Home circle.
Here is a summary of our home circle.
Home circle held 24th October 2017.
It was a séance that was attended by experienced members and was held in a checked and closed room.
Objects were placed on a central table, members were seated around the room in a circle and everything was in full view of all those who sat. Noticed were sounds from around the room and particularly on the walls. Creaks and taps were heard but more specifically these were noticed because of the distinctive question and answer format that they took. It seemed as if on the inside of the walls, knocks started to grow in number. The medium referenced several messages from spirits and within this validations of information pertaining to individuals could be made. Confirmation of recent noticed smells were actually able to be given during these messages.
The medium talked of a female actress, information was referenced about someone thought to be Jean Mavis Hodgkinson (11 October 1926 – 14 October 2016), known by the stage name Jean Alexander, a British television actress. She was very well known to British television viewers as Hilda Ogden in the soap opera Coronation Street, a role she played from 1964 until 1987, and also as Auntie Wainwright in the long-running sitcom Last of the Summer Wine from 1988 to 2010. It was for her role in Coronation Street, that she won the 1985 Royal Television Society Award for Best Performance, and received a 1988 BAFTA TV Award nomination for Best Actress. In the séance the lady talked interestingly of spirit sightings and being seen. Several occasions, she talked of, as being aware that people had seen her in spirit. Loved places in life, she stated were no less important in spirit and after a passing children, significant individuals and locations were all the more so brought into the cherished thoughts.
There was a jovial and then a thoughtful collective feeling that members talked about as having in the séance. Investigations as for explanations of what was heard could not be found but the activity did seem intriguing. It was of interest that the séance had moments of awareness of noises, messages and spiritual sightings, but there were also latter times when there was a definite alteration in the attitudes of those who sat and a much more thoughtful, poignant atmosphere.
It was of interest that the latter noted spirit of the lady brought up the subject of spirits. As she spoke it was evident that she brought with her a light-hearted tone and this had a similar influence on those who sat within the séance. There was a lot of smiles noted from her by the medium as she spoke. In her speech she gave a prominent position to her thoughts on how family members mattered to her. In noting this information, it was useful to be able to look at the research and the notes from what was spoken about in the séance. Together the information, research and experience formed a basis for the notes on this séance blog.