Level Three. Time for You.
By Michelle Lloyd.
At school RV had been engrossed in a new important issue of an idea. Volunteers were people who could do something for someone else and often this would be in any spare time that they had available to them.
Some people donated their time or raised awareness about an issue because they knew they could be of assistance to a cause or to someone else.
RV, listened and liked what he heard. He was even more glad to hear of what their assignment, associated with helping out would be, because he knew that there was someone for whom he would love to volunteer.
Previously his friends and himself had witnessed how many animals needed helping out. Dog shelters and trusts were places that had been set up to look after those animals who did not have a loving home or any abode at all. Many dogs and other animals could be found taking up residence there, and this was because they were intentionally or through force of circumstance abandoned, neglected or simply handed over for want of better lives.
When RV heard about his latest school assignment the first thought that came to him was about the Dog Shelter where New One had helped out before. This time had to be different and perhaps even involve animals and people helping each other.
It was decided that the school would have another fund raising event but this time in honour of the season and several animal charities. Finding out about all the reputable animal causes in their locality was fun but even better when the school started an associated scheme to help animals, they also commenced a seasonal volunteer campaign to raise awareness.
Help out and find out meant that if you could give, even time or effort, expert knowledge or offer caring skills, these were all rewarded with animal volunteering credits. These credits could then be used in their associated schools as bonus achievements for work done.
Once again it was heartening to see how many people helped out in different ways. There were many who were suited to spending a bit of time looking after animals at the shelters or working on the websites for rehoming purposes. What really worked though was bringing people together on a school basis and helping to get the word out about genuine charities who needed volunteers.