Home circle.

Here is a summary of our home circle.

Home circle held 25th October 2022.

Hi and Welcome to my Blog!

Every physical seance is different but there are important preparations which remain the same. A room is designated for the investigation into a physical seance and this is because it can be separate and closed off during the set and scheduled process. Seating is all positioned so as each member can see one another and fully observe all objects that are placed on a centrally situated table.

Each investigation into a physical seance is held in a closed room. Experienced members and medium gathered together and sat in fully visible positions to each other and all the objects in the room.

Several, small blue ORBS noted, could be depicted. These round unexplained lights were seen momentarily and were unexplained by any other environment or person based cause from inside or outside of the seance room at that time.

MESSAGES were then given by the medium and were inclusive of personality information, details about individual preferences and memories. Subsequently individuals in spirit could interestingly converse with sitters and this was via the medium. Phrases and tones of voice altered and messages were varied, detailed and specific for recipients.

The medium talked about seeing a Happy Birthday message from a fun loving lady and this was for a Richard Burton CBE (born Richard Walter Jenkins Jr.; 10 November 1925 – 5 August 1984) was a Welsh actor. Noted for his mellifluous baritone voice, Burton established himself as a formidable Shakespearean actor in the 1950s, and he gave a memorable performance of Hamlet in 1964. It has been noted in research that he is widely regarded as one of the most acclaimed actors of his generation. In the seance the gentleman was quiet but pleased to talk about a love for his family and acting.

SUMMARY of the experiences and events led to discussion about what had occurred. Validations could be given as for messages that had come through earlier on in the seance. These responses helped to convey why the messages could be accepted by those sitters and while the personal references had a meaning for them, those more widely known of acknowledgements gave a better deal of clarity for the seance.