Crossing conceptions.
Author: | Posted on: November 26, 2014
Do you have a reason for being?
It is a question that many do ask. What does my life mean? Is there some plan or reason for my being that is not known to me or more than what I think.
It is from spirit that many readings have in them the words from a loved one which support what they are doing in life, choices they make or offer guidance on instances which might be lived through and are coming up in the short term.
While spirit never tell someone how to do life, if you like, how to live through or how to make decisions their input is valuable in knowing that each person has a number of spirit, energies or individuals of a guidance nature watching over them.
Spirit do refer to instances with information on particular events in people’s lives. They do this often to link to the evidence that they have been present with a loved one at the time or that they would like to offer input on those instances.
It is with their guidance and love that spirit can do things which support and inspire our everyday. Their means for helping our lives can be an aid in us achieving things which not only make our lives but help the lives of so many others around us. If you ever have been at a point when you question why you were there at a certain moment or why something has not occurred as or how you thought it would, often spirit know of it before you do and it will be for a reason.