Home circle.
Here is a summary of our home circle.
Home circle held 1st May 2018.
These are the notes from the most recent investigation into a physical séance. At the start of the investigation everything in the room was observed and checked.
Members and medium attended the prepared room and within the first few minutes the séance began. The medium went into a visible trance and there was quiet throughout. Messages started to be given from spirits to sitters via the medium. These were personal but validated references to individuals, age-related memories and experiences. Several of the members of the séance could receive the messages and respond in-depth to the information as verified by them. Conversations were also engaged into by the members with the spirits and it has to be said that there was a jovial and buoyant atmosphere during that time.
The medium referred to a male spirit, a Harry, an actor and singer. Film information was given and relevant links to a person thought to be Sir Harry Donald Secombe, CBE (8 September 1921 – 11 April 2001) a Welsh actor, a singer and comedian. The Goon Show (1951-60) was mentioned in the séance and consequently researched as a project that Secombe was involved in, he was a member of this British radio comedy programme. He played many characters, but most notably, Neddie Seagoon. Singing was referenced by him and he was in life an accomplished tenor, he also appeared in musicals and films – notably as Mr Bumble in Oliver! (1968) – and, in his later years, was a presenter of television shows incorporating hymns and other devotional songs. Oliver was noted as a name referred to as important by him and this is thought to be a mention of the film. In the séance the medium talked of seeing a happy, smiling face in relation to him and he spoke of the importance of finding a sense of identity in life.
A gentle, kind and creative energy was referred to by the medium and subsequently information came in through short informative links. It is believed that the individual who was referenced was that of a Richard Arthur Beckinsale (6 July 1947 – 19 March 1979) an English actor. He played Lennie Godber in the BBC sitcom Porridge (along with its sequel series Going Straight) and Alan Moore in the British ITV sitcom Rising Damp. In the séance the male spirit spoke of an anniversary and as a result of research done post investigation it is believed that this was a reference to the comedy programme Rising Damp which had a last episode on 9 May 1978.
The séance seemed to be active and full of speech. Many of the personal based messages had to be verified on a one to one basis but the more widely known of individuals, of which there were two references in the latter part of the séance, could be researched. It was useful to be able to note sitters’ responses to messages and if these resonated with them as poignant or apt. The members could note that out of the messages, people in spirit who were referenced, could be identified as known to them. In the conversations that were engaged in, it was intriguing to note how responses and even expressions altered according to as who was speaking at the time. Certain spirits had seemingly different relationships that could be noted in how they spoke and what they said to members. It was a definite point of interest in the investigation, as was the emphasis on how spirits were identified, seen to introduce themselves and give their love to those who could acknowledge them.