Level Two. What do we do?
Level Two – What do we do?
By Michelle Lloyd.
What do we do? What do we do?
It was a question often asked by New One, R V and Little Herbert too.
For ideas about games, activities and new toys with which to play,
the three asked their favourite question sometimes several times a day.
What do we do? What do we do?
It is all right for you, New One would believe,
when he saw his Dad through all the traffic weave.
If I could drive a car he thought,
I would never need another game or toy for me to be brought.
What do we do? What do we do?
If only R V knew.
He thought his Mum had in life many a happy chance,
as he watched her doing something in the kitchen at a glance.
If I could make the dinner not a mess I would make,
I would have no worries about what to do and there would be lots of cake!
What do we do? What do we do?
Little Herbert with all the thinking was through.
He had thought about it long enough,
and had decided that life could be awfully tough.
No toys that they had or games had been good for them as once they had been,
New One, R V and Little Herbert with them did not want to be seen.
None of their high tech, high spec toys,
were good enough for the three demanding boys.
The three had gone to parents to ask,
What do we do? What do we do? Finding an answer for them seemed a difficult task.
So it was that in three different homes Mums and Dads had their say,
the three New One, R V and Little Herbert were given experience of their lives in one day.
Never so many a problem, or difficulty did you see,
as when the adult role was shared by New One, Little Herbert and R V.
One day in the lives of their parents’ was all that it did take,
for each in their own way to appreciate their things for their own sake.
Of instruction, rule and responsible thought they had each had their fill,
not out of any of them would that question be asked at will.
What do we do? What do we do?
After that day of experience all three New One, R V and Little Herbert most happily knew.