Crossing conceptions.

Author: | Posted on: December 16, 2015

Happy Christmas!

It is the season of good will.  A traditionally accepted festivity full of love filled times as many will be getting themselves arranged for a few days with loved ones.

People can have a sense of the season because of their childhood notions of it, all the anticipation, the joy and the sense of what can be join in helping to give one a hopeful feeling.  Some will have notable occasions to commemorate along with the time of the season.  It is a festive few days for friends, for loved ones old and new.  It is at Christmas that many of us will be able to be with those we love or will think about those people who were and are important for us in our lives.  It doesn’t matter if those memories of people are from past or present because any recollections do serve in linking with the spirits of those same loved ones.  Good memories bring about a sense of what has been, in turn when you think on a loved one in spirit it is as if their arms wrap around you with love,  strong and true though to some they are those guiding lights unseen.

Know that this Christmas your loved ones do surround you and a little thought put their way will mean so much and more, for your love will join with theirs in making it a truly inspirational Christmas day.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a success filled New Year.  Mediums Network will be taking a little break but will be back in two weeks time.

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