Exquisite trance and physical sitting.
Attended the Northdown trance and physical circle on the 2nd April 2012; in this sitting the question was put to spirit in relevance to physical activity. One sitter, unbeknown to the other members, privately asked spirit if it was possible to display a varied number of physical demonstration. As will be shown in this account, the sitting took place; and physical in question was given an answer in the most superb and intriguing of ways.
The curtains in the room were drawn and firmly pegged, the items were checked and with only the red light lit to light the room the circle began. With the beginning of the drumming the opening words were said and spirit started to light the room. Trance commenced; and it was during those initial seconds spirit started to show. With the members who were in trance; a coolness started to infiltrate leaving the members cold and with a breeze around them. Next, the first set of auras started to show. Each person could clealy be seen with a light surrounding them.
The singing bowl was chimed. In essence all that is needed is a light touch to the rim to cause the bowl to ring. This was done at the start of circle and all at once the temperature differed. One of intense icy chill turned to warmth.
Two native american figures were seen. One was of Standing Bear who stood with one medium. The other was of Silver Birch. Silver Birc h is the spirit control of Maurice Barbanell of whom so much was taught in circle.
The first medium to talk was with a spirit who was eager to take on the voice. He stated can you hear us? To which he went through with a speech on the importance of knowing what the physical was which was taking place. There were certain spirit who wanted to perform action. Spirit who wanted to empathize and help to stand in circle. It was certainly necessary for the mediums to be aware of the process. Trust your vision, he said and look to what will take place.
Following this, there was a flurry of taps. The sounds could be heard on the wall. A medium sitting on one of the chairs had the cushion under her slipped out. Whilst this was taking plac e other spirit were collecting. Shadows were seen.
It was clear that there were a number of presence, next the image of a Panther was seen and the name Peter came through. It was moments later it was realised this was Peter Sell ars of Pink Panther fame. Richard Henry Sellers, CBE (8 September 1925 – 24 July 1980), known as Peter Sellers, was a British comedian and actor. Perhaps best known as Chief Inspector Clouseau in The Pink Panth er film series, he is also notable for playing three different characters in Dr. Strangelove, as Clare Quilty in Lolita, and as the TV-addicted man-child Chance the gardener in his penultimate film, Being There. Actress Bette Davis once remarked of him, “He isn’t an actor—he’s a chameleon.”
Radio images were seen. Next, the implication that this man also starred on the radio. Sellers rose to fame on the BBC Radio comedy series The Goon Show. His ability to speak in different accents (e.g., French, Indian, Italian, American, German, as well as British regional accents), along with his talent to portray a range of characters to comic effect, contributed to his success as a radio personality and screen actor and earned him national and international nominations and awards. Many of his characters became ingrained in public perception of his work.
The next encounter was fantastic. It was seen by one medium, both the posture and then the message from queen Victoria, it was said by her the words we are not amused but this was with a German accent. Now, it was known to the group that Queen Victoria had no German accent but it was not known why or how appropriate this little encounter was from a certain Mr. Peter Sella rs. At the time, the circle knew this was significant, it was thought at that point that this message was given for another reason and though it was not known at the time, this same person used to dress as Queen Victoria and used accents as a way to bring fun and frolics into his impersonation. It is believed this is what he was doing in circle. Sellers appeared on The Muppe t Show television series in 1977. He chose not to appear as himself, instead appearing in a variety of costumes and accents. When Kermit the Frog told Sellers he could relax and be “himself,” Sellers (while wearing a Viking helmet, a girdle and one boxing glove, claiming to have attempted to dress as Queen Victoria), replied, “There is no me. I do not exist. There used to be a me, but I had it surgically removed.”
Next, it was shown, that this same person was involved with theatre. At fifteen, Sellars was a stage manager, usher and lighting operator. Sellars showed that he was behind the stage. After research it can be explained that this was true. He also offered the name and initial P with this role. He was also offered some small acting parts. Working backstage gave him a chance to see serious actors at work, such as Paul Scofield. He also became close friends with Derek Altman, and together they launched Sellers’ first stage act under the name “Altman and Sellers,” where they played ukuleles, sang, and told jokes. They also both enjoyed reading detective stories by Dashiell Hammett, and were inspired to start their own detective agency. “Their enterprise ended abruptly when a potential client ripped Sellers’ fake moustache off.”
