Level Two. Here or There?
Level Two. Here or There?
By Michelle Lloyd.
Dad was an absolutely important member of the household and as such he was a needed to be seen and heard. Usually, this was no problem but New One’s dad had recently had some disturbing news at work.
Having to have dad work away was going to be tough and not just for New One. It was a change from the norm for dad too. An individual who always had the heart of his home around him at the end of the day would be miles and miles from where he felt he should be located.
Nothing about the new arrangement appealed to New One. He decided that it should and would not therefore go ahead.
Getting into dad’s case was easy. It had been left laying about on the floor and could you believe, it was open? New One took this as a sign that he just had to intervene.
OUT went the overnight toiletries that had been recently packed.
OUT went the few clothes that had been neatly folded and put in.
IN went a rather hastily written note that New One had felt put his own case strongly in words.
It did not take long before dad called New One into the front room. This was where his mum, dad and even Lana the dog were all gathered. It looked like a full family meeting was to take place.
New One listened while dad took him to task about going into his case and reorganising all of his packing and he even grudgingly heard his mum tell him that throwing all the items on to the floor was a health and safety issue for them all. He deep down knew what he had done would not have gone unnoticed but he had felt it to be a matter of such concern that it needed to be brought to their attention. They could not have his dad work away. Did dad’s work not understand this? They needed him here and not there!
The thoughts that New One had built and built as his parents had rebuked him, finally burst out into the air. Quiet was had for a few minutes. Then, in response New One’s note was brought up. A quick look between mum and dad was had before an explanation of sorts came forth.
Dad explained to New One that of course his family came first and that work had assured him this was only a short trip away and not a regular occurrence. Even if his work took him a little further afield, dad and mum told New One, this did not mean that it was going to alter the significance of their family unit in any way. Dad was still going to have his nightly chat with New One while away, albeit over face to face on their mobile devices. New One could still tell him all about his day and any school activities that he had been up to, and as he listened he felt a little less like dad’s time away was going to take him completely away from the family.
New One agreed that he would help dad re-pack his case and this time he was going to put in a family photo and a few little keepsakes that could remind him of them.
In helping dad New One felt more a part of the arrangements and less like the business trip was something that had been forced upon them. New One watched dad leave when the time came with a touch of sadness but the expectation of a face to face chat with him only a few hours later.
The conversation itself was a great success, New One got to speak to dad and see his bed and breakfast room. Having a few minutes of focused parent and child time meant that New One could miss his dad that little bit less. They talked, laughed about the mishaps on the journey that dad had endured and they even felt a bit of excitement at the prospect of a family day out that they planned to have on dad’s return home. It all meant that New One looked at an adaption to the family routine differently and in making new plans it was that they forged stronger family bonds.