How spirit energies implement themselves.

Author: | Posted on: August 14, 2013

Recently there have been a lot of comments sent into the site regarding where the ideas for the articles come from and how the subject matter is formulated.

The whole website is if you like run by spirit for people to understand more about what spirit do and how they are still a part of lives.

The website is dedicated to spirit and to loved ones.  In relaying events, experiences and investigations in finding out more about spiritual presence it also expands what we know.

Spirit are at the heart for all decisions on the article matter, how it will be presented and what is included.  When a medium talks about receiving a message from spirit it is usually from one of three routes including sight seeing spirit, hearing spirit or feeling a sense towards an entity and what they want to say.

A medium may use all three channels or be sensitive in the three classifications with an ability of linking names and vital attributes of a person who has passed.

For the use on this site when writing I utilise both vision and spirit contact.

All the articles are there because an entity wants to express words on that chosen topic.  With the main title given I will then use either autowriting where spirits will dictate what is written or try to capture as close as possible the wishes of the individual.

The website is to help clear definitions of spirit and to provide solid foundation for further conviction on survival of the spark of what makes someone who they are.

It is a blend of special effort between us and spirit that makes the website what it is.  We of course welcome stories and even posts from you the readers and will add these to this section of the site to be shared and read by thousands across the world in the aim to touch the heart of everyone and open out a broaching of the reality that the spirit lives on.

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