Level Two. Gogglebox Reindeer.
Level Two. Gogglebox Reindeer.
By Michelle Lloyd.
Family was a part of the Reindeer’s way of life and understanding about the many lessons that the subject could bring with it, was an integral requirement for all of the new trainees.
Trainee Reindeers learnt that being able to support those who mattered most was absolutely the glue that kept them all together. Being able to rely on each other, it was the difference between thriving or surviving.
At Reindeer Training school getting in line and synchronised walking was a subject that the class had a lot to learn about. If it was not the fun of the activity that excited the imaginations of the pupils, then it was the interaction with their colourful and eager trainers. The details on the use of where to put what and when, that had really got the younger Reindeers agog.
The synchronicity was all important because of the final practical demonstration that all of the Trainee Reindeers would be involved in. The individual Reindeer had to rely on their own unique skillset and as they would come into their own, displaying the ability they knew best only emphasised the potential in each of them. Ultimately though, it was how the Trainee Reindeers put all of those talents together, that would make them into a sleek and internationally renowned team.
One of the youngest reindeer was a whiz at many subjects and he always tried really hard but lately he had found that his attention had wandered. His dad had taught him that in life, if one attempted something and aimed as far as they could go at it, then a lot could be achieved. This particular reindeer had surprised himself on many an occasion, as he had achieved in spectacular ways beyond that expected of his age and he had strived to put what he had learnt to good use.
As they learnt about the distinction between themselves as specially chosen reindeer and the examples of how similar animals lived in the wild, the chosen lifestyles of each of their own family became a topic widely discussed in class. The youngest reindeer in the herd at this point found that his attention strayed and physically he walked over to where a light was flickering from the window of a house. After peering in, the young reindeer spotted a TV, something which they had only lately been introduced to, it stood on and showed a very intriguing show. The Million Pound Cube was showing all sorts of contestants trying challenges and it was like watching his wise dad’s words exhibited in front of his eyes…
All too soon the intrepid young reindeer saw gold dust, instead of mighty skill based challenges in front of his eyes. The gold speckles covering his vision instead of the host of his new favourite show, had been the work of one enthusiastic but regulation alert trainer who came to gather him and his averted attention, back again. The topic of conversation in class had switched from that of the trainee reindeer animals and family variations on to what their own skills from father to son and mother to daughter had provided them with achieving, and it was a legacy that had been to a certain extent, historically decided.
There were many features of family skills that the young reindeer was keen to discuss but he felt that one that set him apart was how his awesome dad had taught him that anything was possible. If only he could put those sentiments into practice he thought and then before he knew it, an idea came to him.
Reindeer Trainee school turned into a googlebox herd who excitedly watched as one young reindeer took to the front of the class. Before they knew it, the spirit of The Million Pound Cube had taken over and thanks to a few tips from a particularly keen young member of the class, all the reindeer got a go at taking on their own challenge filled cube.
There were intense moments of awe as reindeers scaled new heights and balanced precariously before making their way on to a next, more accomplish worthy feat. Even the innovative and colourful trainers helped in bringing out the odd ball or pole. The objectives were difficult but every time a reindeer student found a new skill at timing, balancing, mental or physical aptitude, it helped to show them that they had inherited specific traits from their families but they could display and develop incredible talents of their own.
Family was meaningful for each member of the class but what the Trainee Reindeers expressed was how significant an influence their own part was in the grand scheme of things. A particular young reindeer’s dad may not have had The Million Pound Cube in mind when he encouraged his son to go out and do his best at new tasks, but all the same he was proud at the active role his son had in the Trainee Reindeer family. It became apparent that each reindeer graduate had an individuality that made him or her unique and special. Each one was important to the herd and each had a means of making it truly inspirational.