The P which Peter reffered to is believed to link with Paul Scofield.
He also brought up RAF.
After looking into it, Peter was a member, he acted with the RAF. The Lodge clearly remembers the first time he witnessed Sellers impersonating an officer, after he pulled a squadron leader’s uniform out of the props. The band’s trumpeter first tried to stop him: “Don’t be a bloody idiot, Peter. You’ll get five years in the clink if you’re cropped.” It did no good, according to Lodge:
On went a false mustache. He parted his hair down the center, dusted it with talc around the temples, smoothed the medal ribbbons he’d awarded himself for campaigns he’d never been in—which was another five years, maybe—and clapped his cap on at the rakish angle which was how that sort of rank was expected to wear it. Then he went downstairs, me following, white with apprehension. I noticed his walk had even gotten years older, and carried an authority I never imagined Peter could muster. He threw open the door of the men’s bunkhouse and waited a second before he entered—even then he had a great sense of timing. . . . Then he walked down the center, eyeing them with quiet pride. . . . imitating impeccably the tones of a man unused to having his authority questioned.
How apt that Sellars, came to circle, and impersonated Queen Victoria so truely that the medium did not know and believed it to be her and only questioned the German intonation.
Sellers was a Freemason and belonged to Chelsea Lodge No 3098, a lodge whose membership consists of celebrities and performers, through which means he socialised with a number of other actors and comedians.
Physical can form in the most unusual of ways. Prior to the circle two of the members found a piece of paper which materialised in the most odd place, in a plastic bag which was recent and about to be used, it was a paper dated to 1998 and it belonged to a receipt one member had to a masonic lodge.
How influential, that this same piece of paper, came up from nowhere and related to masonic lodge, the same society that a number of the visitors and theme related to in that circle.
In relation to Sellars, once again, his identity came through with names, Cassie, the daughter Lynne had with her third husband, Barry Unger. This name, Cassie and Alison both came up during this visit in circle. Sellers’ only son, Michael, died of a heart attack at 52 during surgery on 24 July 2006 (26 years to the day after his father’s death). Michael was survived by his second wife, Alison, whom he married in 1986, and their two children.
Sacha Baron Cohen “In a 2005 poll to find “The Comedian’s Comedian”, Sellers was voted 14 in the list of the top 20 greatest comedians by fellow comedians and comedy insiders.[ British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen frequently referred to Peter Sellers “as the most seminal force in shaping his early ideas on comedy”. Cohen was considered for the role of the biopic The Life and Death of Peter Sellers (the role went to Australian actor Geoffrey Rush).
The people who visited in circle all seemed to have a connection to Mason and also to being instrumental in popularity. David Paul Scofield, CH, CBE (21 January 1922 – 19 March 2008), better known as Paul Scofield, was an English actor of stage and screen. Noted for his distinctive voice and delivery, Scofield received an Academy Award and a BAFTA Award for his performance as Sir Thomas More in the 1966 film A Man for All Seasons, a reprise of the role he played in the stage version at the West End and on Broadway for which he received a Tony Award.
The West End was once again showed by spirit. Theatre connections played up to the point that the whole circle felt involved. Scofield married actress Joy Parker in 1943. The couple had two children; Martin (born 1945) (a Senior Lecturer in English and American literature at the University of Kent) and Sarah (born 1951). It is intriguing to note that one of the members has just graduated from the University of Kent in English and American Literature.
The film which is to be next mentioned, is a result of the fact that an ancient symbol pattern came through. The circle could see King Solomon, and the link to Lollabrigita, an Italian actress who played Queen Sheba. The theme of Royalty and presenting came in the representing the Queen of Sheba as an ally of ancient Egyptin opposition to King Solomon of Israel.
Under the rule of King David, Israel is united and prosperous, although surrounded by enemies, including Egypt and its allies. The ageing King favours Solomon to succeed him, but his elder brother Adonijah (George Sanders), a warrior, declares himself King. When David learns of this, he publicly announces Solomon to be his successor. Adonijah and Joab, his general, withdraw in rage, but Solomon later offers his brother the command of the army, knowing that it may be used against him.
