Home circle.

Here is a summary of our home circle.  When we sit to investigate and further our comprehension of those energies who have passed it is never with any expectation or forethought but more an open mind and heart to what is shown and it is with a level of trust along with faith that people can come through.

Home circle held on 8th October 2013.

I have been invited to participate in an intriguing and somewhat exceptional investigation which focuses on parapsychology and how spirit interact through these blogs.

In order to fully invest and publish findings I am going to use this blog as a way to keep everyone informed on developments and fully summarise on the process of how in partnership with a number of experts we use this content as a mean of not only broaching into remote viewing and how mediums can use the method but how it can influence the ultimate speech and predicted validation.

I would love to help to aim in widening the subject of parapsychology so that its process of scientific evaluation can provide a base from which studies will prevail in looking more into the remote viewing effect on sleep projection and spiritual trance.

I believe it will be a representation like no other.  At the present parapsychology is limited by the courses which have already been funded and do not look particularly at chosen portions of physical or spiritual activity.

With this opportunity I feel that as unlike in other areas the reader should be at the heart of what is investigated, with evidence published and theories made either substantially proven or not, it will be a combined approach at developing comprehensive thought on spirit and the input they are stated as putting in during a home séance.  I think these accountable objective practices will definitely make this untried before, a published conclusive reference that will be one of its kind.