Home circle.

Here is a summary of our home circle.

Home circle held 16th July 2019.

Hi and Welcome to the blog on a latest and most recent investigation into a physical séance! A physical séance has historically been acknowledged as a formalised and focused arena in which to observe any unexplained and overt spiritual activity.

The séance started with members and physical medium sat in full view of each other and the objects which had been prepared and placed within the séance room. In an objective stance of proceedings, a person observed and took notes, as the medium went into a trance and started to reference spirits in full details of appearances and in certain cases, names.

Messages were passed from spirits to sitters via the medium. In these instances proper dialogue and personal speech formed as spirits of recognisable individuals spoke to members in the séance. In these examples of speaking, validations were necessary from the recipients to ensure that any and all information was indeed relevant and how this could be stipulated as accurate for them. In each instance, everything could be accepted as either memory based or personal known of information, by the recipients. There were particular references that had to be thought about for longer periods of time but after careful consideration could be definitively validated as correct.

The medium referred to a young lady in spirit. It is thought that because of the information gathered the lady in spirit is a Emily Jane Brontë (30 July 1818 – 19 December 1848) an English novelist and poet who is best known for her only novel, Wuthering Heights, which is now considered a classic of English literature. Emily was the third-eldest of the four surviving Bronte siblings, this was between the youngest Anne and her brother Branwell. In literary pursuits she published under the pen name Ellis Bell. At the beginning a physical appearance was described about the young lady and dark hair was hanging either side of her face. Consumption was referred to by her and an ability to breathe better. She was able to be with family and her sisters were mentioned by her, with this an emphasis on a birthday. Writing was more than a pastime, she explained, it was a way of socially being permitted into places that before were only imaginable. London was talked about by her and her brother Branwell was particularly alluded to along with his fantastic ability of drawing. It was vital to follow the opportunities when they presented and to have a belief in possibility because skills can only be shown, the lady in spirit said, if you put them visually out there into the public domain.

In any séance objectivity is vital to gaining a true picture of evidence. In verbal and audible instances, examples of a process of validation is necessary. It is not enough for the séance to simply gather the notes but research is also carried out after the investigation and further notes are then made about how, if at all, relevant potential messages or moments of spirit activity have been. It is at the end of this procedure that facts, summations and observations can all be collated into one summary of what has occurred in that particular physical séance.