Israel continues to prosper under Solomon’s rule. The Queen of Sheba (Gina Lollobrigid a) who was mentioned conspires with the Egyptian Pharaoh to undermine Solomon’s rule by seducing him and introducing Sheban pagan worship into Jerusalem. Solomon is indeed bewitched by her, and the two begin living together under the pretense of forming an alliance between their two kingdoms. The king’s reputation is damaged, but at the same time Sheba begins to truly fall in love with him and regret her plotting. Things come to a head when Solomon recklessly allows a Sheban ‘love festival’ (in fact an orgy in celebration of a pagan goddess) to be held within Israel. In an act of divine retribution, lightning from heaven destroys the Sheban altar and damages the newly-built Temple in Jerusalem, and the land is beset with a famine. Solomon is publicly rebuked by the people; the High Priest and Nathan the Prophet disown him.
Pursued by the Egyptians, who were sent to finish him off, Solomon thereafter devises a plan. He lines up the remnants of his army on a hill, prompting the enemy to charge. The Israelites, who have arranged themselves to face east, then use their highly polished shields to reflect the light of the rising sun into the Egyptians’ eyes. Blinded, the Egyptians are prevented from seeing the chasm in front of which the Israelites have positioned themselves, and the entire army rushes headlong over the edge and falls to its death.
Meanwhile Adonijah, met with a tepid reaction to his coup, tries to stir up Jerusalem’s population by ordering the stoning of Sheba. Midway through this hideous display, Solomon makes a triumphant return to the city. Adonijah attacks his brother, refusing to be deprived again of his throne, but is himself struck down, there are a number of connected aspect which spirit highlighted. At Solomon’s prayer Sheba is miraculously healed of her wounds; as he resumes his power, she returns to her homeland, now pregnant by Solomon. The Templar who relate to this also showed in circle.
The circle were witness to another spirit showing of the Knight’s Templar, which was an uncanny resembalance showed to highlight banking themes of the sitting. The Templar were original founders of Banking, instigating loans.
The templar put in place an order where people could deposit money in a Templar’s house and were given a coded receipt in lieu and taken when they were travelling so they had no need to take a lot of cash. Templar’s houses had branch and positions all over so that people could produce receipts and receive their cash, there was also a charge for this and it was a version of banking. The Templars in a way put up the first banking system and showed a system which could loan money and if it was not given as it should be on the date they could take lands and castle by means of paying back. This society was also originally built to help show a protection for King Solomon and was devised on the plot of where the King’s temple was. It was this pregnancy of Queen of Sheb a and the regalia that was noted in circle.
During filming in Madrid, the original star of the film, Tyrone Power, died of a heart attack after a gruelling duel scene with George Sanders. (The two had also filmed a sword fight in the 1942 film The Black Swa n.) Yul Brynner took over the role, though Power can still be seen in long shots. The film is probably most noted for an orgy scene featuringSheba (Lollobrigida) which was extremely licentious forHollywood motion pictures of that era.
It was noted by the members that this link was featured by spirits.
The Presidents: There was a moment in circle were politics became vital. Everywhere was newspapers and policy. Names of three were mentrioned. Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was the 16th President of the United States, serving from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. He successfully led his country through a great constitutional, military and moral crisis – the American Civil War – preserving the Union, while ending slavery, and promoting economic and financial modernization. Reared in a poor family on the western frontier, Lincoln was mostly self-educated. He became a country lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, and a one-term member of the United States House of Representatives, but failed in two attempts to be elected to the United States Senate.
