Level One. Snooze Police.

By Michelle Lloyd.


Watching grandpa hedgehog having a nap was when the idea struck,

and little hoglet thought enthusiastically that he better follow this up.

There was a difference in grandpa every time he took his nap to snooze a while away,

and hoglet wanted to ask him if all this sleeping stuff had to last all day.

Grandpa smiled and kindly bestowed his knowledge on all things nap,

he got himself comfortable and in his memories there was not a single gap.

Snoozing had a priority in objectives of things to do,

because without it there would be no energy for him to see anything through.

Tiredness could be terrible and it could cause a hedgehog to slow,

it was not healthy as it made them feel unable and low.

Hoglet decided that all the facts meant he should give it a go,

and sure enough after a snooze of his own the energy did flow.