Mystic wonders of the world.

Author: | Posted on: September 12, 2012

Today I would like to talk to you about a topic that has caused much intrigue, imaginative tale to flow and a touch of mystical wonder to infiltrate into the human psyche.  I would like to broach the subject of fairies and to give to you a personal experience from one person’s encounter into this arena of astoundment.  

There are definitive stories, hyperbole filled notions and works of imaginations, interwoven historical beliefs and still there is a question regarding the fact or fiction about these fairy tales.  As much a part of the English heritage as scones and cream spreads these much loved personal incidents which have led humans and fairies to come into contact are a built in cultural backbone of the nation.  England, Scotland and Ireland are filled around every corner with sites and active legends about these quaint and curious figures who far from fiction seem to have more than a tad of reality to their nature…this article is there to show you that there is a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow and it is there just waiting for you to find it. 

Fairies or Fay: A Fairy (also can be alluded to by the names faery, faerie, fay or fae are metaphorically
 wee folk, good folk or fair folk or people of peace).  They are a people of metaphysical state, mythical 
in folk lore, people of legend and a so-named form of spirit.  Supernatural or preternatural, these legendary
form are widely associated with heavily wooded fields or forests and this is partially due to the belief that
this is because there is more habitat in to stay concealed.
Ethereal and awe-inspiring these points of discussion have come into the spoken language through many
interpretations such as gnomes, elves, leprechauns and their elaborate method of special survival also has
sprouted up along with the Western beliefs about these fairy beings.  The word fairy originates from Middle
English (Fayreye Feirie) and comes from the Old French (now known to be Faeerie) in Latin they come with
the belief and root claimed to form from one of the Fates hence the fairy signifies a sense of guardianship
which they bestow and from Spanish and Portuguese comes the term Fata or fada in relation to these
The suffix of erie was added to Faie- erie then was added on to a word in English to explain a job
where something could be retrieved and involved such as Fishery, or a job where one particular
reputed trading was known and consequently this was found to lead on to the term Wizardry.
Shapeshifting rumours around the Selkie or Kelpie often relates to the fairy who can in mystical
form vanish and reappear in a new skin and overall appearance, black dogs are one such animal
which is said to be a typical shape shifting persona. The Irish banshie or Irish Gaelic Bean Si
or Scottish Gaelic Bean Shith Sprites or Brownie i.e. Barghest or Elf are well known to be
misktaken for ghosts or seen at times when an event is to take shape.  These reputed incidents
are claimed to have followed on from witnessing one of these visual energies.  Elementals are also
another referenced classified word by which the fairy is known in Alchemey.  The Sylphs, elementals
or fairy are said to belong to the Otherorld in which the sidhie thrive.
In Celtic faith and culture there is the Unseelie and Seelie courts which establish an order just beyond
the roaming hills in the Country’s green lands of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.  These coutrs
are abound with the wee folk from whom much concealment of their whereabouts is undertaken.
It is said by Celtic culture that it was the marrauding armies of old who came in and caused these
peaceful folk to retire and retreat to the underground mounds of the countryside.
If ever you should set foot on Irish, Scottish or English soil then it is to meet with encounters
and beliefs about these little colourful individual sprites who live in gardens and woods.  The historical
notion on wing span and size had differed over the years with early depictions clearly showing them to
be large spectres with features and giant perspectives…thus it contrasts with the generally accepted
view that the faries who flit in fields and favour plant covers are ones with insect proportional averages
and have wing spans that do not exceed a few centermeters.  
It is said children are most closely associated to the other world and the spirit world and this is due
simply to the connections they shared there not long before the time of their births.  It is therefore
easier for them to still see spirit and other energies, these can sometimes be referred to namely by
them as invisible buddies or friends.  There is so much which lies just beyond the veil that it is not hard
to understand the joy and contentment which comes from a child when they come into their first vision
of such paranormals.
One John Fraser of Scotland was one such historical individual who has been written about in attempts
to try to outline what he saw one fateful evening.  It had long been stated that Millers and men who worked
in the mills helping to mix the grain for bread did so on a daily basis with fairy companions.  Whilst this
was believed in pre-Victorian England it also had to be said that a lot of these statements were quickly
followed with warnings about the intentions of such fairies.  People were not encouraged to look at them
nor talk with them.  The mill was supposed to be enchanted or protected as long as this faith was held.
Yet late one night it was one John Fraser who sat up and feigned off sleep so that he could get a glimpse
of the wee folk and for sure that was what he saw.  In his reports the morning after it was as he sat
widely alert that he started to pick up activity in the line of sight and spotted movement.  At feeling 
apprehenive he pulled back but soon looked at the many folk who small in size came into his building
and began to attempt to operate the machinery.  At last he built up the bravery to take a step towards
the species of living thing he had not recognised and on seeing him one female energies with wings gave
to him a hand full of grain and said to put that into his container and that his source of food would never
run dry.  Despite his efforts to tell people of his venture with the little people the evening before it was
as expected not taken easily but one factor rested as a means of discussion and that being the flour machine
being kept at full capcity and running as a business many years after.      