Lincoln was crutial to the United States, it was shown through circle that his policy and speech brought vitality. After opposing the expansion of slavery in the United States in his campaign debates and speeches, Lincoln secured the Republican nomination and was elected president in 1860. Before Lincoln took office in March, seven southern slave states declared their secession and formed the Confederacy. When war began with the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, Lincoln concentrated on both the military and political dimensions of the war effort, seeking to reunify the nation. He vigorously exercised unprecedented war powers, including the arrest and detention without trial of thousands of suspected secessionists. He prevented British recognition of the Confederacy by skillfully handling the Trent affair late in 1861. His efforts toward abolition include issuing his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and encouraging Congress to propose what would become the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
As the leader of the moderate faction of the Republican party, Lincoln found his policies and personality were “blasted from all sides”: Radical Republicans demanded harsher treatment of the South, War Democrats desired more compromise, Copperheads despised him, and irreconcilable secessionists plotted his death. Politically, Lincoln fought back with patronage, by pitting his opponents against each other, and by appealing to the American people with his powers of oratory. His Gettysburg Address of 1863 became the most quoted speech in American history. It was an iconic statement of America’s dedication to the principles of nationalism, equal rights, liberty, and democracy. At the close of the war, Lincoln held a moderate view of Reconstruction, seeking to reunite the nation speedily through a policy of generous reconciliation in the face of lingering and bitter divisiveness. His death was the first assassination of a U.S. president and sent the northern parts of the country into mourning. Lincoln has been consistently ranked by scholars and the public as one of the three greatestU.S. presidents
This Gettysburg link was also connected to Eisenhower, this was the second name which was mentioned, he also went to the place of Gettysburg and made important decisions there for army. His Religion was that of only what he believed and took no nomination.
Painting was a love, he also notably painted a portrait of Abraham Lincoln.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933-1945 not only showed his name as vital in circle but also linked with Winston Churchil l. After it was evident that these pair were connected.
New Deal was brought as a headline in a report in circle.
Giving the situation and current climate of our Economy it seems suitably significant that the spirit decided to bring up this connection. Roosevelt made a speech, the speech was shown in circle, about dividing a nation and a signing by the Government.
In his first hundred days in office, which began March 4, 1933, Roosevelt spearheaded major legislation and issued a profusion of executive orders that instituted the New Deal—a variety of programs designed to produce relief (government jobs for the unemployed), recovery (economic growth), and reform (through regulation of Wall Street, banks and transportation). The economy improved rapidly from 1933 to 1937, but then relapsed into a deep recession. The bipartisan Conservative Coalition that formed in 1937 prevented his packing the Supreme Court or passing any considerable legislation; it abolished many of the relief programs when unemployment diminished during World War II. Most of the regulations on business were ended about 1975–85, except for the regulation of Wall Street by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which still exists. Along with several smaller programs, major surviving programs include the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which was created in 1933, and Social Security, which Congress passed in 1935.
The date of this significant approach to a problem which is taking place now is notable. It is around the anniversary of such a solution.
Disability and physical forms were another theme that evening in circle. In August 1921, while the Roosevelts were vacationing at Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada, Roosevelt contracted an illness diagnosed then as polio which resulted in permanent paralysis from the waist down; this diagnosis has since been questioned. For the rest of his life, Roosevelt refused to accept that he was permanently paralyzed. He tried a wide range of therapies, including hydrotherapy, and, in 1926, he purchased a resort at Warm Springs, Georgia, where he founded a hydrotherapy center for the treatment of polio patients which still operates as the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation. After he became President, he helped to found the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (now known as the March of Dimes).
At the time, Roosevelt was able to convince many people that he was getting better, which he believed was essential if he was to run for public office again. Fitting his hips and legs with iron braces, he laboriously taught himself to walk a short distance by swiveling his torso while supporting himself with a cane. In private, he used a wheelchair, but he was careful never to be seen in it in public. Great care was also taken to prevent his being portrayed by the press in a way which would highlight his disability. Only two photographs are known to exist of FDR which were taken while he was in his wheelchair; only four seconds of film exist of the “walk” he achieved after his illness. He usually appeared in public standing upright, supported on one side by an aide or one of his sons. FDR used a car with specially designed hand controls, which provided him further mobility.
In the public mind,Roosevelthas been by far the most famous polio survivor. However, his age at onset (39 years) and the majority of symptoms of his illness are more consistent with another disease. That evening, in circle a number of spirit, showed physical links, the Egyptian rule with particular hereditary condition and state, the phyical condition of the heart which effected so many of the actor spirit that evening and took them all around the age of 50 to spirit and the Houdini who was said to have a small figure and bowed knees, he came up towards end of circle.
