Home circle.

Here is a summary of our home circle.  When we sit to investigate and further our comprehension of those energies who have passed it is never with any expectation or forethought but more an open mind and heart to what is shown and it is with a level of trust along with faith that people can come through.

Home circle held on 16 September 2014.

Please read on for one of the most intriguing and controversy filled séances to have ever have been investigated.

This is the séance where upon a spirit was noted, seen and heard.  A séance is sat in an attempt to note or observe what happens.  Nothing should be noted other than what occurs in the time of the séance and notes of the circle are based on what members feel or can collectively note as having occurred.

It was on sitting that the mediums became aware of spirit they claimed was female and someone who had something they would like to be noted.  One medium talked of her appearance stating that she was pretty and kept referring to appearance.  One of the other mediums noted that she referred to a little boy and was sad about this but she also said David over several times and she was someone who had a life which had been filled with people.  The séance was cool as the medium stated what she could see and intriguing was the creaking which had started up as she talked and finished as she did finalise her speech.  The sitters noted a coloured streak which appeared for only a few minutes over where we were sat and for which there was no explanation.  The medium noted that she kept showing her final moments over and over but that what she was showing was a hanging.  As this was stated the door to the séance did something odd.  A cracking was noted on it, up and down the noise was picked up by several members and then on one of the sitters claiming to have noted it then the door sounded as if it was being opened but all sitters could see that it had remained closed all through those moments of the séance.

The physical observation was interesting and on asking for information about how what had happened could have occurred one of the mediums stated that the female spirit was positioned in that location and she had been the one who had made the noise.  The medium noted that she kept rubbing her tummy and that she could see blood all around that area on her.  Ruth was her name the medium stated and she was there because she had to be noted.

Ruth Ellis 9 October 1926 to 13 July 1955 is believed to be the spirit who was noted in the séance.  Ruth was stated to have murdered David Blakely.  The information which was linked to does overlap with a Ruth Ellis who not only appears to link with information but is interesting as her appearance on 16 September last is an anniversary referral to a court date held to look into what happened to her which also was on 16 September but in 2003.

  1. Judges are being asked to overturn the conviction of murderer Ruth Ellis16 September, 2003 … the Court of Appeal in London is being urged by Ellis‘s …
  2. Muriel Jakubait who was Ruth’s sister was due to speak out for Ruth.

The spirit in the séance remained for a while and it was in those minutes sitters claimed numbers of physical activity.  Sitters were able to note a sense of someone walking past them as their feet went as what they referred to as icy and they had a collective observation for a few minutes in seeing a blond haircut over that of the medium in the séance’s hair.  Ruth’s life and what happened continues to have a strong hold on the British imagination and research shows in 2003 it was referred back to the Court of Appeal by the Criminal Cases Review Commission. The Court firmly and decisively rejected the appeal, although it made clear that it could rule only on the conviction based on the law as it stood in 1955, and not on whether she should have been executed which is the reason it is believed by the sitters that Ruth came into the séance as it was the final moments of her life that she kept linking to through an image of what happened to her.

The court was critical of what was supporting information and the fact that it had been obliged to consider the appeal:

We would wish to make one further observation. We have to question whether this exercise of considering an appeal so long after the event when Mrs Ellis herself had consciously and deliberately chosen not to appeal at the time is a sensible use of the limited resources of the Court of Appeal. On any view, Mrs Ellis had committed a serious criminal offence. This case is, therefore, quite different from a case like Hanratty [2002] 2 Cr App R 30 where the issue was whether a wholly innocent person had been convicted of murder. A wrong on that scale, if it had occurred, might even today be a matter for general public concern, but in this case there was no question that Mrs Ellis was other than the killer and the only issue was the precise crime of which she was guilty. If we had not been obliged to consider her case we would perhaps in the time available have dealt with 8 to 12 other cases, the majority of which would have involved people who were said to be wrongly in custody.

