Home circle.
Here is a summary of our home circle.
Home circle held 17th September 2019.
Hi and Welcome to the most recent Blog!
In this most latest of physical séance sittings, an investigative and objective approach was taken as to how everything was prepared, noted and further researched.
It is not always easy to contemplate the how or why of an occurrence if enough effort is not taken to understand the environment and process of the physical séance. Objectivity is significant in all parts of a physical séance and as such questions were asked and efforts taken to ensure than even in the case of a personal message, how this type of evidence was being acknowledged or even if it was acceptable as validated information.
The medium and experienced members collated in a prepared and checked room. The séance was held in an area whereby everybody could be in full view of each other and all the objects that had been set out in the room.
MESSAGES were passed between spirits on an individual basis to sitters via the medium. These minutes of speech focused on detailed depictions of who the speakers were, appearances, personality traits and even phrasing particulars. Younger energies and older individuals in spirits were all noted as communicating and as having notably added to an extremely jovial and light hearted-atmosphere. Validations were needed before any of the information could be noted as evidence. It was important that not only could any intended recipient of spoken references be able to accept what had been expressed but also validate the meaning of the following messages as relevant to and for them.
The medium highlighted a in spirit, a gentleman who was seen to be acknowledged as an important part of the séance. It is believed that from the information given by the medium, the individual in spirit is a Frederick John Westcott (26 March 1866 – 18 September 1941), best known by his stage name Fred Karno, an English theatre impresario of the British music hall. In the séance, the man in spirit talked about the outdoors and the sense of conquering, that came in strong and happily. In amongst his loved subjects, animals rated highly, as did his conviction that to hold people’s attention in the entertainment industry was a strong achievement. An anniversary was referred to by him. His personality was depicted with laughter and punctuated with smiles. His maternal line was significantly spoken of by him and a love for the travels that he had taken in. As a comedian of slapstick he is credited with popularizing the custard-pie-in-the-face gag. During the 1890s, in order to circumvent stage censorship, Karno notably developed a form of sketch comedy without dialogue.
Notes were taken during the séance and research done after proceedings. Validations were necessary for any information that had been spiritually given. It was useful to be able to question the recipients of the particular personal messages as this gave insight as for how acceptance and definite validations were made. The links and references in all examples of spirits conversing with loved ones included a mix of apt information as for the now, events currently occurring, detailed memories of the past and certain terms of claimed meaningful endearments. Evidence as such was collated on the sitters’ experiences and expressed opinions.
Externally, as an observer, it was interesting to note how the atmosphere in the séance altered while spirits were message giving to recipients. There was an intent length of designated time whereby questions were not asked from sitters but only listened to and refuted or validated in accordance with what was being spoken about. This process helped to ensure that all information was accordingly investigated before being noted as evidence gained from the physical séance.