All you need to know on Spiritualism and trance begining.

In spiritism and also in Spiritualism the role of the medium is to convey or relay messages from those spirits (people who have passed over) to those who are still in this level of being.  The role of a person with this capability is an intermediary one.

It can be stated that the role of the medium is to be the intermediary between the world of the living and the dead.

Spiritualist mediums do so relay messages through numerous methods of either going into trance state and allowing a spirit to control and speak through their body directly or through automatic drawing and writing.

Spiritualism can have many classifications.  The categories of mediumship can be defined by two main terms: “mental” and “physical” with mental focused mediums being “attuned” to seeing spirits, words and symbols, the physically based form is aligned to more visually compelling evidence in the form of ectoplasm, materialisation of people, transfiguration of recognisable features, levitation and apports.  These apportations can come in the guise of objects which can be dropped into a room by spirit, or knocking on doors, creaking and bell ringing.  Ectoplasm is created from cellular elements and these will be extracted slowly from the bodies of those present within a sitting.   


The spirits who are able to give information also known by “teaching spirit” reference are entities who are devoted to channeling their guidance through whilst mediums are in the process of trance.

In the latter half of the 20th century, mediumship developed in two different lines. One type can relate to psychic ability also known as sensitives who can speak and converse with spirits and then relay what they hear to others. Clairvoyant Danielle Egnew is known for her alleged communication with angelic entities and spiritual beings.

The non-physical mediumship which can be evidenced is a form of channeling in which the channeler drops down or goes into a trance, or “leaves their body”. He or she becomes “possessed” by a specific spirit (spirit possession) which is not to be confused with any evil or malevolent form of activity, it is a form of spiritual dialogue which can then talk through them and directly approach relative or sitters.  In the trance, the medium enters a cataleptic state marked by unconscious sleep states or extreme rigidity.  As the control spirit takes over, the medium’s voice may deepen or alter extremely. The spirit answers the questions of those in its presence or giving spiritual wisdom, information or even philosophical depictions of life as it is known on spirit level. A widely known channeler of this variety is Mr J Z Knight, who channeled the spirit of Ramtha, a 30 thousand-year-old man. Others claim channel spirits from “future dimensions”, and this type of voice phenomena comes from spirits known as ascended masters.   

In Spiritualism, senses are used by mental and psychic mediums these are sometimes defined differently than in other paranormal fields. A medium is said to have psychic capabilities but psychics function as mediums. The term clairvoyance, which is used so often for instance, may be used by Spiritualists to allude to seeing spirits and visions instilled or shown by spirits.

The trance sitting and physical circle may be prone to conducting and using the energies of the mediums present to show an informative series of images or pictures.  The Parapsychological Association defines “clairvoyance” as information achieved directly from an external physical source. 

  • Clairvoyance or “Clear Seeing”, is the capability to see anything that is not physically present and seen by other people, such as objects, animals or people. This sight occurs “in the mind’s eye” or third eye. Some mediums say that this is their normal vision state but that opening and closing of the paranormal sense may be instilled. Others say that they must train their minds with such practices as meditation in order to achieve this ability and that assistance from spiritual helpers or spiritual energy is often necessary. Some clairvoyant mediums can see a spirit as though the spirit has a physical body.
  • Clairvoyance for some mediums means seeing the spirit with archaic or past reference clothes, suitable links to the era and appropriate terms seem to join the spirit in a perspective that they would have once seen or would have been seen by them.
  • Clairaudience or “Clear Hearing”, is generally defined as the ability to hear the voices or internal thoughts of spirits. Some Mediums hear as though they are listening to the spirit as a person talking to them on the outside of their head, as though the Spirit is next to them or near to the medium, and other mediums hear the voices in their minds as a verbal thought link.
  • Clairaudience was noted in both Doris Stokes and another famous spirit woman who helped many families.
  • Clairsentience or “Clear Sensing”, is the ability to have an impression or sense of what a spirit wants to communicate, or to feel emotions instilled by a spirit.
  • Clairsentinence or “Clear Feeling” is a condition in which the medium takes on the ailments of a spirit, pain or acute depression feeling the same physical problem which the spirit person had before death or during a monumentally encroaching time.
  • Clairalience or “Clear Smelling” is the ability to smell a spirit or their perfume, creams or hair spray/products. For example, a medium may smell the pipe tobacco of a person who smoked during life spans or smell a particular scent only known to them.
  • Clairgustance or “Clear Tasting” is the ability to receive taste impressions and food link from a spirit.
  • Claircognizance or “Clear Knowing”, is the ability to know about something without receiving it through normal or psychic senses. It is a feeling of “just knowing” and instincts. Often, a medium will claim to have the feeling that a message is coming into their awareness or situation is “right” or “wrong.”

