Level Two. Learn from it.

By Michelle Lloyd.

Little Herbert knew all about learning. There were different kinds of lessons in life though and sometimes those taken to heart best were the ones that left a lasting kind of impression.

A rather overly excited dog, a stray comic book on the floor and one Little Herbert on a dog walk all made for a sad, sorry experience. Little Herbert thought back to it and to what he had taken away from the moment the most.

It was later that evening of the nearly missing Lana dog that Little Herbert was approached by his dad. He had been so distraught that he had not talked about the event of Lana going missing at all and when his dad looked at him he broke down into tears again. Little Herbert’s dad did something he did not expect. He gave him a big hug. It had not been all Little Herbert’s fault, he explained, he should have noticed Lana taking him off and he had done well to call for aid when he needed to. Little Herbert took one look at his dad and found himself confessing all about the distraction of the comic.

It took a while for Little Herbert to calm down but when he did, his dad told him that as long as he had learnt his lesson, then he had achieved something. Little Herbert knew he had learnt his lesson. He had thought his heart was going to break when Lana seemed to have gone. He went to say that he would never get distracted again when his ad stopped him. In life Little Herbert’s dad told him that there would be many times when things may not go as you think they might but you have to do whatever you can to see things through, if things go wrong that is not always what is important, what matters is what you do in response to it.

Little Herbert knew he had learnt a lot that evening and seeing things through was about more than making sure something was finished, whatever he did he would do as well as he could and he had learnt that in life that meant a lot.