Level Three. Old and New.
Level Three. Old and New.
By Michelle Lloyd.
New One was as at Lana’s side, as she was with him. Lana dog loved to do everything with New One and he was not too disappointed about this. Off they went to the park, garden, at work and play, the pair learnt together about nearly all aspects of life!
Lana was a puppy when they first accidently stumbled upon her and since then New One’s family had taught her a lot. She was now a proudly house-trained, family dog in the know, and it had to be said that this made everybody’s life a lot easier.
It was that Lana was out and about with New One on an afternoon stroll when they decided to take a bit of a detour and they ended up getting home later than planned. Dad, New One and Lana got back to the house with a bit of a prepared stance for Mum to tell them off but actually on arrival what they saw gave them even bigger a shock…
Little yaps, barks and yelps greeted them as the door opened and the suddenness of the new smell and noise had Lana backing out the front yard before they could even get into the house. What was going on? New One could not believe his eyes when he saw a very small and furry flop eared puppy there on the welcome mat. It certainly was quite some welcome!
As it happened, thanks to Mum’s explanation a neighbour had experienced an emergency and the little visitor was to be staying with them for a short while. Well, New One was happy about the piece of news but not everyone was as pleased…
Lana had a terrible time of it, jumping nearly to the ceiling every time the puppy would get near her and New One could not understand why, despite all attempts to appease the two with each other, every effort failed. Lana did not like the puppy being in her territory one bit and it did not help that the said guest kept helping herself to the accumulated dog’s toys in the house. Squeaking toys in puppy’s mouth would have Lana running for cover and New One quickly discovered that being a new body on an older dog’s turf was not exactly easy to get used to at all. The puppy had a few bad habits that they had already trained Lana out of doing and none of the family felt happy about how all the old ways had to be re-lived, but necessity demanded that everyone get involved, and yes that everyone meant Lana too.
Trips out to the garden for the toilet were needed, wet patches were mopped up and Lana had to do her bit by first getting over her fear of the new furry friend and then easing her out of her chewing on every bit of furniture she could find.
It was the least to say an exhausting visit and by the time the very happy, oblivious little guest had been picked up, the faces of the family said it all and the face on Lana was quite the picture.
New One sat with Lana and together they adjusted and reacclimatised to their old way of being with each other. It had to be said that the newness, cuteness and lovely factor of the puppy was something to cherish but then with it came a lot of responsibility to teach the more experienced lessons of life. Success had ultimately been theirs but New One and Lana both mutually agreed that they might leave it a little while before they tried that again.