Home circle.

Here is a summary of our home circle.

Home circle held 21st November 2023.

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Every physical seance is different but there are important preparations which remain the same. A room is designated for the investigation into a physical seance and this is because it can be separate and closed off during the set and scheduled process. Seating is all positioned so as each member can see one another and fully observe all objects that are placed on a centrally situated table.

Each investigation into a physical seance is held in a closed room. Experienced members and medium gathered together and sat in fully visible positions to each other and all the objects in the room.

ORBS noted, could be depicted as small, blue round unexplained lights that were seen momentarily and were unexplained by any other environment or person based cause from inside or outside of the seance room at that time. Several of these lights were seen in the seance to move slowly and nearby to sitters.

The medium closed her eyes at first and then gave MESSAGES that were inclusive of personality information, details about individual preferences and memories. Sitters could validate both spirit speakers and the messages that were relayed to them via the medium.

The medium talked about someone thought to be a Mary Ann Evans (22 November 1819 – 22 December 1880; alternatively Mary Anne or Marian), known by her pen name George Eliot, an English novelist, poet, translator, journalist and one of the leading writers of her times. In the seance the lady talked about friends and gaining her best ideas while out on the public social outings or simply observing activities. What you did with those scenes was integral as to what you wrote.

SUMMARY of the experiences and events led to discussion about what had occurred. It was of interest to collectively listen and talk about what had been important to individual sitter members and why this had been the case. Sitters were keen to say how the personal references in the earlier messages had been both relevant and reassuring. Events and experiences were claimed as having been provoking in terms of thought and sentimental value.