Many people have aimed to overturn what was believed to be a mis ruling and in July 2007 a petition was published on the 10 Downing Street website asking Prime Minister Gordon Brown to reconsider the Ruth Ellis case and grant her a pardon as new evidence was supplied that the Old Bailey jury in 1955 was not asked to consider. It finally expired on 4 July 2008.

Though the British public as a whole supported the execution of what was felt to be a murderess, the hanging helped strengthen public support for the abolition of the death penalty, and this is something which is controversy filled but arguably a positive movement in law which was what halted in practice for murders in Britain 10 years later as it was that the last execution in the UK occurred in 1964. Reprieve was by then a more commonplace movement.  In the séance the spirit referred to by the mediums as Ruth kept returning to her preferred location and it was sitters who were sat there who reported feeling an odd sense at the base of their hairline and on referring to this several times it was investigated and found that their hair was lifting or raised for a few moments.  According to one statistical account, it was between 1926 and 1954 that, 677 men and 60 women had been sentenced to death in England and Wales, but only 375 men and a seven women had been executed.

A lot of information was taken from the spirit of the female Ruth in the séance and she was sad the mediums noted every time she referred to a boy.  She linked to several children in spirit with her and after the séance research did refer to Ruth having lost several children in life.  It was in the early 1970s, John Bickford, Ellis’s solicitor, made a statement to Scotland Yard from his home in Malta. He recalled that Desmond Cussen who had told him in 1955 that Ellis lied at the trial was something he noted. Bickford had kept the information to himself and it was after Bickford’s confession a police investigation followed but no further action regarding Cussen was taken.  This is odd because it is something that would have been the difference for Ellis in her own court appearance.

Anthony Eden, who was the Prime Minister at the time, made no reference to the Ruth Ellis case in his memoirs, nor is there anything in his papers referring to incidents of interest in his life but he accepted that the decision was the responsibility of the Home Secretary, and there are indications that he was troubled by it.

Foreign newspapers observed that the concept of something as the crime passionnel seemed somewhat difficult to apply to the British.

Ellis and what happened to her was something that became a link to English law.  Was how she was treated fair?  This is something which has been the base for many reports but it was her spirit sighting and reports from the sitters of the séance which had me intrigued.

The case caused widespread controversy at the time, evoking exceptionally intense press for both for and against and public interest was raised to the point that it was discussed by the Cabinet.  It was what her spirit did in the séance which had questionable links as Ruth in spirit was referred to by the mediums as moving in and out of the circle across sitters and that was why they referred to the senses of icy feet and that she kept returning to the same location as she felt trapped.  It does seem from what I have read on Ellis’s life as a result of the séance that many of the occurrences in her life had left her trapped and caught by restrictions of what was believed to be within the practices of society and law.

Having talked about what had happened in her relationship may have brought about a different result to her life and society’s treatment of what occurred as well as what was seemed to be appropriate law is what has made history.

On the day of her execution the Daily Mirror columnist Cassandra wrote a column attacking that of the sentence, writing “The one thing that brings stature and dignity to mankind and raises us above the beasts will have been denied her – pity and the hope of ultimate redemption.”   People were upset by what happened.  A petition was put to the Home Office asking for clemency was signed by 50,000 people, but the Conservative Home Secretary Major Gwilym Lloyd George rejected it.  One of the sitters who sat in the séance and who oddly has the link of the surname Lloyd was one who spotted the medium’s seat shaking as she referred to the spirit of Ellis and put over what the spirit had claimed.  The British Pathe newsreel reporting Ellis’ execution openly questioned whether capital punishment – of a female or of anyone – had a place in the 20th century.  The public, however, largely supported the execution of the murderess but were troubled by a lot of the facts of what went on.

It was the novelist Raymond Chandler, then living in Britain, who wrote a scathing letter to the Evening Standard, referring to what he described as “the medieval savagery of the law”.

It was intriguing to have the link to Ellis in the séance.  The spirit seemed to have many links to information but it was how she put this across through the mediums which held its own interest.

Excerpts and rulings of the findings from the court appeal have been taken from online site.