Primarily it is believed that all the three political shapes of Roosevelt, Lincoln and Eisenhower were linked because of their rule. The three were intent on forming policy which would help at a critical time. This is also shown through their speeches, one stating that because rulers of the exchange of mankind’s goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated. Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men. True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence….The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.
Historians categorized Roosevelt’s program as “relief, recovery and reform.” Relief was urgently needed by tens of millions of unemployed. Recovery meant boosting the economy back to normal. Reform meant long-term fixes of what was wrong, especially with the financial and banking systems. Roosevelt’s series of radio talks, known as fireside chats, presented his proposals directly to the American public.
It is something to be said, this crisis is so similar. Next, Boswell was shown, the name and also Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, whilst it was not known at the time these spirits were joined.James Boswell, 9th Laird of Auchinleck (29 October 1740 – 19 May 1795) was a lawyer, diarist, and author born in Edinburgh, Scotland; he is best known for the biography he wrote of one of his contemporaries, the English literary figure Samuel Johnson, which contemporary Johnsonian critic Harold Bloom has claimed is the greatest biography written in the English language.
The next spirit, he stated to the circle, there was much to be felt that evening.
Boswell was also needed to show in circle because the surname has passed into the English language as a term (Boswell, Boswellian, Boswellism) for a constant companion and observer, especially one who records those observations in print. In A Scandal in Bohemia, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s character Sherlock Holmes affectionately says of Dr. Watson, who narrates the tales, “I am lost without my Boswell. In circle Sir Arthur Conan Doyle also speculated over his writing about Sherlock Holmes, and stated it was never intended to take on the direction that popularity had sought to be.
Edgar Rice Burroughs, this man also not only links with his name spiritually given but also to his connection against Eisenhower, (September 1, 1875 – March 19, 1950) was an American author, best known for his creation of the jungle hero Tarzan and the heroic Mars adventurer John Carter, although he produced works in many genres.
West Point was the environment which put both Edgar Rice Burroughs and President Eisenhower in the same touching point.
Under the Moon of Mars was also a written piece of Edgar Burroughs and also the name of a boat given to one of the three Presidents.
Edgar also was a war correspondant and worked as a reporter during the precidency of Eisenhower.
At the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Burroughs was a resident of Hawaii and, despite being in his late sixties, he applied for permission to become a war correspondent. This permission was granted, and so he became one of the oldest war correspondents for the U.S. during World War II. After the war ended, Burroughs moved back to Encino, California, where, after many health problems, he died of a heart attack on March 19, 1950, having written almost seventy novels.
Burt Lancaster next made a show in circle. Burton Stephen “Burt”Lancaster(November 2, 1913 – October 20, 1994) was an American film actor noted for his athletic physique and distinctive smile (which he called “The Grin”). After initially building his career on “tough guy” rolesLancasterabandoned his “all-American” image in the late 1950s in favor of more complex and challenging roles, and came to be regarded as one of the best actors of his generation as a result.
Kay brothers, this lovely link, was both the name of the circus act he joined and also the name of the leader of circle, Kay.
Battle of Bosworth, Bosworth once again came up in circle as the Battle of Bosworth Field (or the Battle of Bosworth) was the penultimate battle of the Wars of the Roses, the civil war between the House of Lancaster and the House of York that raged across England in the latter half of the 15th century. Fought on 22 August 1485, the battle was won by the Lancastrians. Their leader Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond, became the first English monarch of the Tudor dynasty by his victory and subsequent marriage to a Yorkist princess. His opponent Richard III, the last king of the House of York, was killed in the battle. Historians consider Bosworth Field to mark the end of the Plantagenet dynasty, making it one of the defining moments of English history; not only did Richard III al place as a Shakespeare play but also one which both Peter Sellar s and another of the spiritual guests acted in.
A Bridge Too Far, this name was shown in circle along with the name Arnhem. This is a 1977 epic war film based on the 1974 book of the same name by Cornelius Ryan, adapted by William Goldman. It was produced by Joseph E. Levine and Richard P. Levine and directed by Richard Attenborough.
