Home circle.

Here is a summary of our home circle.

Home circle held 13th March 2018.

This is a summary of a recently sat séance.  The séance is focused on the physical, unexplained activity that might be noticed during a set and timed investigation.  The objects, seating and arrangement of the room had all been prepared prior to the séance with a view as for an objective experience.

There were several moments within the séance that caused speculation and interest.  One of these was in the opened out, palm facing hand that was seen during the investigation.  It was as one of the spirits, a grandfather to one of the sitters, who was talking via the medium that this hand was seen across that of the grandson member in the séance.  The hand was seen alone and not attached to an arm but the fingers and palm were all seen clearly.  This incident was thoroughly thought about and investigated but there was no reason for this sighting to have been noted as of anything that could have physically been a trigger for it.

The medium talked of a male actor and singer in spirit, information was given as for someone believed to be Sir Harry Donald Secombe, CBE (8 September 1921 – 11 April 2001) a Welsh comedian and singer.  In the séance an anniversary was mentioned for him and the man spoke of an important birthday that he had looked in of late.  Secombe was a member of the British radio comedy programme The Goon Show (1951-60), he played many characters, but perhaps he is most notable as, Neddie Seagoon.  An accomplished tenor, he also appeared in musicals and film-notably as Mr Bumble in Oliver! (1968) – and, in his later years, was a presenter of television shows incorporating hymns and religious songs.

There was a reference to Duke, this was noted as important and then further information came in about a person thought to be Edward KennedyDukeEllington (April 29, 1899 – 24 May, 1974) an American composer, a pianist and bandleader of a jazz orchestra, which he led from 1923 until his passing in a career spanning over fifty years.  This gentleman was spoken of as smiling widely and keen to talk about the buzz of the band, being with the people he knew implicitly and trusted.  Respect was important for him, he was appreciative of flowers and a beautiful garden and he was keen to remember the antics of youth and the roar of the audience.  Cheerful and happy, he was seen as in the séance.

In the séance anniversaries were noted, speech was depicted and individuals referenced in spirit who were notable for their camaraderie and hosting skills with that of an audience.  Both were involved in participation with the séance and noted within the investigation.

The latter part of the séance was taken up with many references of children in spirit and it was as they were being referred to that there was a message from one about one of the objects on the table and at that precise moment there were pops of sound, though faintly heard, from that area of the room.

The hand was a major part of the investigation and one that had significance to that of a relative in spirit.  There was interest in the fact that there was no other explanation as found from equipment inside or outside of the séance room.  The séance did follow on from moments of activity to speech and then to references about specific individuals.  It was useful to be able to note what happened and when these incidents did occur.  It was an active seance and one that led to much discussion about what was seen and heard.