Home circle.
Here is a summary of our home circle.
Home circle held 27th August 2024.
Hi and Welcome to my Blog!
Every physical seance is different but there are important preparations which remain the same. A room is designated for the investigation into a physical seance and this is because it can be separate and closed off during the set and scheduled process. Seating is all positioned so as each member can see one another and fully observe all objects that are placed on a centrally situated table.
Each investigation into a physical seance is held in a closed room. Experienced members and medium gathered together and sat in fully visible positions to each other and all the objects in the room.
The medium closed her eyes for a few minutes and then began to refer to individuals in spirit. These were individuals in the seance and included younger and older friends and family members.
ORBS were noted during this time and could be observed as small, blue, round unexplained lights that were seen momentarily and were unexplained by any other environment or person based cause from inside or outside of the seance room at that time.
MESSAGES were given and these were inclusive of personality information, specific referenced answers, details about individual preferences and memories. Sitters could validate who the spirit speakers were and acknowledge the messages that were given.
The medium spoke about someone thought to be an Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (4 March 1678 – 28 July 1741) an Italian composer, virtuoso violinist and impresario of Baroque music. Widespread across Europe, giving origin to many imitators and admirers, he pioneered many developments in orchestration. He started a violin technique and programmatic music. He consolidated the emerging concerto form into a widely accepted, known and followed idiom. In the seance the person was keen to talk about passion and giving enough of what was needed to what was needed. Each category of effort might require a different type of work and style but what was important was to set and maintain the standard.
SUMMARY of the experiences and events led to discussion about what had occurred. There had been a jovial and light atmosphere during the seance and members had the opportunity to speak during earlier messages. The details and referenced information was validated by the appropriate recipients. It was emotional and there had been humour in the exchanges as they went between individuals in spirit and sitters. Collectively the seance was described by members as having provided different levels of emotion. They talked about it as having been an active seance and relevant for them.