Children are reputed to have an easier ability to come into meeting, whether it be accidental or purposefully intentional and consciously chosen on the part of the fairies, even as fairies are known to like to cover their paths they still serve to populate cultural and oral anecdotes about such meetings.  It was in one school where a greeting of the two child and fairy was attested to have formed.  At lunch break and in the heavily and dense tree clad gardens, two girls would regularly go to the same overgrown and remote location.  It was the same each lunch break until a teacher avidly started to watch the two.  In watching as the girls would slowly approach it seemed strangely apparent that neither would go to play with the other children and favour the cover of the leaves but more suspiciously was the process by which each girl would make believe that there was a third yet not visible person sitting at their imaginary kitchen table with them.  Guarding her steps the teacher quietly looked about her and waited sure in her thoughts that there was nothing more to the playing than the imaginations of the two children, but it was not long before as the girls raised their make believe cups of coffee that the leaves stirred and it looked unfathomably like a third small but focused body joined them.  It was not something accepted by the teacher and so as she decided to take a move towards the group it was almost as if the girls had already been notified on listening to their little visitor they both looked out and met eyes with her, a blank look on their faces and a shrugging to her probes about what they were doing.  With not more than her probable accidental and mistaken sights she pretended that the incident had not been but when again the next lunch took the girls out of their ways and to a partially hidden area of the school garden and wit h the lack of any other people close by, that coupled with the testimony of any including herself who when near to that patch of the grass who claimed that an overwhelming joy and sense of peace took over..all the evidence put together could not help but mystify and leave the lady wondering at just what lay and enticed the little girls so vehemently.     

There are many literary connections with the fairy beings.  Throughout history there has been multiple efforts to chart and note a documented version of fairy visitation.

Novels to poetical verse has been enriched with lines which have endeavoured to capture and portray how people referred to accounts with the little people.

Rudyard Kipling – well known for the children’s books he produced; acclaimed for his writing wrote about fairy plights. 

Shakespeare – King Oberon was his own independent vision of what was so ripely talked of and speculated about through notoriety. 

1. King Arthur was said to have been crowned in the ‘Land of the faries’

2. J. M. Barrie famously noted his helpful but mischievously sprite, aka Tinkerbell

3. William Blake was a prolific poet who always penned his views on the fairies he saw in the overgrowth.

4. Irish Folklore is based in its deep stated analogue about the fairy world. 

5. The Brothers Grimm reportedly had used the term Fairy in a number of moments thorough their work and due to the feeling that it might not have strict German roots replaced all usage with the words Wise Woman or Enchantress.

Fairies are arguably the most heard of physical formation of something preternatural.  Together with their many enchanting attributes they have been beautifully embedded in to the conscious of the public.  Your means of seeing these faries is through posession of an open mind and an open heart.

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