posted on: September 28, 2016

Level Three – That is SO me. By Michelle Lloyd. It was the seasonal time for transition.  The colder month had arrived and an announcement was made by New One’s mum that appropriate coats would have to be bought. Generally …

Level Two. Who knew?

Posted on: September 21, 2016

Level Two – Who knew? By Michelle Lloyd. Otto the owlet was a student owl and top of his class, but there was sure a lot to learn and many exams to pass. Who knew, was generally his response to what …

Level One. Build.

Posted on: September 14, 2016

Level One – Build. By Michelle Lloyd.   A project from school was how it did start,  to build something was their task in art. Slow to begin and with no idea what to do, it was difficult for an …

Level Three. Show and Tell.

Posted on: September 7, 2016

Level Three – Show and Tell. By Michelle Lloyd. R V had a somewhat altered life.  It was not bad and he was not sad about it because this life he had was shared with a little brother, Dillon. Dillon …

Level Two. Aims.

Posted on: August 31, 2016

Level Two – Aims. By Michelle Lloyd.   Aims were the subject of the class and each student was given a task, to find out what each pupil’s aims were the questions began to get asked. Slowly aims yet to …

Level One. Wise.

Posted on: August 24, 2016

Level One – Wise. By Michelle Lloyd.   Wise as a word was used such a lot, Otto the owlet felt he was a wise tot. Owlets had lessons to learn and that was for sure, life for them was …

Level Three. Timing.

Posted on: August 17, 2016

Level Three – Timing. By Michelle Lloyd. It was all about timing.  This was a saying that regularly was said by both R V’s mum and dad.  Why was this said and about who?  Well, there was a lot to do …

Level Two. That is what I do.

Posted on: August 10, 2016

Level Two – That is what I do. By Michelle Lloyd. He was small.  He was actually tiny.  He was slightly wrinkly, pongy, noisy, difficult to understand and bald.  R V had thought all of these ideas of late.  They …

Level One. Acting.

Posted on: August 3, 2016

Level One – Acting. By Michelle Lloyd.   Dressing up and make believe was fun to do, one could try life out in someone else’s shoes. Teddy loved to try on clothes for size, he would act a given part and about …

Level Three. Are you happy?

Posted on: July 27, 2016

Level Three – Are you happy? By Michelle Lloyd. Happy was something that R V knew well.  He loved meeting up with his friends after school, he was interested in having one on one time with his parents when they …

Level Two. Do I have to?

Posted on: July 20, 2016

Level Two – Do I have to? By Michelle Lloyd. We all have our favourite objects, but at some point we may have to replace them or even throw them out… this was the dreaded statement that had been made, …

Level One. OTT.

Posted on: July 13, 2016

Level One – OTT. By Michelle Lloyd. It was a day just like any other, little Al was playing this is my job with his mother. Little Al loved to pretend at the jobs he had, it made him happy …

Level Three. Public Appeal.

Posted on: July 6, 2016

Level Three – Public Appeal. By Michelle Lloyd. It had finally dawned on a certain Little Herbert that his most dreaded of mornings had made an appearance.  It had been a bit of a long time coming but to Little Herbert …

Level Two. Do it this way, not that way.

Posted on: June 29, 2016

Level Two – Do it this way, not that way. By Michelle Lloyd. R V was used to being able to answer everything in class.  Question asked and he would be the first to put his hand up, give the …

Level One. Friends.

Posted on: June 22, 2016

Level One – Friends. By Michelle Lloyd. Friends were important to this friendly three, they knew that with each other they were as happy as could be. Friends were there when you needed them and stood by your side, it is …

Level Three. Are we there yet?

Posted on: June 15, 2016

Level Three – Are we there yet? By Michelle Lloyd. It was an occasional visit that had seen Little Herbert and his two friends strapped into the back seat of his dad’s vehicle.  They were off to see a superhero …

Level Two. Yes, I can.

Posted on: June 8, 2016

Level Two – Yes, I can. By Michelle Lloyd. R V didn’t like to say no.  He made it a rule to try to make the lives of all his friends, family and people he encountered, easier.  His mum had always told …

Level One. Write.

Posted on: June 1, 2016

Level One – Write. By Michelle Lloyd. A Bunny he was and happy in his life was he, but sometimes he imagined all the other things he would like to be. A bunny policeman, a fireman, teacher too, sometimes he imagined he …

Level Three. Granddad.

Posted on: May 25, 2016

Level Three – Granddad. By Michelle Lloyd. Little Herbert watched as the door opened and his heart beat with anticipation for his visit to begin.  It was the long awaited afternoon.  The talked of trip.  The few minutes that he could …

Level Two. Are you really ill?

Posted on: May 18, 2016

Level Two – Are you really ill? By Michelle Lloyd.   New One, Little Herbert and R V were the trio of friends who stood at each other’s side, in life they hardly ever did a thing that they could …

Level One. Hoglet’s Day.

Posted on: May 11, 2016

Level One – Hoglet’s Day. By Michelle Lloyd.   It was oh so fun to be awake in the day, Hoglet found much to do and such a lot to say. The main aim he had for pretty much everyday, …

Level Three. Is this a car or a coach?

