Home circle.

Here is a summary of our home circle.

Home circle held on 10th March 2015.

In life if we live as we do everyday we never know what tomorrow could bring.

The above quote is taken from reported spirit speech in the séance.  This last séance was one which focused on one spirit, that of a male, he was the active claimed spirit responsible for activity, links and speeches noted in the investigation.

Richard I (8 September 1157 – 6 April 1199) was King of England from 6 July 1189 until the time of his death.  He ruled as Duke of Normandy (as Richard IV), Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Gascony, he was Lord of Cyprus, Count of Poitiers, Count of Anjou, Count of Nantes, Count of Maines and Overlord of Brittany at various times during the same period.

It was Richard I who is believed is the spirit referred to as the link for what occurred in the séance.  The medium spoke of a male spirit in the investigation.  There was a male, she said, who was used to leading his men and to fighting across many lands.  He was someone who tried to do what was right, had to live by rules set for him for a while in his life but was someone who had learned that you should not live by practice but by belief.  Life was not always easy or how he was best placed to live it and he now attested to life being a reason to practice a code of belief for the good of every man.  It was interesting as this was being said not only did members in the séance claim a sense of coolness around them but the whole room grew extremely cooler that it had been moments ago.  The medium started to refer to the male spirit’s appearance, she talked of his referral to Normandy, to his looks, his height which was tall, his expressive facial appearance and his clothing.  The information was noted and as this was written, blue orbs were seen, these little blue lights were observed by a number of the sitters all around the séance.

Richard I was the third of five sons of King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was known by the title of Richard Cœur de Lion or Richard the Lionheart because of his reputation as a great military leader, he was a warrior and a man who is reported as one who balanced his love of literature with a loving passionate aim for the fight for the lives of those he led.  The Muslims called him by Melek-Ric (King Richard) or Malek al-Inkitar (King of England).

In the séance there was a lot of temperature activity claims from members who referred to the onset of freezing blasts of air.  These mini cool moments would last for about two to three minutes and did often occur as or after the medium had spoken.  There was no explained reason for why they were noted.  The room itself has no equipment to cause temperature fluctuations and there is nothing placed outside of the séance room which could be linked to what happened.  With the door closed and the séance in progress it was odd that the temp fluctuated so often and for short periods of time of after which every time everything returned to a balanced temperature.

Richard I was spoken of by the medium as the leader of hearts.  In research he is known as Richard the Lionheart.  It was as he was referred to by the medium that his ability to be brave was mentioned, it was, the medium said as if he could go from one ordinary man one minute to a man of vision the next, he wrote a lot of his thoughts on life.

The medium referenced the spirit as a man who fought for his men, his reputation and his life.  You can not always be liked, seldom always be loved but in life you must do away with thoughts on what you should do and only be what you believe you have to be.

The light in the séance did turn on and off and this was once half way through the séance, and as the medium talked of a reference to Richard I and his passing.

The anniversary for Richard I passing date is not too long in timing from that of when the séance sat.  The speech of Richard I was an interesting one, at first voices were noted by members in the séance, it appeared as if two men were talking but from a distance but the location of the voices also did seem to be in the corner of the room.

There was no explanation for the voices but it was then the medium spoke with a somewhat male voice and referred to life, In life if we live as we do everyday we never know what tomorrow could bring.  The quote was an interesting one as when it finished once again there seemed to be odd activity noted in that of blue lights being seen, one sitter claimed something being observed to one part of the séance and an image of a man in full with a sword was stated as being seen by another member.

While the sightings were only detected by singular accounts, the quote itself was interesting as in life research has shown that Richard I did like to take chances, he was one who did rarely live each day as lived the day before and this was something which divided his public’s views on him and how he lived his life in leadership of his people.

It was an interesting séance and an opportune moment to refer to longer periods of unexplained physical activity.  Richard I was a man who is reported to have led by example and while there are divided opinions on him as a leader, as a spirit, there were a lot of physical links to research and investigate.