The film tells the story of the failure of Operation Market Garden during World War II, the Allied attempt to break through German lines and seize several bridges in the occupied Netherlands, including one at Arnhem, with the main objective of outflanking German defenses.
The name for the film comes from an unconfirmed comment attributed to British Lieutenant-General Frederick Browning, deputy commander of the First Allied Airborne Army, who told Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, the operation’s architect, before the operation: “I think we may be going a bridge too far.”
The ensemble cast includes Dirk Bogarde, James Caan, Michael Caine, Sean Connery, Edward Fox, Elliott Gould, Anthony Hopkins, Gene Hackman, Hardy Krüger, Laurence Olivier, Robert Redford and Maximilian Schell. The music was scored by John Addison, who took part in Market Garden.
This link to the world war was used by spirit to show Sir Dirk Bogarde (28 March 1921 – 8 May 1999) was an English actor and novelist. Initially a matinee idol in such films as Doctor in the House (1954) and other Rank Organisation pictures, Bogarde later acted in art-house films such as Death in Venice (1971). He also wrote several volumes of autobiography.
This spirit was too a writer and one who was acting during the same period as the other spirits.
Born as Daniel Patrick Carroll in Cork City, Danny La Rue next visited circle, born in Ireland in 1927, La Rue was the youngest of either four or five siblings. The family moved to England when he was six and he was brought up at Earnshaw Street in Soho, central London. When the family home was destroyed during the Blitz, his mother, a seamstress, moved her children to Kenn, a Devon village where young Daniel developed an interest in dramatics.
Among his celebrity impersonations were Elizabeth Taylor, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Marlene Dietrich, and Margaret Thatcher. At one point he had his own nightclub in Hanover Square, and also performed on London’s West End.
This showing of La Rue is felt to fit in with a glimpse of the life of Peter Sellars shown earlier that evening.
Glasgow was then shown, as Arthur Findlay 1883 – July 1964 founder of Psychic News and Glasgow Society for Psychical Research International Institute for Psychical Research. This man was was raised as a Master Mason inPhoenixLodge No. 257 in Southsea,Hampshire,Englandin 1887.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was seen by the members to ask where is the cabinet, which he was used to seeing in circles. He was shown in spirit with Arthur Findlay.
Houdini was also seen with Arthur Conan Doyle. In The Mill Valley Masonic Lodge No. 356 has an interesting article on their website about “Masons and Magicians.”
Testify, this word was shown, and it was through this action that Houdin i claimed his affinity to Masons.
Houdini April 6 They first lived in Appleton , Wisconsin, where his father served as Rabbi of the Zion Reform Jewish Congregation. From 1907 on, Houdini would claim in interviews to have been born inAppleton which was his other birth day and on April 6, 1874, on the Gregorian calendar or 13 days difference from the Julian calendar (March 24, 1874) inHungary at that time.
Not only were Jewish links so vital that evening in circle, but also the date coincides with the anniversary of Houdini’s birthday.
It could be possible that Houdini was trying to show this ceremony of remembering his birthday as a way for his spirit to come through. His wife was seen amongst the evening’s events and it was a tremendous moment. The contortionist show of himself was seen and also it was around that time the lights started dotting the circle.
The physical did not end there. The chairs in circle shook. Also following the last moments where upon birthday messages were given to the leader of circle, the pictures on the wall all moved. AS the circle was brought to a conclusion, the items were checked and the Abacus had been touched, the balls were now in a new position.
The ringing bowl which was mentioned earlier also chimed during circle. So many forms of active physical. Spirit were showing voice, vision and visiting with links of politics and times of revolution, comedy during the showing of the actors who were so linked and new types of experiment with spirit.
This shows how physical spirit can be.
It was such a defined and ellaborate look at spirit. It is also vital to mention that Knight’s Templar is a similar society to that in Freemasons and that they started the first economic system and banks in along the same line to that of which we have today. Research has shown that the Templar started their system in the twelth century.
Pics are of Peter Sellars, Paul Scofield, Gina Lollabrigida and the same in film and President Abraham Lincoln, it is vital to note that he was one of three amongstwhich the policy and statement of banking climates and moral show as critical.
Pics are taken from online encyclopeadia.