Crossing conceptions.
Author: | Posted on: December 17, 2014
Happy Christmas.
Spirit talk of Christmas, celebrations of the past, present and of their love for a time where people are together.
Spirits of those we love, of those we know and people who have passed are not away from us and with us at Christmas. Spirits often refer to the time of year and do keep up a visit to loved ones at this time. In celebration of the festive days, people do get together, and it is in this assembling of young and old that individual links will be thought about of past times and loved ones, and it is in this process of keeping someone in your heart for a few moments upon which spirits of those same beings will be closer than some feel possible.
At Christmas the difference is that people do often refer to spirits more than at other times. The loving links are easier to accept as the sense of timing is so often one that included those visits to and from those loved people. In spirit their love is with people this side, their celebrations spirit side are somewhat likened to that of our own and their sense of what the time is and how they fit into lives is that link which ensures that their place is open. In sitting down to celebrate Christmas this year do keep at heart the sense of those loved people who were in your life and who do visit with you in this season, their love is the greatest gift one could wish to receive.
Can I take this opportunity to wish you all a lovely Christmas and special New Year.
The site will be taking a short pause for Christmas and the New Year and is back in two weeks time.