Home circle.

Here is a summary of our home circle.

Home circle held on 25th November 2014.

November, and how it turned into a link, a piece of connective information which once researched meant something to two different but important men.  It was to be the last séance investigation we were to have in November.  It was a séance which was to be the basis for a lot of intriguing information and November seemed to be the link to investigate.

The séance sat without expectation for any occurrence as per each investigation members were to note any activity which appeared as unexplained.  The checks were made, the séance room prepared and the investigation began…

It was not long before the light in the séance started to dim.  The light which served as the only lighting in the séance started to give out light oddly, it was flickering and had a few moments where it appeared so dim that members questioned if it was on.  In the dim lit room members began to feel cool as if the temperature had been altered.  The medium said that a spirit of one male had entered the séance, he was a King, a rule which linked him to the United Kingdom.

Henry VIII (28 June 1491 to 28 January 1547) was King of England from 21 April 1509 until his death.  Henry VIII was his name and in the séance it was November he was referring to because it was a link which had directed his purpose in life.  It was in research linked that Henry VIII did have a connection to November: Act of Supremacy (it was in November that Henry becomes supreme ruler head of the Church of England) and it is a possible explanation to the November importance and the only connection to be investigated.

The séance was quiet for about twenty minutes.  There was not any noted activity, nothing stated as information and at the end of the period members were questioning if anything else was to occur in the séance.  A few minutes later and activity started in the form of a tapping.  The noise was heard twice.  The medium stated that there was one more spirit in the séance it was someone with the link to Sammy in life.  Samuel George “Sammy” Davis, Jr. December 8, 1925 until May 16, 1990 was an American entertainer.

It was intriguing as when the medium said Sammy as a reference the tapping was noted by several of the members in the sitting again.  It was a link to dancing that the spirit had, which could be heard, this is how members feel having sat through the investigation into spirit and while there was nothing visible, in front of where the members sat the tapping of feet could be heard and it was from the central part of the séance.  It was odd to note the tapping but not having anything visible to explain it.

Sammy Davis Jr. in spirit was keen to talk of an anniversary.  He said it several times and it was November.

Dean Martin he mentioned and then 20 as a number.  Check out me and Dean on the twentieth.  We were together.  After the séance research was shown to link that on June 20, 1965, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin performed together.  This was the show which was Energized By The Count Basie Band, And The Audience, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, and Johnny Carson Performing And Functioning As Emcee, Wowed The Audience At The Old “Kiel Opera House” In St. Louis MO. Johnny Carson Substituted For Joey Bishop, Who Was Incapacitated At The Time With Spinal Problems.

Sammy Davis Jr. talked of his wife.  He did not state the name but he said our anniversary is in this month.  He was insistent that this be checked and he also said the nineteenth.  It happened on the nineteenth.  Research was done post séance and Sammy Davis Jr. married three times but it was his second marriage to May or Mai Britt which validated.  May met Sammy Davis, Jr. in 1959.  They began dating, and, after a brief engagement, it was they were married on November 13, 1960.

The nineteenth of November checked out to be important for Sammy Davis Jr. as well, but not as a marriage link, it was still an anniversary as Davis nearly died in an automobile accident on November 19, 1954, in San Bernardino, California.

Rat Pack – and how spirit were claimed to be aware of what was happening in relation to them and their life today.  In the séance Sammy Davis Jr. spoke of one more name and that was Frank.  He spoke about Frank and said I was with Frank on the 2 November.  This was researched and it was a tribute to Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. was held on Nov 2, 2014 in Hamburg, Germany at Markthalle Hamburg.

Information talked of when the séance had ended.  The members sat to talk a little about who had appeared and information was looked up.  The 2014 link by spirit Sammy Davis Jr. had members questioning the spirit’s words and wondering if in spirit Sammy was with Frank Sinatra and present in the tribute held for them as he had said they were together.  Sammy Davis Jr. appearance is strange as evidence for two reasons, one being that his birthday would only have been about a week from when the séance sat and two as the medium had referred to him behind one of the sitters whose name is the same as Sammy’s daughter and whose birthday is only about a week away from that of Sammy’s daughter.  The link is an odd one and it was something noted.

The exact reference to dates by spirits was what intrigued me.  Often in a spirit investigation claimed months will be referred to but to have a date to go with the month and to have so many connections in the month where the spirit has appeared is intriguing.

Workshop of Hans Holbein the Younger - Portrait of Henry VIII - Google Art Project.jpgSammy Davis Jnr Allan Warren.jpg

Pictures are of Henry VIII and Sammy Davis Jr. portrait 1986 by Allan Warren.  Pics are taken from online encyclopaedia.