Level One. Nurture.
Level One. Nurture.
By Michelle Lloyd.
What was nurture? What did it mean?
This was a subject about which many were keen.
Natural and vital, from the ground all the way up to the sky,
everything could do with nurture, it was a fact, but why?
Nurture is the difference between having that extra boost or not,
it could mean that a flower outgrows the potential of a pot.
Nourishment, feeding, water and carefully tending basic needs,
it can mean that to small problems one will not bend, break or concede.
If nurture is given then support can make an awesome show,
from the power of the strongest animals to the littlest plant that can grow.
Nurture, be it from an onlooker, owner or somebody else too,
builds something from strength to strength and beyond what one already of it knew.
Do not underestimate nurture, for it gives you the ability to give T.L.C,
and in doing so, you can create the most superb results simply and lovingly.