Level Three. Our Lives Matter.
Level Three. Our Lives Matter.
By Michelle Lloyd.
History could be a very insightful and somewhat inspirational teacher. Little Herbert was not what you would call a history buff but he found it a skill to use his historical lessons for further thought about comparisons of then and now.
How many times had Little Herbert sat through a class on a major world event and thought Oh that would or could never happen now.
It slowly occurred to Little Herbert, that even with a little bit of thought applied he could see a pattern emerging. Injustice had in the past been a reason for political decisions and there were lessons that should have been learnt as a result. Motivation for leaders to act, react or lead by example seemed to only come after civil campaigns, mass marches or powerful press releases and Little Herbert could not understand why this was the case.
Having put his own conflict on justice out there for a bit of debate, Little Herbert raised his hand and the point, in his history class. He had seen the influence of a good bit of Q and A, so his particular line of thought had to be precise.
Little Herbert asked his class why it was that multiple and similar events in history surrounded the same objectives and that if this was ever a possible scenario for positive implemented change. The class went silent at that particular juncture. It took a few minutes before opinions started to roll in. First, discussion was had social matters, the means for success in societies nearly always seemed to have a part to play. Difficulties and challenges at differing times in history there were but hardly ever was there a one winning philosophy that had been a single, prevailing answer. On, the latter part of the discussion on how history influenced their lives today and if there could be an answer to many of the problems that they had encountered on racial issues.
As a community, in their own class, nobody felt isolated because every body mattered. Equality was not an ideology but a practical and demonstrated reality but that was sadly not always the case when they were out and about in wider society.
Many in the class thought it not impossible for there to be a superhero of a leader who could go down as a victor in history but then some felt that there was room for such a role to come along and indicate that lessons from the past had been learnt. Little Herbert realised that he had a response of his own to the question.
Victory could come from many individuals, each and every body who made the right move for a positive, social inclusivity. Tomorrow’s future is built on the actions and feelings of today and if one took that philosophy to heart then there could be every possibility for positive reform. How one makes their monumental and meaningful marks in history can be significant in what is achieved and what influence it can have on everybody’s lives.