Crossing conceptions.

Author: | Posted on: April 20, 2016


A spirit reading is often a one to one sitting with a recipient of a message and the medium.  There will be a three way channel between medium, sitter and spirit of the person who comes through to give a message.  It is not always a three way channel as occasionally there will be more spirits in evidence, and sometimes beloved pets will make a link to someone in a reading.  There will generally be a main spirit who speaks but there could be more than one individual in spirit who would like to link with someone and these can be noted by appearance or image reference, information links and memories.

The purpose of a reading is to give any message that a spirit may like to pass on to the recipient or recipients.  Many responses to the information links in a reading maybe experienced and often evidence that is validated by the recipient will be useful for their own life.

A reading is an opportunity to have a union or talk with someone who has passed.  Rather like a long distance call, a reading is something that joins people from two sides of life with links about who someone was, what they think, feel and see as important.  There can be a Q and A where recipients may ask spirits and they answer on certain issues but often spirits will themselves influence what is passed on and is experienced in a reading.

A validated reading is a means for comfort and information, it can indicate a survival of the spirit after a passing.  Each reading is individual.  References, images and even the way of linking to someone will differ according to who the spirit is and because they would like to reassure someone their influence in how a message is passed on is significant.

In any reading the most important part is confirmation, validation of the information given.  Links should be acknowledged, information accurate as for who the spirit was in life and if a partial reference is not known it should be noted down for later validation.  A reading is something that no one can predict.  It is a few minutes of insightful and often inspirational evidence about survival of spirit.

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