Home circle.

Here is a summary of our home circle.

Home circle held 9th August 2016.

A séance is defined only by what has been summarised after it has been held.  Experiences, anticipation and thoughts are limited beforehand because any investigation is unpredictable and one can not know what may occur.

Orbs, unexplained lights were noted.  These lights were seen in the séance as spirits were talked about by the medium.  Please read below for actual reference of what the medium in the séance said about spirit individuals.

The sentiment given in a séance is important because it is the links and information about the individual spirits who are seen that will provide insight as to perhaps why they have been noted.  It is the accompanying activity, the evidence, information and the interpretation of what has been experienced during the séance that can give a different sense of what has happened in the investigation itself.

Comedian, black and white images were referenced, as was a man who could make people laugh.  The medium talked about Julius Henry Marx (October 2, 1890 – August 19, 1977), known professionally and in the séance as Groucho Marx, he was an American comedian and film and television star.  An individual with quick wit and someone who is widely considered an innovative comedian in history, are all references made in the séance to this comedy spirit.  An affable man who made the most out of his life, the spirit talked about putting life through its paces as well as one could.

There was a distinct noise of tapping heard on the table in the séance.  This was interesting activity as there was nothing to explain why or how this noise should have been noted.  After this a blue Orb was seen right in front of one of the members.

Angela Isadora Duncan (May 26 or 27, 1877 – September 14, 1927) was linked to by the medium but as Isabella and then Isadora.  An American dancer, born in California, she lived in Western Europe and the Soviet Union from the age of 22 until her death at age 50.  She performed to a lot of acclaim throughout Europe.  In the séance the female spirit talked of how she lived life to the fullest that she could.  Life could be motivational, she talked about how it could be a means by which to give perspective to people.  Her children were important to her and they were her passion, she has met with them in spirit she explained.

It is in noting occurrences and information that possible explanations and overlaps can be seen.  The speech of both Groucho Marx and Isadora linked to how one should live life and this suggested that both individuals had a similar opinion or view point from which to talk about life.  It is interesting that the activity coincided with speech from spirits and it was seemingly as though the means of both talking and action were interaction from the spirit individuals.