Posted on: May 4, 2016

Level Three – Is this a car or a coach? By Michelle Lloyd. New One and R V were keen members of their football team.  The Junior football league table indicated that their team had done well of late, their climbing position …

Level Two. An art from the heart.

Posted on: April 27, 2016

Level Two – An art from the heart. By Michelle Lloyd.   All about sharing R V and Little Herbert knew, it was a kindness that someone for another could do. Life was full of dos and don’ts but they …

Level One. Nigel’s Way.

Posted on: April 20, 2016

Level One – Nigel’s Way. By Michelle Lloyd.   Nigel was not physically like his friends, he was different and to his tasks differently he did tend. Instead of four feet he had three, but with his extra addition he …

Level Three. Do what I say, not what I do.

Posted on: April 13, 2016

Level Three – Do what I say, not what I do. By Michelle Lloyd.   Parents were the people who you could go to when you felt scared, alone and when you needed a little or a lot of love.  New …

Level Two. Nigel’s Life Lesson.

Posted on: April 6, 2016

Level Two – Nigel’s Life Lesson. By Michelle Lloyd.   Nigel was different to others about his own age, it was explained when asked that he had his own physical stage. When others at school would walk or run, Nigel …

Level One. News.

Posted on: March 30, 2016

Level One – News. By Michelle Lloyd.   Every morning, bright and early Rob Rabbit would be heard to say, “It’s time to wake up, get up and learn about the news of today.” Little Rob Rabbit Jr. hardly knew …

Level Three. Lana and me.

Posted on: March 23, 2016

Level Three – Lana and me. By Michelle Lloyd.   Lana was a part of the family.  Lana was loved, looked after and listened to because as far as dogs went, she knew that she was the head of her household.  …

Level Two. Little Herbert will see it through.

Posted on: March 16, 2016

Level Two – Little Herbert will see it through. By Michelle Lloyd.   “Don’t leave things half finished.  See it through.”  This was a favourite saying of Little Herbert’s Dad and he was known to have said it often.  As …

Level One. Letter.

Posted on: March 9, 2016

Level One – Letter. By Michelle Lloyd.   Robby Rabbit had received his post, it was the time in the morning that he loved the most. A few minutes to rip open and read, to find out the news was …

Level Three. What’s it to be R V?

Posted on: March 2, 2016

Level Three – What’s it to be R V? By Michelle Lloyd.   Things had not been at all smooth for R V of late.  There was his difficulty in fitting in at school and then his short trial at taking on an adult’s role …

Level Two. What do we do?

Posted on: February 24, 2016

Level Two – What do we do? By Michelle Lloyd.   What do we do?  What do we do? It was a question often asked by New One, R V and Little Herbert too. For ideas about games, activities and new toys …

Level One. Nigel’s Desk.

Posted on: February 17, 2016

Level One – Nigel’s Desk. By Michelle Lloyd.   Exams were a subject that many did dread, all those lessons one had to learn when one would like to have fun instead. Horrible exams was something Nigel had often thought, it …

Level Three. R V’s Idea.

Posted on: February 10, 2016

Level Three – R V’s Idea. By Michelle Lloyd.   R V had started school with his two friends Little Herbert and New One.  It had been a life event they all shared.  A part of their lives that meant …

Level Two. Feelings.

Posted on: February 3, 2016

Level Two – Feelings. By Michelle Lloyd.   Feelings were something that has been talked about an awful lot, there were things you should or could do and things that you should not. New One had heard about almost every …

Level One. Annie’s Shoes.

Posted on: January 27, 2016

Level One – Annie’s Shoes. By Michelle Lloyd.   Shoes were the issue and the problem of the day, it was time to have some new ones and for the old ones to no longer stay. R V, Little Herbert …

Level Three. Now you see me.

Posted on: January 20, 2016

Level Three – Now you see me. By Michelle Lloyd.   R V was getting used to school, he knew the ways of the corridor and he was nobody’s fool. At school R V wasn’t awfully tough, but he was …

Level Two. Time in the day.

Posted on: January 13, 2016

Level Two – Time in the day. By Michelle Lloyd.   Time was something that was important to Little Herbert’s Dad, he ran his toy shop on his own and a lot of time was not something he had. Little …

Level One. Present.

Posted on: January 6, 2016

Level One – Present. By Michelle Lloyd.   A present is something R V knew all about, it was a reason to laugh, to be happy and shout. A present was something that one was able to give to a …

Level Three. Christmas Love.

Posted on: December 16, 2015

Level Three – Christmas Love. By Michelle Lloyd. New One’s school had announced that they would be holding a Christmas show.  It would be an evening for parents to see their children performing in a play called Christmas Love.  Each …

Level Two. Christmas.

Posted on: December 9, 2015

Level Two – Christmas. By Michelle Lloyd.   It was Christmas and New One knew, Lana and he had a lot to do. Cards for friends had to be given with love, while Father Christmas prepared presents to send from above. …

Level One. Flip Flop’s Happy Christmas.

