Home circle.
Here is a summary of our home circle.
Home circle held 19th May 2020.
Hi and Welcome to the blog!
Every physical séance needs preparation and the room itself has to be laid out with seating and positions that are visible to all of the members for the duration of the sitting.
Objects were placed on top of a long, central table. The objects were chosen according to the fact that they would and should not make any noise if not interacted with or touched.
EXPERIENCED members and medium arrived and took their seats in the closed room. The medium with closed eyes was able to relay information, in reference format, to the rest of the gathered séance. Personally relevant and detailed messages followed what were shorter periods of speech, used only for members’ validations.
NOISES were collectively heard and seemed to be responsive, in that they were noted in patterns of two each time. In the first instance, the noise came from on top of where the objects had been placed on the table and then subsequently, another noise was heard from above where the members were sat. Later on in the séance, the same sound pattern was heard again.
MESSAGES came in from individuals in spirit to various recipient sitters. Each person listened only at first and then if they felt it resonated with them, could validate the information.
The medium depicted the appearance of an individual in spirit and referred to his love for comedy. Research has shown that according to his birth certificate, the individual believed to be that from the physical séance is a Marx who was born as Simon Marx in Alsace, then part of the Second French Empire. Due to his place of birth, he was known as “Frenchie”, his parents were Simon Marrix and Johanna Haennchen Isaak, he later came to the U.S from France in 1880. It is recoded that he met Minnie in New York where he was working as a dance teacher. They married in 1884 and had six sons. One child passed in infancy and the other children were Leonard (Chico), born in 1887, Adolph (Harpo) in 1888, Julius (Groucho) in 1890, Milton (Gummo) in 1892, and Herbert (Zeppo) in 1901. Marx was an excellent pinochle player, a game he taught to his two oldest sons. In the séance, the gentleman in spirit mentioned his love for his children and an anniversary. Close to his heart, he kept his achievements and a fondness for laughter and good humour.
SUMMARY of the séance led to the earlier noises being discussed. There was no reason or physical cause that could substantiate why those sounds had been heard at that time in the séance. Messages were validated as relevant evidence according to the recipients who received them.