Level Two. Feeling Fulfilled.
Level Two. Feeling Fulfilled.
By Michelle Lloyd.
RV had been in all sorts of situations, but none had got him into such a frenzy of anxiety as what he learnt in trying to find his fulfilling vocation.
Briefly, it had felt as if his brother was watching him keenly and this was odd for a little brother who barely seemed to look at anything for more than two seconds at a time. He had a short attention span and it was developing, was the explanation his mum had given him in answer to his question about his brother’s lack of attention AND no it was definitely not because he didn’t think much about him.
RV watched, he waited and then after a while he went in again. He attempted to walk with his mum as she transferred his brother into his sleeping seat. Again, he was told to please go and watch from a safe distance. This time RV pleaded and asked could he put his brother into his seat.
It did not go well. Feeling less fulfilled and deflated, a little later, RV tried again. This time his dad had gone into cradle and quieten his noisy brother. Again RV went in with his plea to accomplish the task, any task. RV’s dad had looked at him and for a second he thought he was going to get to do it, but then he was refused and his dad explained that it was probably something that he could watch but not do.
RV looked at the brother he had acquired, he felt he had been patient, reasonable and he could not have watched more if he tried…he walked off and out of the room. It was a while later that RV heard his parents talk. He had gone into his room and refused to come out when called. He didn’t want to be difficult but he felt put off by the whole situation. He was a watcher according to his parents, only able to watch and could do nothing for his brother, it was not fair or justified.
It was his mum who found him and approached RV. She explained that she was sorry and she could see that he was upset. It was RV who did not need any persuading and before he knew it he had told his mum all about how useless he felt. He wanted to be there for his brother and not just watch him. She listened and then when dad came in they both agreed that maybe RV’s brother had taken over their attention of late and that they hadn’t realised how pushed out he had felt.
When RV’s brother woke up he was brought in and with his mum by his side, the two younger members of the family cuddled properly for the first time. It was with his little brother looking up at him for the second longest time that RV was given the task of naming him. He looked at his mum and dad and knew that out of all the things he had watched and seen, this was what he could do.