Posted on: December 2, 2015

Level One – Flip Flop’s Happy Christmas. By Michelle Lloyd.   Flip Flop loved all things Christmas and all of the lights too, at home there was so much happiness in all there was to do. Cards of Christmas he had watched …

Level Three. When New One met the Vet.

Posted on: November 25, 2015

Level Three. When New One met the Vet. By Michelle Lloyd. New One had a lot of responsibilities.  A certain newest member of his family had made themselves at home.  Lana, the dog was loved by New One.  Her arrival …

Level Two. Lana’s Arrival.

Posted on: November 18, 2015

Level Two – Lana’s Arrival. By Michelle Lloyd.   New One had been getting used to the newest member of his family, a loving friend the furry, wide eyed, excited Lana dog was a faithful companion to who they all did …

Level One. Hoglet.

Posted on: November 11, 2015

Level One. Hoglet. By Michelle Lloyd.   Our tale it starts on what was a cold Autumn night, as Hedgehog and Hoglet came slowly into sight. 5000 spines the pair had each, Mother Hedgehog was about her baby Hoglet to teach. how …

Level Three. Lana.

Posted on: November 4, 2015

Level Three – Lana. By Michelle Lloyd. The weekend had been a long one for New One, his Dad had been working all of Saturday and that only left him a little of the two day break from school to …

Level Two. Nature.

Posted on: October 28, 2015

Level Two – Nature. By Michelle Lloyd.   A trip had been planned to go and see, the rabbits’ burrows and plight of the bee. It was time for New One, Little Herbert and for R V, to get ready, get …

Level One. Exam.

Posted on: October 21, 2015

Level One – Exam. By Michelle Lloyd. New One had started school, it had been fun at first but he now felt a bit of a fool. You see, at school one had to take it slow, but after a number …

Level Three. One Bully vs. A Heroic Three.

Posted on: October 14, 2015

Level Three. One Bully vs. A Heroic Three. By Michelle Lloyd. School had become a regular event for R V.  He loved the things other children seemed to dislike, the classes…well he found them to be not too bad, the teachers had …

Level Two. Care and Share.

Posted on: October 7, 2015

Level Two – Care and Share. By Michelle Lloyd.   New One and his Mum had been hard at work because it was to be a special day, all the effort, hard work and preparation had been ongoing for a theatre …

Level One. Jam.

Posted on: September 30, 2015

Level One – Jam. By Michelle Lloyd. Jam, it was the one thing R V loved to eat, full of taste and sweetness, it was a real treat. If he could R V would have jam from morning till night, …

Level Three. New One, the Scream and the Bee.

Posted on: September 23, 2015

Level Three – New One, the Scream and the Bee. By Michelle Lloyd. New One was happy that it was the weekend, finally he had a whole two days off school.  He had enjoyed his experience of starting school but he had …

Level Two. Excuse me, I booked a table for two?

Posted on: September 16, 2015

Level Two – Excuse me, I booked a table for two? By Michelle Lloyd.   R V, New One and Little Herbert made three, they all had decided to play a game of hide and go see The game did cause …

Level One. Nigel’s Wheel.

Posted on: September 9, 2015

Level One – Nigel’s Wheel. By Michelle Lloyd. Nigel was so happy, he was free to roam, everywhere he went he had with him his home. His shell he carried on his back, on path, on road, on earth filled …

Level Three. Choose the Shoes.

Posted on: September 2, 2015

Level Three – Choose the Shoes. School was about to start.  It had been the Summer holidays and now after several weeks of fun it was time for school work again.  Children all over the land were prepping for the …

Level Two. Friends Times Three.

Posted on: August 26, 2015

LEVEL TWO – NEW ONE, LITTLE HERBERT AND R V MAKE THREE. New One and R V a happy friendship had the two, they played so often they hardly had time to say PHEW! New One introduced R V to all …

Level One. Rabbit’s Toys.

Posted on: August 19, 2015

Level One – Early Readers.                                                                                                             Flip Flop, Drip Drop, Rain go away, We want to play today! Flip Flop loved toys, come what may Flip Flop would plan his day around his play Toys for out doors and toys for in …

Level Three.

Posted on: August 12, 2015

LEVEL THREE. R V, New One and the Visitor. R V and New One had been friends for a while.  New One would invite R V over to his house for playtime.  Regularly the two would play, share toys and …

Level Two.

Posted on: August 5, 2015

LEVEL TWO – SHARE WITH ME. (The use of TWO and TOO)   Can you share with me? My name is New One My name is R V can you come and share with me?   New One is my …

Level One.

Posted on: July 29, 2015

Level One – Early readers. New One: Come and Play!   My name is New One I love to have fun I live in a tree I swing to move about you see Be my friend come and Play Help me …

Welcome to Children’s stories at No.44.

Posted on: July 22, 2015

Welcome to Children’s stories at No.44 This is where you will find age related stories aimed at children from different areas of reading ability.  Each level will have age appropriate stories with defined ideas, inspirational morals or themes. Here you will …