Welcome to Children’s stories at No.44.
Welcome to Children’s stories at No.44
This is where you will find age related stories aimed at children from different areas of reading ability. Each level will have age appropriate stories with defined ideas, inspirational morals or themes.
Here you will find information about the different reading levels and how the stories will be broken down according to reading ages.
LEVEL ONE – AGES 4 – 6 These will be written pieces for younger children. Each story will have shorter sentences to help with reading and comprehension. There will often be reading aids, illustrations or basic vocabulary.
LEVEL TWO – AGES 6 – 8 These stories will be a little more comprehensive. Punctuation will be introduced. There will be in-depth stories.
LEVEL THREE – AGES 8 and above These pieces will be focused on children who have an ability to read more difficult sentences. There will be narration, stories with references to themes and links to help children think about what they have read.