Please note that all the above, but typically clairvoyance, clairgustance, clairalience are all seen in trance and physical circles.  It is well timed by spirit and preferred contacts are usually initially through the senses and visions which occur before materialisation. 

In Britain, the Society for Psychical Research has researched into some phenomena, mainly in connection with telepathy and apparitions.  According to an article in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, in some situations mediums have produced personal information which has been well above guessing rates or any logical reasoning ability. One of the more noteworthy recent investigations made in relation of mediumship is known as the Scole Experiment, a series of mediumistic séances and sitting that took place between 1993–98 in the presence of the researchers David Fontana, Arthur Ellison and a Montague Keen. This has produced photographs, audio recordings and physical objects which appeared in the dark séance room (known as apports) or apportations as they are used by spirit as a method to donate materials for study. According to paranormal researchers the circle setting, the red light and the production of additional item which appear in a checked and other wise empty domain are perplexing.  

The VERITAS Research Program of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health in the Department of Psychology at the acclaimed University of Arizona, run by Gary Schwartz, was created primarily to test the hypothesis that the consciousness (or identity) of a person survives physical death.   

An experiment conducted by the British Psychological Society suggests that under the controlled condition of the experiment, as severely over viewed by people who claimed to be professional mediums. There has been much investigation of sittings and circles.  The main conclusion is that the circle is the basis for much unidentified physical and spiritual evidence.

In a 1973 essay published in the University of the Witwatersrand medical school journal, “The Leech”, current director of the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute, Vernon Neppe proposed that the human personality has survived bodily death and concluded that that the “dead” have communicated with the living through methods. Neppe referenced A.C. Munday-Castle’s hypothesis on the neurophysiological implications of parapsychology; a timeless, spaceless universe in which all things or events do exist but in a more dormant sense, where drugs such as LSD may free the cerebral cortex from the “modulating effect of the brain stem reticular activating system,” allowing the cortex to run free. Neppe described a possibility that under such extreme circumstances the individual is exposed to a purely mental universe, independent of matter, this may overlap or be interlinked with the ordinary physical four-dimensional universe. Neppe also proposed that scientific investigation of parapsychological phenomena regarding brain function may imply an attempt to test the validity of these experiences.

There have been recorded circles which clearly evidence sitters lapsing into a state which produces intriguing results. Automatic writers seem to have much lower Alpha rhythms on the left division of their brains whilst being able to draw or note down messages from spirit.  This has led to multiple investigations in to seeing if this process is one which effects all automatic writers.  In circle when mediums lapse into a lower level of conscious alertness there have been recorded differences in their bodies which has been close to a known epileptic fit even though they themselves nor anyone in their families have the condition. 

According to Neppe, although the validity of mediumistic experience is neither confirmed nor denied by the presence of an unusual anatomical or physiological characteristic in the brain, there are findings that show that parapsychological element and phenomena are at least partly a function of the brain, and could serve to strengthen the hypothesis that certain people by reason of their individual pattern of brain function may be in a position more readily to experience a mental universe which is independent of matter and closer to a paranormal vision.

Some early scientists proposed that mediumship occurred due to the electricity, electromagnetism or a vital fluid such as ectenic or an Odic Force.  Other early psychical researchers who had investigated mediumship and spiritualism proposed that the phenomena observed in séances could be explained by a mysterious energy or force of some nature. The idea of ectoplasm was merged into the theory of an “ectenic force” by some early psychical researchers who were seeking a physical and scientific explanation for reports of psychokenisis in seances.  Count Agenor de Gasparin, attempted explanation of the phenomena of table turning, floating and tapping during séances. Ectenic force was named by de Gasparin’s colleague M. Thury, a professor of Natural History who was at the Academy of Geneva. Between them, de Gasparin and Thury conducted a number of experiments in ectenic force.


Spiritualists though believe that phenomena produced by mediums (both mental and physical mediumship) are the result of external spirit agencies whose energies are capable of helping to show their existence in a physical mode.

Whilst there are many theories, practical methodologies by Scientists and conclusions as to how phenomena can come into our arena of life there is still undoubtedly the factor that inexplicable and sometimes mystical events overshadow any known or rational explanations.  Spirit are occasionally able through their own specific abilities to answer these questions far better and efficiently than we or those on this level ever can.